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students walking into school
Newsletter for employees of the Tippecanoe School Corporation
TSC Matters
A message of hope and encouragement
I wish you all a "Virtual Welcome Back to School" after our extended spring break! Of course things are more complicated and confusing these days. Teachers teaching from home. Students doing schoolwork in the living room. Staff working in schools without students. Lunches served out of the back of a van. Family members routines have changed. You're doing work in one location but mentally you expect to be in another. It's so confusing, like that bag of trick Skittles candy. Mentally it's like putting a cherry flavored red colored Skittle candy in your mouth only to discover that it's actual taste is really a piece that is sour lemon flavored. Confusing.
Mrs. Hostetler online with her class
In this time of confusion and complication, I believe that what truly satisfies and lasts is hope and encouragement. It is my desire for TSC to be the hope and encouragement to Greater Lafayette rather than contribute to the confusion and complication that paralyzes many people in our community. During emergencies of this magnitude, it's not hard to see the importance of public education's role in the community ecosystem. Steadfast. Calm. Hopeful. Encouraging. It is TSC's time to shine.

Please read this message of hope and encouragement written jointly by the three Tippecanoe County public school superintendents.

Keep shining TSC!

Scott Hanback
The Great Conversation update
Jamie Vollmer has temporarily suspended the Great Conversation email campaign. He understands many families are facing many unprecedented issues at this time.

The video series is still available for certified staff who need Professional Growth Points (PGPs). Click here for more information.
TSC Staff Recognition
The TSC Staff Recognition Night scheduled for Wednesday, April 22 has been cancelled because of the CDC limitations on the size of gatherings. We will recognize the honorees in another way. Stay tuned!

Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act
President Trump signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) in an effort to provide relief to those affected by COVID-19 and its economic impact. This legislation includes significant changes that make it easier for participants to access funds from employer sponsored retirement plans such as 403(b) and 457(b) plans.  

The following is a brief summary of certain key changes for 403(b) and 457(b) plans:
  • Required Minimum Distributions - Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) have been waived for 2020. This is a required change and has been implemented by TSACG effective March 27, 2020.
  • Coronavirus Distributions - Until December 31, 2020, eligible participants may take a distribution up to $100,000 across all plans. Distributions are not subject to 10% withdrawal penalties. To be eligible, the participant or their spouse or dependent must be diagnosed with COVID-19, or the participant must have experienced an adverse financial consequence due to COVID-19 (ex: furlough, reduction in hours, unable to work due to childcare, loss of business, or other factors identified by the Secretary of the Treasury). This provision is optional, and not required.
  • Plan Loans - Until September 23, 2020, loan limits are increased to the lesser of $100,000 or 100% of the participant’s vested account balance. Participants with a loan repayment due after March 27, 2020, may defer payments for up to one year. This provision is optional, and not required.
Employee assistance program
The rapidly changing COVID-19 environment may be causing an increase of stress and anxiety for everyone. For insured members and dependents Anthem is extending EAP services to help them through these troubling times.

Website:   AnthemEAP.com
Login: EAP Can Help
March - Mindfulness: our relationships
Do you sometimes get frustrated with others? Being mindful can positively influence your reactions and help you nourish more meaningful relationships. Read more .

TSC State of Mind
with Megan Ulrich
Despite many “flight changes” to our school schedule this semester, the TSC Conscious Discipline Book Study continues. Although postponed, the book study members will be continuing with Chapters 2 and 3 this semester. Also, if you are looking for resources on educator self-care during this time, see Yale University’s article about taking care of our own mental health as we continue to work with our students, with an additional PDF found here .

TSC State of Mind
#TSCINtegrate Award
The #TSCINtegrate Award recognizes employee efforts to help promote healthy living principles (nutrition, sleep, exercise, stress management, mindfulness, etc.) through personal example, influencing peers and/or students and/or serving the community within the Lafayette area.   

**EXTENDED SUBMISSION DATE**  - Nominations are due by Friday, April 17.
Click  here  to learn more about the inaugural #TSCINtegrate Award. 
Click  here  to nominate a peer for the #TSCINtegrate Award.

Annual weight loss challenge
Due to the COVID-19, the TSC/LSC Health & Wellness Clinic annual weight loss challenge final weigh-in has been extended to May 1.

Engage Steps Challenge
We’re excited to kick off a challenge that you can do with your fellow coworkers and friends (furry ones, too!). The challenge for TSC health insured employees runs April 6 – May 3. Enrollment begins March 30.

Walk with Friends is a social steps challenge in the Engage app and when you
participate, you can win prizes like a $100 Visa gift card, tickets to a comedy show and more.  More information .

How to join:
1. Download the Engage app if you don't already have it
2. Register or sign in
3. Join Walk With Friends from the home screen

TSC/LSC Health Clinic news
Holiday schedule

The TSC/LSC Health Clinic will be closed on Friday, April 10 in observance of Good Friday. Please remember the after-hours line will still be available should any patients need care during this closure. The after-hours line can be reached at 877-768-0082.

Provider update

The Indiana Air National Guard called Dr. William Bray to active duty January 15. Because of the current pandemic, his deployment has been extended to June 15. Proactive MD has lined up a few doctors, nurse practitioners and physician assistants who will be covering the rest of his leave. We all know Dr. Bray's leave is unfortunate for our clinics and members, however, TSC supports Dr. Bray for his service.
Defending against COVID-19 cyber threats
Covid-19 Phishing Graphic
Scammers are typically quick to take advantage of any opportunity to capitalize on a crisis, and unfortunately, our current climate is no different.

This memo offers a few helpful and simple reminders that go a very long way in ensuring your online safety and security.

with Kathy Nimmer

"Whatever you want in life, other people are going to want it too. Believe in yourself enough to accept the idea that you have an equal right to it." Diane Sawyer

I had a student who applied to MIT this year. He is extraordinary, both academically and in his character. His life has not been easy, but shadows of those darker times did not hinder his application to this prestigious school. This quote embodies his attitude. If the only factor that distinguishes him from others is belief, then watch out world! He's coming! He reminded me to believe as well. I needed that.

Julie Slunaker
Employee Name: Julie Slunaker
Years with TSC: 8
Position: Executive Secretary, Central Office
How this employee demonstrates the TSC State of Mind: Julie works very hard at her job and is diligent in protecting the best interests of the TSC.

Joanne Sprunger
Employee Name: Joanne Sprunger
Years with TSC: 22
Position: Second grade teacher, Wea Ridge Elementary School
How this employee demonstrates the TSC State of Mind: Joanne goes above and beyond every day, not only in her classroom, but to service the whole building. She organizes author visits and Scholastic book fairs.