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Newsletter for employees of the Tippecanoe School Corporation
TSC Matters
Anne DeCamp award winner
The TSC has awarded the Anne DeCamp Award for Creative Teaching to Lori VanArsdel and Josh Frauhiger, Physical Education and Health teachers at Wea Ridge Middle School.

VanArsdel and Frauhiger will receive $500 to pursue a Backyard Olympic Games project.
Josh Frauhiger
Lori VanArsdel
The teachers will divide classes into groups to research different countries, assign roles (coach, statistician, equipment manger, official, athlete) and then compete in a series of competitions.

Expanded criminal history checks
A new state law went into effect requiring schools to conduct Expanded Criminal History Checks (ECHC) for current employees. The law requires an ECHC on existing employees to be conducted every 5 years.

Click here for more information.

Lilly Fellowships awarded
Lilly Endowment Incorporated awarded Teacher Creativity Fellowships to two TSC teachers: Matt Carlson from Harrison High School and Michelle Sanson from Wea Ridge Middle School.

Click here to learn more about their adventurous plans that will inspire themselves and their students.

Lilly Fellowship winners
2022-23 academic calendar
The school board approved the 2022-23 TSC academic calendar. The calendar includes two days for fall break, three days for the Thanksgiving holiday and snow make-up days (February and April). Click here to view.

Grant opportunities
The SIA Foundation, Inc. is now accepting applications for its spring grant cycle. The organization strives to improve the quality of life and help support funding in the area of arts and culture, education, and health and welfare.
The deadline to apply is March 30.

Schools that won a grant in 2020 are not eligible for another grant for two cycles after they win.
Public Schools Foundation grant cycle is now open
Social media connections: Be selective
One of the best things you can do for your digital health is to block, unfollow, hide and keep scrolling whenever you need to! Follow only people who help you feel balanced, informed, activated, inspired, and motivated. Set intention for leading by example so others may mirror your lead in your digital footprint. As the saying goes, your mind believes what you feed it. Be sure to nourish it with content that aligns with how you want to be.

February - Energy Management - Setting boundaries
Setting boundaries for ourselves isn’t selfish; it’s being a good steward of the life we’ve been given. Read more.
Mindfulness Matters
with Anne Marshall
As we shovel out from this recent snowstorm, it is a good time to remind ourselves that the hope of springtime is around the corner. In the spring, we plant our gardens and crops. Did you know your mind is like a garden? During our recent Resiliency Team Training, this short clip was a favorite of attendees. Please watch and then reflect: What are you growing in your garden? Remember that what you focus on grows.
Mindfulness Matters
NuStart video - rediscover the joy of movement, part 1
Exercise is important, but it shouldn’t be a chore. Click here to watch a short video where you will learn how you can make this healthy habit something you enjoy.
Try a personal coach
Do you want to get healthier, feel better, and have more energy? NuStart’s personal coaching program provides the support and guidance empowering you to get in tune with your body and gain confidence in your lifestyle choices. Learn more.

Don’t just take our word for it—hear from actual participants:
"This program is amazingly simple to follow and yet has changed my body, mind and spirit. You will see wonderful results in every aspect of your life." ~Patti I

Are you ready? Click here to get started. You’ll be glad that you did.

with Kathy Nimmer

Last week's holiday made me recall the sweet Valentines we used to exchange as children with silly graphics and simple love messages. I was recently talking with Grace Hitchcock, new art teacher at Burnett Creek and Woodland, about art and words, both of which have had impact on Grace's first year as a teacher. I asked her for highlights from the remote stints this year. Grace wrote, "Getting the little 'I love you' notes and 'the only part of this project I disliked was not getting to see you in person' notes made me smile so wide every time!" I think it comes down to expressing what is in the heart, on a holiday or in remote learning or whenever. It matters.

Ken Frauhiger
Employee Name: Ken Frauhiger
Years with TSC: 35
Position: Teacher/Coach, McCutcheon High School
How does this employee demonstrate the TSC State of Mind: Ken demonstrates enthusiasm, loyalty and connects with students. He shows up daily with consistency and willingness to mentor others.
Melissa Dykhuizen
Employee Name: Melissa Dykhuizen
Years with TSC: 8
Position: Bus driver, Wainwright and Mayflower Mill
How does this employee demonstrate the TSC State of Mind: Melissa is well respected and liked by fellow employees and students. She always has her students' safety in mind.


March 12 - End of third nine weeks
March 22-26 - No school, Spring Break