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bus arrival
Newsletter for employees of the Tippecanoe School Corporation
TSC Matters
Staff Recognition - Retirees
TSC would like to recognize our retirees who have dedicated many hours to our students and community. Please click the link below as we salute our retirees.

We wish you the best in retirement. Congratulations!

Public Schools Foundation grant winners
The Public Schools Foundation of Tippecanoe County awarded grants to three TSC educators. The winners are:

  • Katie Carn, WRE, "It's Electric in Ember City," $1,815
  • Maria Ziegman, MME, "Drumming Ensemble," $1,998
  • Loralie Swan, BCE, "Bridging the Gap for Emerging Bilinguals," $2,000

Opportunity to participate in exchange program
Purdue’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction will be welcoming
Ben Franklin Transatlantic Fellowship students from around the world this coming summer. Click the links below to learn more about the program and if you are interested in being a virtual host.

Driver recruitment event
We are looking for more dedicated employees who love children and want to help us safely transport students to and from school. Invite friends to attend this test-drive event on May 22 at Wea Ridge Middle School.

Anthem lawsuit
Many of you have received notices either via email or a postcard in the mail related to the BCBSA (Blue Cross Blue Shield Association) Settlement. This is a legitimate lawsuit. You will need the following information if you elect to complete a claim form:

TSC Anthem Group Number
W10874 10/1/2018 - Present
00235416 10/1/2012 - 9/30/2018

NOTE: This is not a Tippecanoe School Corporation (TSC) lawsuit. If you elect to participate in this lawsuit, it is on an individual basis and you will need to contact the BCBSA Antitrust Settlement with any questions. 

Retirement plan changes
The TSC will be transitioning to AIG Retirement Services for our 403(b) and 403(b) Roth annuity plans. Please visit the link below for information about the transition, fund performance, a FAQ document and more.

Google Chrome: Checking for updates
Chrome logo
To make sure you're protected by the latest security updates, it's important to keep Google Chrome updated to the latest version. With these updates, you might sometimes notice that your browser looks different.

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More .
  3. Click Help > About Google Chrome.

The current version number is the series of numbers beneath the "Google Chrome" heading. Chrome will check for updates when you're on this page.

To apply any available updates, click Relaunch.

More information about Chrome updates can be found in the video included below.
May - Energy Management - Routine changes
Summer will be here soon. It’s easier to make healthy choices when the routines that encourage them are in place. Read more.

NuStart video - Routines
Having routines can lower stress, increase your energy and improve your wellbeing. Tap into the health benefits that come from routines! Click here to watch this short healthy living video on routines.
TSC INtegrate events guide
Click here to see upcoming local/TSC races and events. We’ve made it easy…just click on the link to the race/event that you want to learn more about and register. Remember to post pics of the event on social media using #TSCINtegrate

TSC State of Mind
with Megan Ulrich
Happy spring to you all as the weather is getting warmer and the sun is shining a little more. May not only brings changes in our weather, but May is also Mental Health Awareness Month. This year in particular it’s so important to stop and assess our own mental health just as we would our physical health. Please reach out for support if you are concerned. You can start with your family doctor or check out TSC’s EAP Program. The Lafayette Community is wearing green to show solidarity for Mental Health Awareness Friday, May 7 and the courthouse will be illuminated in green.
TSC State of Mind
TSC INtegrate employee discount guide
Check out discounts available to TSC employees at Parkwest Fitness, Faith Community Center, Fleet Feet Sports and many other local businesses. Click here to view the interactive employee discount guide.

with Kathy Nimmer

Perhaps you have had the experience of seeing remarkable change in the
world around you only when you allow yourself to slow down and consciously notice. New fifth grade Wyandotte teacher Hailey Howe shared with me that standardized testing has given her a chance to recognize the changes in her students from the beginning of the year. In their stillness as they worked, Hailey took time to contemplate each student, and she wrote, "Because I see them every day, it is harder for me to notice the physical changes in their faces, but I now can see the academic and emotional growth they have made." May we each
seek such stillness and use it to recognize the changes that time, growth, and seasons give us constantly, if we only take the time to notice.

Betsy Totty
Employee Name: Betsy Totty-Louks
Years with TSC: 10
Position: Special education teacher, Harrison High School
How does this employee demonstrate the TSC State of Mind: Betsy has a calming presence and knowledge in a variety of content areas that makes her a tremendous asset to our school.
Shavon Flynn
Employee Name: Shavon Flynn
Years with TSC: 3
Position: Bus driver, Southwestern Middle School and Mintonye Elementary School
How does this employee demonstrate the TSC State of Mind: Shavon truly cares about each student on her bus. She pays close attention to her students and notices things that others might overlook.


May 28 - Last student day
June 4 - Harrison High School Spring Commencement
June 5 - McCutcheon High School Spring Commencement