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Newsletter for employees of the Tippecanoe School Corporation
TSC Matters
As the school year comes to a close
Thank you for helping make the 2018-19 school year a success. You are invited to celebrate with TSC as more than 800 students participate in commencement June 2 at Elliott Hall of Music, Purdue University. This special day is not possible without your hard work and dedication.

As the school year comes to an end, we prepare for a summer of construction,
maintenance, professional development, summer school, study and some much
deserved rest and relaxation.

It's been an extraordinary year and the future for TSC is even brighter. Thank you for the dedication, passion and talent that you bring to work each day. It's an honor to serve this community through education.

Have a wonderful summer break.

Scott Hanback
TSC welcomes two new administrators
Deb Carter and Brock Richardson
The Tippecanoe School Corporation is pleased to announce it has appointed Deborah Carter as the new principal of Klondike Middle School for the 2019-20 school year. Carter will replace Christine Cannon who is retiring. Read more .

The TSC has hired Brock Richardson as the assistant principal at Woodland Elementary School. Read more .
Changes to PGP requirements
The requirements for a Professional Growth Plan (PGP) have changed. After July 1, educators are required to earn 15 of their PGP points through an externship, professional development promoting career navigation, or professional development relating to current and future economic needs. A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document was developed to help provide additional clarity. The FAQ document can be found  here .

Summer facilities checklist
While students are away for the summer, the TSC Buildings and Grounds Depart ment will complete a number of repairs and improvements to our buildings. This is in addition to oversee ing major renovations at Harrison High School, McCutcheon High School and Battle Ground Middle School.

Click here to see the TSC Summer Projects List.

Make plans for Manufacturing Week
Greater Lafayette Commerce will host Manufacturing Week time dedicated to manufacturing awareness, career exploration and career preparation for all students.

Click here to see what's planned September 30-October 4.

New substitute teacher management
We are pleased to announce that Tippecanoe School Corporation has appointed ESS to manage our substitute program for the 2019-2020 school year. The firm will be responsible for the hiring, training and placement of all substitute teachers and professionals.

ESS every day counts
Purdue vouchers available
Purdue University recognizes the TSC for allowing Purdue students field experience assignments in our schools. Purdue credit vouchers are distributed each year for teachers on the current Purdue University Early Field Experience list, media specialists and building principals participating with Purdue-placed, observing students and who have not exceeded their allotment.

If you are interested in applying for a voucher, please complete the application and return it to Julie Slunaker

Application for 2019-2020 - Deadline August 2

TSC Technology Summer PD Series
The TSC Connected Learning Team is excited for another summer filled with professional learning opportunities!
A series of short, two-hou r professional development sessions has been designed to support TSC teachers in their use of technology tools and digital resources. All sessions will be held at the TSC Technology Center on various dates throughout the summer. Open Lab sessions are also available for staff to solicit individualized training and support.

Staff members are encouraged to register soon , as each session requires a minimum of 10 attendees to be offered. We look forward to working together and hope to see you there.

May - Summertime routines
There are so many fun summer activities for the family. It's a win-win when the activity includes walking and/or playing. Click here for some ideas for fun activities the whole family will enjoy.

How do you INtegrate?
Nearly 60 TSC employees participated in the Indy Mini Marathon. Be sure to use #TSCINtegrate  to encourage others when you tweet/post pictures of how you are integrating movement into your daily routine.

What other events are coming up to keep you active through the summer? Check out the Local and TSC Events Guide .
runners holding up medals
TSC INtegrate employee discount guide
Discounts are available to TSC employees at Faith Community Center, Lafayette Family YMCA and more. Check the TSC Discount Guide and on how you can save this summer.
Mindfulness Matters
“Childhood adversity can change your brain. Emotional trauma changes who we are but we can do something about it.”

Check out this article to learn seven ways that adversity can change your brain. Read about the ACES study, epigenetics, neurons, brain architecture and more.

Mindfulness Matters
with Kathy Nimmer

So, here is summer: warm, welcoming, wide open with adventure. Sometimes our best choice is to view something familiar from a new angle. I hope that each of us can do just that in these coming months. This video makes me think of summer evenings sitting by a pond or stream or ocean, simply being. And yet, the familiar song is played on an unexpected instrument. Right there is a new angle, and that is my wish for you this summer: be fresh, be reflective, be new.

Kay Siple
Employee Name: Kay Siple
Years with TSC: 40
Position: Special Education Paraprofessional, Hershey Elementary School
Why this employee makes TSC great: Kay has a kind, nurturing spirit toward all types of learners. She has the ability to reach every type of student and make them see how special they are!
Doug Miller
Employee Name: Doug Miller
Years with TSC: 14
Position: Custodian Klondike Elementary School
Why TSC is a great place to work: Everyone at school is so nice to work with, which makes my job easier. I see how dedicated our teachers are every day. This is a great place to work.
Until August
This will be the final issue of TSC Matters until August 5. Please feel free to send Sue Scott photos and information of summer professional development activities that you would like to share in the welcome back issue. Enjoy your summer!

Save the date
TSC All Staff 2019-20 School Year Kickoff Celebration
9 am - 11 am, Friday, August 9
Wea Ridge Middle School

May 28 - Last student day
May 29 - Professional day - staff only
June 2 - TSC spring commencement