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Newsletter for employees of the Tippecanoe School Corporation
TSC Matters
Staff Recognition Night
TSC names Teachers of the Year
Larui Vitale and Sig Kriebel
The Tippecanoe School Corporation has named Lauri Vitale from Klondike Elementary School as the TSC Elementary Teacher of the Year and Sig Kriebel from McCutcheon High School as the TSC Secondary Teacher of the Year.

Click  here  to see a list of our retirees, 30 and 40 year service award recipients and employees who earned special recognition.
Enjoy this  slide show presentation  with more photos from the event.
How do you INtegrate?
Two teachers at Harrison High School want to share the success they have experienced with INtegrate and want to encourage others to pursue wellness. Kent Kiester and Nick Jackson have lost a combined 89 pounds in 16 weeks. While Nick and Kent talked about wanting to lose weight near the end of the first semester, Nick initiated their plan at the beginning of the second semester and says they didn't do Keto, Atkins or any other "named" diets. He attributes their success to simply eating healthy, monitoring calories, using the MyFitnessPal app, and having a partner for encouragement and accountability. And it has worked!
Nicholas Jackson and Kent Kiester
Be sure to use   #TSCINtegrate   to encourage others when you tweet/post pictures of how you are integrating movement into your daily routine .

May - Summertime routines
As the weather warms up, it is a great time to take our workout outdoors. Click here for some fun activities that double as a workout.

Mindfulness Matters
Incorporating mental self-care into your day can have a powerful impact on your health and ability to manage life with resilience. Try these simple steps to well-being:

Stop : Make a point of stepping out of the momentum of your day. Put down your phone and get quiet, allowing your attention to turn inward. 
Mindfulness Matters
Breathe : Your breath is a great barometer of how you’re feeling. When you’re upset or stressed, the breath tends to be fast and shallow. Take moments throughout the day to notice your breathing and recognize if you’re feeling stressed. Shift into taking calm, deep breaths to release tension and activate the body’s relaxation response.

Think : You have the power to change how you are feeling by changing your focus. Our minds are powerful, and our body’s reaction to something we are actually experiencing vs. just imagining is the same.

INtegrate events guide

Good luck to all of our TSC runners participating in this weekend's Indy Mini-Marathon. Check out all the events to keep you moving this spring in the Upcoming Local and TSC Events Guide .

TSC Appreciation day at Purdue Baseball
TSC appreciation day at Purdue baseball May 5
Purdue vouchers available
Purdue University recognizes the TSC for allowing Purdue students field experience assignments in our schools. Purdue credit vouchers are distributed each year for teachers on the current Purdue University Early Field Experience list, media specialists and building principals participating with Purdue-placed, observing students and who have not exceeded their allotment.

If you are interested in applying for a voucher, please complete the application and return it to Julie Slunaker

Application for 2019-2020 - Deadline August 2

Retirement planning
It's never too early, or too late, to plan for retirement. Your 403(b) Retirement Savings Plan is an important step in the right direction.

Want to talk about your 403(b) account or want to open one? Go to Schamber Group's calendar and schedule an appointment with Elaine Schamber or Dan Suiter. You can go to their office, schedule a remote meeting or have them call you.

If you have other questions, you can email [email protected] for more information.
Anthem is transitioning to Ingenio Rx
Anthem is making the transition away from Express Scripts to Ingenio Rx as of July 1. Click here for detailed information.

  • All covered employees will receive a letter from Anthem after May 1 with details (sample letter).
  • Members that have specialty prescriptions and/or mail order will receive a letter from Anthem around May 15 with specific details (sample letter).

Please don't discard these letters as junk mail. These letters will be customized to each member and contain important information. It is highly encouraged that all members fill their prescriptions prior to June 30 if able.

New Gmail feature - Schedule to emails to send
A new Gmail feature has just been released that allows users to schedule their emails to be sent at a future date and time. Previously, a third-party extension (Boomerang) has been required to accomplish this. Now, the functionality is available natively in Gmail on the web and the Gmail App for iOS and Android. To learn more about this feature and how it can be used, please review this Help Center post .

Please note: If you are a Boomerang user, this extension must be uninstalled from Chrome in order to access the new Gmail feature. Also, this feature is not available in the default "Mail" App for iOS; the Gmail App must be utilized.
with Kathy Nimmer

Here we are in May! Are you tired? Thankfully, we don't live this life
in isolation. We can often do what seems impossible, even in the home
stretch, because of the team surrounding us. If you need a reminder of
that team or perhaps just a smile, check out this video where
something solo is converted to something communal, and everyone is
better because of it!

Marilyn Byers
Employee Name: Marilyn Byers
Years with TSC: 39
Position: Library Aide, Mintonye Elementary School
Why is TSC is a great place to work: Over the years, I've always felt supported in all areas. I have felt free to be creative in my teaching, to demand and expect respectful behavior and to provide a safe, enjoyable environment where students experience learning at its best.
Janice Fletcher
Employee Name: Janice Fletcher
Years with TSC: 23
Position: Paraprofessional, Klondike Middle School
Why this employee makes TSC great: Janice makes our school great because she is in it for the kids! She has a way of getting students to eat out of her hand. She is patient and loving.


May 28 - Last student day
May 29 - Professional day - staff only
June 2 - TSC spring commencement