From the CEO

April showers bring May flowers, right? It’s time to plant the garden, prep your flowerpots and get out the deck furniture! Summer is coming and everyone is excited about that.

Get Ready for the Heat
One of the things you want to pay attention to during this season is your body temperature. Summer heat can sneak up on you quickly, at work and at home. All of us are susceptible to a heat related illness when we are outdoors and active in the warmer weather.

Below is a quick rundown of precautions to take when you are working, playing or exercising:
  • Stay hydrated. Plenty of water and/or electrolyte replacement is critical.
  • Keep cool. Spend time in the shade when possible. Wear a hat and use sunscreen!
  • If you begin to feel weak or experience dizziness or confusion, seek help immediately.
  • Then, hydrate and place cool compress on the back of the neck. Loosen clothing and circulate air if possible. Heat stroke can be deadly!