October - 2019


Paramount Theater Tour                      October 5                          Oakland
Retirement Routine Discussion            October 14                        San Francisco
Life Goals & Resiliency                        November 11                     San Francisco
Women in Transition Workshop.          November 16                     San Francisco
Academy of Sciences                          November 20                     San Francisco

                                                            See details below
Small Group  Discussion
October Monthly Meeting
Free at last!  You have retired or are anticipating retirement.  No more early morning wake ups. No more days filled with meeting after meeting.  No more weekends packed with endless errands that won't get done during the week. It all sounds wonderful and yet, how will you create fun, meaningful days, weeks and months? Join us for small group discussions around creating a retirement that has just the right amount of structure for you.  

 Already retired and made a successful transition? Join in to share what you have learned. 

Questions to ponder before the meeting:
  • What does your ideal day in retirement look like?
  • What is a satisfying mix of structured and unstructured time for you?
  • What level of connecting with other people makes you happy?  What types of interactions are satisfying to you?
  • What are activities or interests that you are interested in but haven't had time to explore? What are passions from your younger days that you might revive?
Thought provoking resources:
When:  Monday, October 14 - 5:30. **  
Where: 50 California 10th Floor San Francisco (one block from the Embarcadero BART, reduced parking rates in Embarcadero Buildings)
Cost:  Free
To register: Click HERE
**Note new starting time
November Monthly Meeting
Now that you are retired, or thinking about retirement, why bother with Life Goals? Isn't goal-setting a part of your professional life you'll be glad to relinquish? Come learn why goals are important in later life and actually contribute to resiliency. Speaker, Clint Wilkins, Co-Founder of Resiliant Aging Lab, will share research on resiliency and help us explore the creation of Life Goals.  Clint will lead us in a hands-on exercise to show how the four "intrinsic goals" (accomplishments, relationships, contributions to others and society, and being part of something "bigger") apply to our lives, in the present and in the future.  

Clint Wilkins has a long and distinguished career in education-in both independent and charter schools and as a social entrepreneur.  
Currently Clint is serving as an "Encore Fellow" in the Mayor's Office in San Jose, designing and implementing an intergenerational mentoring program for youth ages 14-18.      
When:  November 11th - 5:30
Where: 50 California 10th Floor San Francisco (one block from the Embarcadero BART, reduced parking rates in Embarcadero Buildings)
Cost:  Free
To register: Click  HERE
A workshop for women 50+ 
exploring what's next
We are pleased to offer The Transition Network's Signature Program, Women in Transition, on Saturday, November 16, 2019, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, at The Cartwright Hotel, 524 Sutter St., San Francisco. 

The purpose of this highly experiential TTN workshop is for participants to: 
  • Enhance skills for successfully navigating change 
  • Expand possibilities and options 
  • Know how to create a meaningful life 
  • Create a "next steps" action plan. 
  • Engage and connect with other women 50+ in transition 
If you are exploring new possibilities, rethinking your life and/or work, contemplating changes in your lifestyle or want to expand your networks, this informative workshop will give you a guiding framework to understand the process of transition, with structured conversations for personal reflection and interactive learning. 

What sets this Workshop apart is the opportunity to become part of a vibrant community of women, and to make connections that can continue to enrich your life and support your journey over the next several years.  

This workshop will be co-facilitated by Linda Brown and Susan Christopher, experienced instructors and members of the SF Bay Area Chapter. 
Linda Brown is a San Francisco steering committee member. Linda's career encompassed 20+ years in marketing and sales in the tech industry for companies including IBM. Today she capitalizes on her love of global travel and leads groups as a certified international tour director.

Dr. Susan Christopher is a TTN member.  Susan has been faculty member and/or administrator at seven different institutions of higher education. From her teaching in the fields of feminist studies, education, and research design, she has developed a highly interactive, engaged pedagogical approach to facilitating workshops for women. She currently works part-time as a Title IX Coordinator and Investigator at a local university. 

When:  Saturday, November 16th - 10:00 - 2:00
Where:  The Cartwright Hotel
              524 Sutter St. San Francisco
Cost:   This workshop is open to members ($50) and non-members ($65). Women new to TTN are welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served. Space is limited to 30 participants.  Register now, HERE.

There will be a follow-up workshop  to be offered
 December 7, 9:30 am - 2:30 pm, at the Cartwright Hotel.

Imag(in)ing Your Next Act: 
A Guided Exploration  for Women in Transition

 In this interactive workshop, educational consultants Jenny Michael and Susan Christopher will lead you through a mindful and creative process for envisioning the next segment of your life journey. You will be invited to actively reflect on your personal history, to imagine possible changes for your life, to consider alternatives, and to clarify what is most meaningful and important to you. You will be encouraged to identify strategies for holding yourself accountable, to help ensure that you take the steps needed to move forward along your chosen path. In sharing your ideas with other women in a mutually supportive environment, you will gain deeper insights from their feedback - and they will learn from you. 
Mark your calendars.  

When:   Saturday,  December 7, 2019
Time:    9:30 AM - 2:30 PM PST
Where:   The Cartwright Hotel - Union Square
              524 Sutter Street,  San Francisco, CA 94102
Cost:     $95.00

More information will be forthcoming.   To register for this event click HERE.


by Edith Kaplan
Editor's note:  TTNer Edith Kaplan is passionate about the work she is doing with MLMS and wanted to share it with our readers.  We are hoping more members will  share volunteer experiences, new endeavors, and the myriad ways we are all enjoying life.  Share your piece by emailing it to Nancy Ware at nanwebware@sbcglobal.net

My Life; My Stories (MLMS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping form relationships between younger generations and seniors.

It was originally geared to building a more empathic and connected community for vulnerable seniors, to counteract  the negative health effects of loneliness and isolation. It has grown to involve any elder who wishes to participate  in a personal and creative process of sharing their stories, as well as encouraging meaningful friendships.

Edith with her volunteer, Maggie.
  I first learned of MLMS from     
  another TTN'er who had   
  attended  a small group activity 
  run by Founder and Director,
  Brittany Bare.  
  For years I had  been 
  floundering  around, 
  intermittently working on 
  my own "memoir." Suddenly,
  here was an opportunity to get   
  my stories into book form, with 
  the help of a matched volunteer-     I  j umped at  the chance! Using a 
  list of suggested questions as a   
guide, the volunteer taped our  interviews. They were then
sent out for transcription; and the resulting draft was given to me for editing, which I am currently working on.
When done, the information will be formatted into a book; and I will be given three copies! Amazingly, this entire
process is free of charge. 

It was extremely helpful to have a structure enabling me to review my life. But the best part was getting to know
and work with my volunteer, Maggie. We both marveled how, even with a 45 year age difference(!), we had many common  experiences. I always looked forward to our sessions and found them stimulating and fun. I think telling my stories benefited both of us.

So-if this might be of interest to you, do contact Brittany Bare at  mylifemystories.org . Her website and newsletter will provide  more info on the various programs offered and how you can get involved. 

FYI, Brittany and I will be appearing at a storytelling event in San Francisco on Nov. 3,  from 6:00-7:00 pm  at The Red Victorian, 1665 Haight Street, SF.  All are welcome. 
Come join us and see  what it's all about.

The amazing and talented TTner Sheila Malkind put on her 9th Annual Legacy Film Festival in September and it was one of the best ever. Freelance journalist, Patricia Corrigan, wrote a wonderful piece for Next Avenue about  the importance that film plays in our perspective on aging.  Her article features Sheila and the festival.  Although you are too late to see the Film Festival, Ms. Corrigan's article is excellent. To read the article, click HERE.

Groups With Openings
  • SF Non-Fiction Book Club is looking to add two new members.  If you are interested in joining us, contact Nancy Ware at nanwebware@sbcglobal.net
  • Artists Group - if interested in joining this East Bay group please contact Dianne McCutcheon at dianne07@aol.com 
  • SF Movie Goers  - if interested in joining this group please contact 
    Mae King Go at mkgo@earthlink.net 
  • Travel Partners - if interested in joining this group please
    JaniceWallace at  janicewallace2016@gmail.com
    Group meets in locations all over the Bay Area
  • Exploring Life Over 70 - if interested in joining this San Francisco group please contact Shelley Friedma at shelleydit@gmail.com 

Groups That are Currently Filled 

 If you are interested in starting a new group with the same interest, contact Janice Wallace at  janicewallace2016@gmail.com

  • East Bay Dining Out 
  • East Bay Non Fiction Book Club  
  • SF TED Talks 
What's your passion?   

Any member can start a special interest group. If you have an interest that is not represented by a new or existing group, contact  Janice Wallace at
janicewallace2016@gmail.com  to create a group description and recruit other members to join you.

For more information about other new groups as well as information about existing groups, see the Special Interest Page on our website

Linda Brown
Event Planning

Mae King Go 
Event Planning

Dianne McCutcheon  
National Liaison Coordinator

Bunnie Quint
Event Planning

Gail Benton Shoemaker
 Program Planning Coordinator

Joan Varrone
Event Planning

Janice Wallace
Special Interest Groups 
and Membership Coordinator


Arlene Reiff
Exploring Housing Options 
Mona Kreaden
Exploring Housing Options

  Janet Mandelstam
 East Bay Caring Collaborative     

Nancy Ware
Newsletter Editor   
Janet Mandelstam
Arlene Reiff  
Co-Founders of SF Bay Area Chapter



We are back to our Monthly Monday Meetings.  These meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at Robert Half  on the 10th floor of 50 California in San Francisco (one block from the Embarcadero BART).  We'll have refreshments at 5:30 and start the program by 6:00.   We are adding a new feature to our meetings this year by alternating thought provoking speakers with small group discussions on a variety of topics.  Below is the schedule for the year:


October 14th:       Discussion-  Retirement Routines:  Can structure 
                              increase our happiness in retirement?

November 11th:   Speaker, Clint Wilkins
 Life Goals and Resiliency 

December 9th:     Holiday Social

January 13th:       Discussion-   Finding our Purpose in the Third Age

February 10th:     Speaker, Angela Godley
Friendship among women

March 9th:           Discussion- Plan B 
Expecting the unexpected 
 and how planning can help

April 13th:            Speaker, Barbara Rose Brooker
Ageism in Hollywood

May 11th:             Discussion:  How does ageism affect us 
 and what can we do about it

June 8th:              Spring Social- TTN 20th Anniversary

Our Steering committee members have been hard at work planning these interesting programs.   Kudos to them!
Paramount Theater Tour
Saturday, October 5th
Come for a fascinating tour of the famed Paramount Theater in Oakland.  Jon Carroll of the SF Chronicle once wrote, "If you are a connoisseur
of fine art deco interior decoration, The Paramount is a splendid example of ornate, rococo, gaudy, let's-go-nuts-in-public decorative art, fully and lovingly restored and ornamental as all get-out."  It is also a maze of trap doors, catwalks and secret entries and home of a mighty Wurlitzer Pipe Organ.  The tour lasts two hours and will be followed by an optional lunch in a neighboring restaurant.

When:  Saturday, October 5th.  10:00
Where:  21st Street near Boardway
Cost:  $5.00 (pay at the theater)
            plus lunch if you care to join us.
To reserve a place click HERE
The Paramount Theatre is 500 feet from the 19th Street BART Station
Note:  Some areas of the tour are NOT wheelchair accessible.

On Wednesday November 20th, Joan Varrone, a TTN member and veteran docent will conduct a tour of the California Academy of Science which is in Golden Gate Park.  We plan to meet at 11:30AM at the entrance with the tour lasting about 90 minutes.  After the tour, those who want to stay can join the group for lunch at the Terrace Restaurant which is in the garden.  The Academy has a breadth of exhibits including an aquarium, planetarium, rain forest and a  living roof.  The tour is not scripted and as such we can truly explore.  Admission is $26.75 for Seniors and free if you are a member.  For more information check out the Academy website HERE.

When:  Wednesday, November 20 
Time:    11:30 am
Where:  Academy of Science;  55 Music Concourse Drive
Cost:  Academy admissions:  $26.75.  
          Free to Members of the Academy.
RSVP:  To reserve a space click HERE.
There is a parking garage that services the Academy and many MUNI lines lead to the Academy.

We encourage all of our membership to share anything they come across that might be of interest to our readers.  You may share upcoming events, services, announcements, workshops, needs you may have, etc.  We have a sizable mailing list, and we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to reach a large audience.  Submit your ideas to Nancy Ware at nanwebware@sbcglobal.net 

Carefree Solo-Aging
Plan and Be Prepared
Are you aging alone? In this interactive workshop with TTNer Betty Burr learn keys to creating community with other solo-agers and begin to prepare your specific plan for a successful and carefree solo journey.  For over 30 years Betty Burr's passion has been helping people realize their potential.                          
When:  Saturday, October 26 &                          Saturday, November 2nd         Time:  1:00 pm - 3:00 pm                     Where:  San Francisco Center for                        Spiritual Living                                       280 Claremont Blvd                             San Francisco CA 94127            Cost:  FREE           
For more information about the event click HERE.
To read an article about Solo Aging written by Betty Burr, click HERE.
Alliance for Girls'  6th Annual Conference
A Movement for Equity, will bring together more than 500 intergenerational leaders and champions of the girls' movement to unite their efforts to mobilize and uplift girls*. Through interactive sessions, research, and cutting-edge analysis, we better equip ourselves with effective strategies and action steps to eliminate the systemic barriers facing girls, advocate and create the conditions for their success, and transform systems to realize a future in which every girl thrives. Keynote speaker includes  Dr. Nadine Burke Harris , California's first and current Surgeon General and Award-Winning TEDTalk presenter with over 5.8 million views.  

Join us for this critical summit!

When:  Thursday, October 3
             8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Where:  Oakland Scottish Rite Temple
              1547 Lakeside Drive
               Oakland, CA
For more information and to register, click HERE.

Elderhood: Redefining Aging

Dr. Louise Aronson, author of the New York Times bestseller, "Elderhood: Redefining Aging,Transforming Medicine, Reimagining Life", and UCSF Professor of Medicine, envisions a large-scale shift in society's and medicine's attitude toward aging. Louise will be in conversation with Dr. Dawn Gross (Host, Dying to Talk radio show) for a Friday night "After Hours" library program, in collaboration with Mill Valley Village. 

When:  October 25th, 7:00-8:30 pm
Where:   Mill Valley Public Library, 
         375 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley


Many of you have shared interesting articles and videos that have been appreciated by our readership.  To encourage this sharing, we have created a monthly column called Readers' Corner. Submit your articles to Nancy Ware at   nanwebware@sbcglobal.net

Flossie's Brief But Spectacular Moment

TTNer Nancy Ware writes that she was at a Chili Bake-Off recently and met a native San Franciscan who told her about Flossie Lewis,  an old English teacher she had who was on the PBS Brief But Spectacular Moment.  
Nancy was so taken with her story that she looked her up.  Click HERE for a very special treat.


Insights on Ageism

Dianne  Flynn,  a women's coach, 
spoke at a recent Aegist Conference and came away with some very interesting insights .For the full article, click  HERE.


TED talk on Aging

Are you tired of  worrying about getting old?  Do you want to hear something positive and hopeful about our future?  Watch this uplifting TED talk by Ashton Applewhite to get a different perspective on aging.  Ashton tells us that "Aging isn't a problem or a disease.  Aging is living!"  Join her movement against ageism.  To watch the TED talk, click HERE.


2019 Influencers in Aging

Meet Next Avenue's 2019 Influencers in Aging. These 12 advocates, researchers, thought leaders, innovators, writers and experts continue to push beyond traditional boundaries and change our understanding of what it means to grow older.  To view the article click HERE.

Click  HERE to join or renew

When you break down the membership dues it comes to $8.00/month or $2.00/week...  less than the cost of a latte!!!  What a bargain! 


For further information on our Chapter please email SanFranciscoChapter@TheTransitionNetwork.org

masthead logo

Visit the National webpage HERE 
The Photograph used in the heading is "Two Bridges and the Low Fog" provided by  Brocken InaGlory