SEPT 5 - 19, 2017

4:00 PM

Sri Chakra Navavarna Puja is performed every Full Moon Day a the temple. Register to include your name in the sankalpam at SRI CHAKRAM
The puja invokes Devi and Her retinue in the Meru. Archana and offerings are made to all Her different forms. Being a part of this four hour long puja eases the mind and brings peace to the devotee and their family.  

Pitru Paksha 
Mahalaya Paksha, Shraddha Paksha
September 5 - 19, 2017

For most of us, what happens after death is very mysterious. Most Hindus and persons in Asian religions believe in reincarnation. But what happens between births?  The Vedas indicate that our ancestors go the world of the pitrs.  There they enjoy better or worse circumstances depending on the good or bad they did in this life.

On the anniversary date of a parents death, or during the special two week Pitru Paksha period that begins this year on September 5, many Hindus will make offerings to their ancestors. It is felt that these offerings bring happiness to the ancestors, who send their blessings to their progeny here on Earth.

Sometimes, due to some sin, an ancestor may be suffering terribly in the next world. Although we may think we are separated from our close relations at death, Vedic science says this is not necessarily so.  Sometimes the pain felt by our forefathers in the afterworld gets reflected onto us in this life. Perhaps for no apparent reason, we start to feel their"drishti" (vision) and experience lots of difficulties.  

To make our deceased parents and their parents happy in the afterworld, offerings are made to them in a process called Hiranya Shraddam.  It needs to be performed in person at the Temple with a priest.  Once started, it should be done every year. 

Materialistic people do not believe that anything exists beyond death. Thus they ignore their deceased ancestors. Wise people recognize that the soul continues after death. Our parents gave so much effort to nourish and educate us; now it is our responsibility to nourish and make them happy in the afterlife!  This two week period of Hiranya Shraddham is the best time to do so.  

If you want to perform Hiranya Shraddham, please email Balaji Atyam or leave a message for him at 512 297 3746.  He will arrange for the ceremony to be performed by a qualified priest.  The ceremony takes about 45 minutes and must be done either on the person's anniversary date, or during this two week period, at the Temple, in person.    


In his autobiography Play of Consciousness, Swami Muktananda said that he once thought the stories about the ancestors was a fable.  However, one day during meditation he was transported to the world of the ancestors. There he saw people living, some of whom he had known when they lived on Earth.  They lived in houses.  Some lived better and some worse. He then started to believe that the offerings to the pitrs, described in the Vedic texts and still practiced by Hindus today, do reach the ancestors. 

Scientific minded people sometimes dismiss these things as superstition.  This is a kind of materialistic egoism. "If I cannot see it, I don't believe it!"  But how many people have seen an atom?  Yet everyone believes atoms exist. Science has proved it. If one really wants to see an atom, one can look through an atomic microscope. In the same way, if one really wants to see the other dimensions, one has to do intense spiritual practice. Hindus worship the pitrs as they feel it is one of their responsibilities in life, just as it is a responsibility to take care of their children.  

Contact Information
Both temples are located at:
2509 W. New Hope Drive
Cedar Park, TX  78613

Mailing Address:  
P.O. Box 877
Cedar Park, TX  78630

Sai Baba Temple:  (512) 260-2721 
Sri Venkateswara Temple:  (512) 986-7269
Administrative Office:  (512) 528-08807

These temples are 501(c)3 nonprofit religious organizations, registered with the Internal Revenue Service.