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We pray that this newsletter and its contents that we share will help you on your daily journey with Christ, causing you to grow in the ways of the Lord.
Take what you have learned and share it with others so that we can further the kingdom for Jesus Christ!
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The giftings of the fivefold ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher) should have one purpose, and that is the teaching and equipping of the saints until we come into unity.
Russell and Helen Sanders
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"Beloved, Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false propohets are gone out into the world."
1 John 4:1 KJV
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A great gift for any child that teaches them
to listen and obey
Our children's book:
"Trail to Trouble"
click here to purchase
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Do you have questions about the bible that you do not understand and that you want answered?
Let our ministry know and we will try to address these questions.
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Chapter 4 of Revelation describes the throne of heaven. Verse 3 gives a description of the Father who sits on the throne.
In Chapter 5 verse 1 the Father holds a book with seven seals. Verse 2 asks, “…Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?” There was no one who was worthy until we come to verses 5-7. The only worthy one came and took the book from the right hand of Him who sat upon the throne [the Father’s hand].
The only one worthy was identified in verse 5 as, “…the Lion of the tribe of Juda[h], the Root of David.”
Then, we see in verses 8-10 that the 24 elders around the throne and the four “beasts” [living creatures, obviously holy] all fall down before the Lamb and worshipped him. the fact that they worshiped the Lamb proves His holy Godhood, because no one but God could receive worship.
This further establishes Jesus, the Lamb, as the God of Heaven, along side the Father and Holy Spirit for all eternity. Verse 12 affirms that power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, blessing, are given to the Lamb.
Yes, a gentle Lamb, meek and mild, is given all power in heaven and on earth. He in turn has given you and me authority to exercise all that power, [although we rarely if ever, do it].
Praise, glory, and honor be unto the Lamb of God.
To Learn what it means to be born again
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I love Psalm 51. It shows the true heart of David the king. David had been confronted by Nathan the prophet over his sin with Bathsheba. Unlike Saul, the previous king, David did not blame Bathsheba for his sin. In Psalm 51:4 David is speaking to God and said, “Against thee [God] thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.”
This was true repentance. It showed that David was sincerely sorrowful over his sin because he knew it hurt God, not just Bathsheba. He asked God in verse 10, “Create in me [not anyone else] a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”
When we fail it is always easier to blame someone else than admit we are at fault. God knows our heart, and he wants us to “clear the slate” with repentance.
Often, in my own life, I have done things, even very small things, which were wrong. A wrong attitude, a wrong look, pride, and more. These are spots and blemishes that need to be removed from our lives. Rememer, Jesus is coming back for a bride without spot or blemish. [Ephesians 5:27; 1 Peter 1:19; 2 Peter 2:13.]
In 1 Corinthians 11:18-34 Paul teaches how to celebrate Holy Communion. We are told in verse 28, “But let a man examine himself [not examine others], and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.”
We are to examine our heart, our motives, our words, and if there are spots and blemishes in our lives we must repent before taking Holy Communion. Verse 29 tells us to be careful that we do not “discern the Lord’s body.” Verse 30 tells us what can happen if we do not do this. It says, “For this cause [not discerning other members of the body of Christ and treating them right] many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep [have died].”
When we disrespect others in the body of Christ, we open the door for Satan to make us weak, sick, and even die. God does not take this lightly.
Admit when you fail. Repent, and then receive God’s forgiveness. Do not let even little sins in your life bring weakness, sickness, and death.
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Do you ever push yourself out of your comfort zone and face your fears? | | | |
Do you ever write a note or letter to others to let them know you were thinking of them?
Of those that responded
100% answered with:
Yes, I do this quite often
These polls/quizzes are only for fun. They are not documented. Answers must be in by 4:00 p.m. to be included in the results.
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to see some of the prophetic words that have been given through this ministry.
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For, have I not said in my word that I would lead you? Have I not said that I would lead you into paths of righteousness? Have I not said that I would lead you beside the still waters my child? Oh, yes, my child, I desire to lead you. I have desired that you follow me and see what I would show you. For I have much to show you of what I have prepared for you. The path that I would take you on will have many curves. There will be things that would cause you to fear but know that I am beside you. If I were to tell you all about the path, I am sure that you would cringe and say “Why, Lord? Why must I go down this path? Surely, there is an easier way, Lord.” But, my child, the easy way is not the way for you. You have been chosen to rise above the things that would bring fear to you and others, and the only way to do this is to go down the path I have chosen. I would say this, that as you go down this path, you will become stronger than you were before you went down it. I would say that the refiner’s fires will be hot on this path, but if you follow my lead, then you will come through as gold, silver, and precious stones that only come forth through the fiery trials. The only way is to follow me. The only way to grow is to follow me. You will not remain the same person as you go down this path that I lead you on. I can assure you that the changes that will take place will bring you to a place of peace, rest, and safety, saith the Lord. It is your choice, my child, to take the lead or follow me. I await your answer.
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The Saul spirit of the Old Testament is still alive, well, and operating in the world today. This spirit will always want you to win their battles…But they never want you to win your own. So be very careful of those who want to use your gifts; While they take all the credit. Yes, this evil and conniving spirit will use you, abuse you and then they’ll kick you to the curb…When something appearing to be a much better opportunity for them comes along. Just be sure to keep your guard up and be aware that this Saul spirit will use their charm, their charisma and their compliments to fool you. You can know one thing for certain and that is those folks are parasites...They are not ever producers. However, they’re definitely complainers and drainers who considers you to be their own personal trainer. So run from their kind while you still can; For you’re too blessed to be stressed by this deceiving Saul spirit mess.
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Tuesday Scripture Of The Day
“I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what He has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord. Oh, the joys of those who trust the Lord, who have no confidence in the proud or in those who worship idols. O Lord my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them.”
Psalms 40:1-5 NLT
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Be a Lighthouse! HCC
Is your lighthouse hidden,
Or can you see it where it is?
Is it placed around a corner?
Can you see it’s light within?
If you’re in the dark,
as you proceed on land or sea,
make sure your lighthouse is lit,
for all the World to see.
Speak out for truth you know
In your lighthouse standing there.
Find shelter for a friend,
Some food, some gentle care.
It’s all about the love,
That keeps your light aglow.
It wipes away the tears, your love, it overflows.
Keep your lighthouse lit!
To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here
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