When a child is born, we as their parents give a name to the baby. We usually think that the choice of the name was our choice alone, but that may not be the whole truth. Names have meanings, which, if known, may signify a characteristic, a physical feature, or a future destiny among other possibilities.
For example, my wife’s name Helen refers to light, and indeed she has been a light of the gospel to the world. My name Russell means “red” or rusty. Indeed, I was a red head and had a reddish complexion. My mother, who named me, could not have known that since I was bald as an onion and there were no redheads in our near family, but God knew it. I do believe that God influences a parents’ choice of names although it is unbeknownst to them.
In studying the account of the birth of Moses, he was hidden in a basket at the bulrushes of a riverbank. When Pharaoh’s daughter discovered him, he was drawn out of the water and adopted by her. His name, Moses, was the Hebrew name Mosheh which means drawn out. The name also spoke of his destiny to draw out Israel from their Egyptian bondage.
So, you may ask, “What’s in a name?” Perhaps it is everything. Jesus’ name in scripture is Emmanuel, which means “God is with us” and He was exactly that, God in the flesh.
The apostle Peter’s name, (given to him by Jesus) meant rock. He was indeed the rock placed on the cornerstone (Jesus) upon whom the church started at Pentecost.
You might not know the deeper meaning of your name, but God does. He will guide you into your destiny, with or without your awareness of it. He will guide, but you must choose to follow, or not! It is your choice.