As we read the story of Joseph in Genesis, we see a young dreamer that was loved by his father, hated by his brothers, and was thrown into a pit to die. Instead, he was sold as a slave, then later was lied about, imprisoned, and alone.
Everything about the story of Joseph is about timing. Yes, he had dreams, but they would not be fulfilled for years.
Yes, he caused prosperity to come to Potiphar and even the prison warden, but he had to wait for “his time.”
When the right time came, Joseph was launched into the second most powerful position in all Egypt. His destiny was being fulfilled. Part of that destiny was interpreting Pharaoh’s dreams and then showing Pharaoh what to do. He said seven good years were coming but seven harsh years would follow.
Pharaoh listened to Joseph and put him in charge of preparing for the harsh years. Joseph had learned great wisdom in the years from the pit to his providence. His wisdom saved Egypt and the surrounding countries that were in severe famine.
I believe that famine is coming to our land and to the world. We must use the wisdom that God gives us to prepare for those days. Joseph stored enough food for seven long years of famine. It was not just for himself, Pharaoh, or Egypt. It was enough for other people too.
In our preparation for hard times and famine that is coming we must do everything we can to be ready for it. We have talked about preparing for these days for a long time. I think those days of plenty are about to end, and what we have prepared for will now take place. I see very hard times ahead and pray that you have heeded the warning to be ready for them. You cannot depend on someone else to do what you should have done.
In order to get food from Joseph’s preparation, many had to sell their land, their goods, and themselves to Pharaoh. I see this happening again. Many will depend on the government to take care of them, but it will lead to bondage. Be careful who you put your trust in.
Yes, Israel was brought to Egypt and escaped famine, but eventually they became the slaves of Egypt for four hundred years. Egypt always represents the world, and the god of this world wants dominion over you. Will you trust God in the hard years to come, or will you give in to the world’s system? I pray you make the right choice because we are entering
the Joseph season of famine.