God now sends the eighth judgment. Moses stretches out his hand with the rod. A strong east wind blew all that day and all night. When morning came, vast hordes of locusts descended upon Egypt. They ate every green plant that remained after the hailstorm. (Ex. 10:12-20.)
Locusts had come before, but not like this. They would eat all day. At night they would cover the ground four and five inches deep, one upon another. One could not walk outdoors without crushing them with every step. Their stench was stifling and unbearable.
This was a second defamation of the Egyptian god Seth, the god of storms and disorder. Seth was unable to cope with the locust storm brought by Jehovah.
Pharaoh hastily called for Moses. He acknowledged that he had sinned against Jehovah. He asked Moses to pray that God would forgive him this one last time and in verse 17 it says, “…take away from me this death only.”
Moses left Pharaoh and prayed to God who sent a strong west wind and blew all the locusts out of the land to the Red Sea. Again, Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not let the Hebrews go anywhere.
God uses nature and natural disasters to get peoples’ attention, whether it be earthquakes, storms, drought, floods, fires, pandemic diseases, or famine. It seems that most of the time people do not even understand that it is the hand of God at work. The sin that brought it on is not repented of, nor even recognized. Such is the case for us today. America’s sins of infanticide (abortion) aggressive promotion of the LGBT agenda, and human trafficking have brought upon us these very natural disasters. The ones who promote these sins do not make any connection to a judgment from God. Their eyes of understanding are blinded.
What about you? Is there anything that has been troubling you or your family, business, church? Would a deep, deep self-evaluation reveal anything? Ask the Holy Spirit to show you.