I mentioned yesterday in Exodus 15:1 that Moses and the children of Israel sang unto the LORD, “…for He hath triumphed gloriously. The horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea.” They had just experienced the salvation from bondage to a land of sin and been brought to safety.
I want us to look at the meaning and the source of those two words, salvation, and safety, as it relates to this story of Israel’s deliverance and its relevance to us today. Two verses stand out.
In Exodus 14:3 as they stand on the Egyptian side of the Red Sea it says, “Fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD….” Exodus 15:2 says, “The LORD…he is become my salvation. He is my God…and I will prepare Him an habitation.”
In each verse the English word for salvation is Yeshua, the name of God the Son, Jesus. Strong’s Concordance (H3444) gives the meaning of Yeshuah as “deliverance, health, help, salvation.” Young’s Analytical Concordance gives the meaning as “safety.” Both are correct as they essentially mean the same thing. Jesus has delivered us from the bondage of a world of sin and given us salvation (Strong’s).
The word for LORD in Ex. 14:13 is “Yahweh” which is the name of the fullness of God, the Trinity of Father, Son, and Spirit. The word for LORD in Ex. 15:2 is “Yahh” which is specifically the name of the Father. In view of that, let me render in English how it reads in the original Hebrew.
Exodus 14:13, “Fear ye not, stand still, and see the Yeshuah (Son) of Yahweh (Father, Son, Spirit),” the one who is our salvation and safety.
Exodus 15:2 says, “The Father…is become my Yeshuah. He (Yeshuah) is my God (‘El).”
This affirms Jesus’ godhood. The Hebrew name ‘El is a singular name indicating lordship or deity. That is the singular form of Elohiym which is the plural for the trinity Godhead.
This overcomes some people’s doubt of Jesus’ divinity. Exodus 15:2 declares Yeshuah as God who proceeds from the Father (Yahh).
Isn’t it great that everything in the New Testament can be verified from the Old Testament written many centuries earlier? Because of whom Jesus is, we can “fear not” (Ex. 14:13) because He is our safety in salvation. Moses spoke it. We receive it.