"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."
Revelation 12:11 KJV
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Proverbs 5:1-2 [KJV] says, “My Son, attend [pay attention] to my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding: [so] that thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips [words] may keep [show] knowledge.”
Wisdom comes from Father God who has all understanding. The reason we need wisdom and understanding regarding discretion is so that we may make good life choices on a day-to-day basis, and that we may, by our words, display the knowledge and testimony of God.
This knowledge comes from the reading [and studying] of God’s word [the Bible] which is then applied to our understanding by our guide and teacher, the Holy Spirit.
How can we gain the knowledge of God except through his written word? You might say that you get it from your preacher’s sermon, your Sunday school teacher, or television evangelists that you trust. However, if you have not read the bible for yourself, how do you know if everything they say is the truth? Even if 90% is truth, the other 10% may deceive you.
There is no adequate substitute for studying the bible for your own self. How can the Holy Spirit open your understanding to the written word of God if you will not read it yourself?
God has placed his wisdom in His word. Wisdom and understanding go hand in hand together. Take time to read the word and receive both wisdom and understanding.
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Those of us that are old enough to remember grade school might remember the early books we were taught from with Dick, Jane and Sally. One of the things these stories taught was to watch, look, and listen. It developed a sense of character in us as children. We would watch for cars coming and look carefully both ways before crossing the street, and for anything that seemed out of place, and listen to our parents and teachers.
As I was getting ready to write today’s message, I heard the Lord say, “Watch, Look, and Listen.”
In Matthew 26 we find Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. He said in verse 38, “…My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me.”
It was a simple request. The disciples knew that the religious leaders sought to kill Jesus, so watching out for him was simply what they should have been doing. In this case, they fell asleep. In verses 40-41 Jesus said, “And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, ‘What, could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.’”
We see from this passage that we might have a willing heart, but our flesh is weak. In this season, God is again asking us to “Watch, Look, and Listen.” We are to watch for signs in the heavenlies, we are to look for his coming, but above all, we are to listen to the Holy Spirit in this season.
I cannot emphasize this enough. It comes to me daily to remind the body of Christ to get into that secret place. Today’s prophetic word (click here) tells us the same thing. If we do not “watch, look, and listen” will be found asleep just like the disciples were when Jesus faced his greatest test. Let us not be like them. Let us keep our eyes open, our minds focused on the Lord and our ears every ready to hear what the Spirit says.
Be reminded that in Revelation chapters 1-3 Jesus said 7 times, “He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” It is not a great suggestion. It is a commandment for those in this hour! Watch, look, and listen, for things are going to change very rapidly. Don’t get caught asleep.
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What animal has 3 hearts and his blood is blue? | | | |
What animal can regenerate lost limbs up to 5 times?
The Correct answer is:
The Mexican Walking Fish
Of those that responded
0% answered correctly with:
The Mexican Walking Fish
100% answered incorrectly with:
the Salamander
These polls/quizzes are only for fun. They are not documented. Answers must be in by 4:00 p.m. to be included in the results.
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We want to introduce to you our friends Stephen and April Robbins. They have developed a wonderful coffee product. If you ask Russell how good it is he will rate it with five stars.
Check out their website, and support this Christian company. We know you will enjoy their products! Use Discount code "Family 25" and receive 25% off your order. Tell them we sent you!
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to see some of the prophetic words that have been given through this ministry.
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I would say unto to you today, set aside much time in the secret place with me. I have many things to share with you. Your ears have been full of the chaos of the world, and it is time to get quiet and come to me saith the Lord. For fear is on the horizon more abundantly than ever. Many will fall prey to this evil spirit that is not from me. For, I have given you a mind that is sound, and a heart that can hear my voice if you take the time to come aside. Yes, there are many distractions that would pull you away, but if you come, I will show you the way, the truth, and refresh your life. For you are about to see major changes in the world, and many of them will catch the average person, even my children, off guard. There will be many things pulled down and you will see kingdoms that have been in power be brought to nothing. War is soon coming, and not in isolated places. It will come to even the places that have stood for me. For the days are here where the enemy will be given permission to come against my people, and only those that have put their complete trust in me will come through these days. Picture yourself at a stoplight. Those that run the light will certainly crash, but those that wait patiently for the right timing to go forward will escape harm. Many are in a hurry to do things, when what I require is time spent with me. Daily take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and I shall speak to you through my word. Many are weak because they have not taken time to feed their spirit. You must, I say, must take time to listen more than ever. There shall be a financial collapse and only those that have prepared for hard times will be sustained. Yes, I am the God that multiplied the fish and the loaves, but there must be fish and loaves to multiply. Prepare yourselves for very hard times as you get closer to my coming. Like Elijah, I will supernaturally supply, but you must be where I instruct you to be to receive that supply. Be ready at a moment’s notice to go, do, and be what I lead you to go, do and be. For then, you shall see and accomplish what I have called you to do in this season. Do not let fear grasp your heart. Daily confess before me the word and the promises that will sustain you, for my word will be your bread in these hours that will shortly come. Do not neglect to be the light in the darkness, for souls are depending upon your light to come to me. Now, come to me and wait and listen, for I have much more to say to you, my child.
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In this life we all have our own race to run; While knowing that we’re none called, expected nor qualified to run someone else’s race on life’s highway. It’s true that we each must stay in our own lane; And not try to get involved in what's happening in another person’s lane. Now IF and when your help is wanted or needed; And IF it’s asked for then YES, by all means go for it…But otherwise NO. Likewise, if you’re not asked for your opinion…It’s best that you just stand back and MYOB. I’m sure we all know that trouble usually comes into the life of an individual, a ministry, a job, a family or a friend IF and WHEN…One person gets over into the other persons lane trying to give them advice that was NOT ever asked for…Nor wanted. Just remember to do yourself and others a great big favor by; Staying in your lane, minding your own business...And keeping it straight. Indeed we must all keep in mind that it’s the only way to maintain a healthy and a happy relationship on this road of life. So let’s just mind our own business or yes…MOOB
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Tuesday Thought For Today
Praying for our country and this came to mind. God's hand has been working in ways we have not realized. As I thought about that, it came to me: indeed God’s hand has been on Trump. But I also felt like God was waiting. Waiting to see what we will do now that He has been working on our behalf. He is waiting to see if this country will turn back to Him. And what clutched at my heart, was what was in store for us if; we didn’t seek Him, turn from our wayward ways and repent.
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
II Chronicles 7:14 NKJV
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Singing! HCC
I sit and listen to the Jewish people singing.
Singing their prayers to God. Oh, so beautiful
It is. Hearing the language of the Lord. A special
Country, a special gift. A special love for
Humanity, from this our Israel. They have
Struggled for years As Jesus watches from above.
As Jesus sends down his love, for them to come
To him. Now we see destruction again, and do we
Pray with them? We certainly should. Pray for
Israel, pray for peace, pray for the hostages,
Pray for mercy. Pray for Jesus to come.
To see more of HCC's beautiful poems on YouTube click here
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