
It's been a roller coaster week....We just received word at end of the day today that the Sept. 17th hearing on the Outpost is absolutely, definitely cancelled. We won the battle, thanks to the pressure exerted by YOU with your thousands of emails, your incredible attendance at the PZA hearing and Gate's Open House, your public comments, Save Guana Now stickers on your cars, yard signs in your yards, letters to the editors, community organization endorsements, and many, many donations that brought us six experts, a great attorney, 7 full page ads in the St. Augustine Record, a 9-foot banner and thousands of mailers.

But the fight to conserve the Outpost is not nearly over. Above is the statement we posted on Facebook. The letter from Gate to the county that describes their next steps can be read here.

Evidently, Gate was not interested in an encore of the PZA hearing with our record-setting attendance and our experts whose arguments were so strong, Gate's attorney's best strategy was to campaign to slash their time. Gate's latest strategy is not a viable one; they can't rezone the Outpost without a comp plan change. As we learn more, we'll keep you informed.

We received SO MANY EMAILS from our supporters planning to attend on Tuesday, there's no doubt the turnout would have been huge. We thank you for setting aside the afternoon (and the white shirt) to attend. Please help us spread the word that the hearing is cancelled.

Have a wonderful weekend. Savor a hard-won semi-victory!

Nicole Crosby and Gary Coulliette
Co-founders, Save Guana Now