This Week in Choir (TWIC)

This Week in Choir (TWIC) emails are sent out on Sundays.  The TWIC highlights important choir information & events for students & families.

Choir News

District XII Choral Assessment
District Assessment is coming on March 17 and 18 and we need your help! It will be hosted at Langley with 39 choirs participating from 2:00 to 10:00 pm each day. We will need at least one parent from every choir family to volunteer some time in order to make it a success. Please come to the Choral Guild Zoom meeting this Wednesday at 7:00 pm to find out more about the jobs and how you can help.

District XII Honors Choir
We have had three rehearsals to prepare for District Choir. Students who missed a rehearsal should make up the time by practicing with the tracks and having their parents verify with a note.

District Choir Fees
Commitment forms, permission forms, and checks payable to LHS Choral Guild are due by Friday, February 4.
Mixed – $51.50
Treble – $48.30

District Choir Schedule Washington-Liberty HS, Arlington
Parents are responsible for transportation on Thursday and Saturday
Thursday, February 10, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Friday, February 11, 10:30 am – 5:00 pm (Bus provided)
Saturday, February 12, 8:45 am – 4:00 pm

District Choir Concert Times
Middle Schools – 1:00 pm
Treble Choir – 2:30 pm
Mixed Choir – 3:30 pm

All-Virginia Chorus Auditions - Virtual
All students who signed up for All-Virginia Chorus auditions have been sent a link to audition. The auditions close on February 14. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE! Complete your audition early so Dr. Lambert can check it. Let Dr. Lambert know if you have any questions or problems.

Choral Guild News

February Guild Parent Meeting
THIS Wednesday, February 9, 7 PM, Zoom
Please join us for choir updates and information about upcoming events. We will focus on Langley hosting the District XII Choral Assessment in March and what is needed to put on that event.  We will also discuss the Spring Trip status.  Look for a Blast closer to Wednesday with the Zoom link and full Agenda.

Langley HS Hosts District XII Choral Assessment
Thursday, March 17 and Friday, March 18, 2 pm – 10 pm
This is the first District XII Choral Assessment since 2019 and Langley has been chosen to host. We need help from every choir family to put on this large event. 

Please click here for an overview of the event as well as job descriptions. Click here for the SignUpGenius. You can also find them on our website ( under Forms & Signups. More details will be discussed at the Parent Guild Meeting on Wednesday.

Upcoming Events

February Guild Parent Meeting, Wed, February 9, 7:00 pm, *Zoom*

District Honors Chorus, February 10-12, Washington-Liberty HS

All-Virginia Honors Chorus Auditions, Virtual, now through February 14

Pre-Assessment Concert, Tuesday, March 15, 7:00 pm, Auditorium

District XII Choral Assessment, March 17 and 18, Langley HS

Thank You!