This Week in Choir (TWIC)

This Week in Choir (TWIC) emails are sent out on Sundays.  The TWIC highlights important choir information & events for students & families.

Choir News

All-Virginia Chorus
Please congratulate the following students on being selected for the All-Virginia Chorus. The event will be held in Richmond on April 21-23.

Shriya Iyer

Sri Allam
William Bertin
Brandon Edgerly
Adi Gupta
Ryan Jones
Maya Sachdev

Pre-Assessment Concert - Tuesday, March 15
6:30 pm call time.
District XII Choral Assessment (Choir SOL) at Langley HS:

Thursday, March 17
Chamber – 2:00 to 2:50 pm
Madrigals – 9:00 to 9:50 pm

Friday, March 18
Treble/Select – 2:20 to 3:10 pm
Concert Choir – 3:20 to 4:10 pm

Choral Guild News

Spring Trip Google Survey is Closing
We are excited about the Spring Trip to Busch Gardens on March 26. We still have room on the bus so if you haven’t already responded and would like to go, please let us know by 9:00 am on Monday morning (February 28).  If your availability changes (such as chaperones changing from maybe to yes), please also let us know by Monday morning. The Google form will no longer take responses after that time. Click here for the form.

Questions? Please contact Elizabeth Davidov (Trip Organizer) at [email protected] or Kara Ludlow (Head Chaperone) at [email protected]

Please Volunteer for District XII Choral Assessment (at Langley HS)
Thursday, March 17 and Friday, March 18, 2:00 pm-10:00 pm
We still need many volunteers for the upcoming assessment so please check your schedule and sign up for a timeslot. Also, we need bottled water and snack donations for the concession stand – this has been added to the SignUpGenius. Please click here to sign up for timeslots and concession stand donations.

Questions? Please email Kim Buckingham at [email protected]. Thank you! 

Upcoming Events

March Guild Parent Meeting, Wednesday, March 9, 7:00 pm

Pre-Assessment Concert, Tuesday, March 15, 7:00 pm, Auditorium. Call time: 6:30 pm

District XII Choral Assessment, March 17 and 18, Langley HS

Spring Trip, Saturday, March 26, Busch Gardens, Williamsburg

Thank You!