This Week in Choir (TWIC)

This Week in Choir (TWIC) emails are sent out on Sundays.  The TWIC highlights important choir information & events for students & families.

Choir News

Assessment Student Volunteers
Meeting on Monday during Langley Links

Pre-Assessment Concert
Tuesday, March 15; 6:30 pm call time.
District XII Choral Assessment (Choir SOL) at Langley HS:

Thursday, March 17
Chamber – 2:00 to 2:50 pm
Madrigals – 9:00 to 9:50 pm

Friday, March 18
Treble/Select – 2:20 to 3:10 pm
Concert Choir – 3:20 to 4:10 pm

Choral Guild News

Volunteers Needed this Thursday, March 17 & Friday, March 18, 2:00 – 10:00 pm for District Assessments (Choir SOL) at Langley HS
Thank you to the families who have already signed up to help.  We still need volunteers especially for the Sight Reading and Tabulation rooms and for the 7:00-10:00 pm time slots each night.
>> Please click here for job descriptions.
>> Please click here to sign up.

Questions? Please email Kim Buckingham at Thank you for supporting Langley Choir! 

Spring Trip
Parents/Guardians and Students, can you believe the Spring Chorus trip to Busch Gardens is only 13 days away? That does not give us much time to finalize the details, so please read the information below and complete any outstanding items. Thank you!

Required Trip Forms: Make sure you have completed, and your student turned in to Dr. Lambert, all the required forms for the trip. Required include the (1) Emergency Care Information Form and the (2) Parental Authorization and Acknowledgement of Risk for Field Trip Form/FCPS Parental Field Trip Authorization Form. Forms are due NLT this Tuesday, March 15th.
>> Click here to visit the LHS Choral Guild website for copies of the forms under Busch Gardens Forms 2022 or reach out to Elizabeth Davidov at

Payments: Payments are due now!
>> Please visit to pay for your student and yourself if you signed-up to be a chaperone. The fees are found in the School Store, Fieldtrip Category, Busch Gardens. There are separate options for Students and Chaperone Fees. 

Chaperone Groups: You and your student should have received an email with a link to a SignUpGenius invitation to choose a chaperone group. You can also click here for the SignUpGenius. Please make sure your student signs up by Monday, March 14th at 5pm. We will finalize the chaperone groups on Monday night and those who do not respond by then will be assigned to a group. Once finalized, you will receive a confirmation email with your student's chaperone group. We encourage everyone to stay a few minutes after the preassessment concert Tuesday night to meet your chaperone!

Reach out to Elizabeth Davidov with any questions at 240-876-3940 or

Upcoming Events

Pre-Assessment Concert, Tuesday, March 15, 7:00 pm, Auditorium. Call time: 6:30 pm

District XII Choral Assessment, March 17 and 18, Langley HS

Spring Trip, Saturday, March 26, Busch Gardens, Williamsburg

Thank You!