This Week in Choir (TWIC)
This Week in Choir (TWIC) emails will be sent out on Sundays. The TWIC will highlight important choir information & events for students & families.
Choir News
Welcome back everyone! It’s been wonderful to see and hear the choir students during our first week back. Please let me know if I can help you in any way. I’m looking forward to a great year ahead!
Extra Rehearsals – October 13
Treble/Select – 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Concert Choir – 1:30 – 3:00 pm
Attention Parents and Students: The PSAT/SAT day for students was just announced for October 13. This is the day before our Fall Concert and it is the day Treble/Select and Concert Choir would be practicing on stage during their classes. Because of this, we will need to schedule a rehearsal for those groups that afternoon. Lunch will be served after the tests and the rehearsals will begin after that.
Choral Guild News
Pre-Owned Uniform Fundraiser
Monday, August 30 & Tuesday, August 31, 3-4 pm, Choir Room
If you need a uniform, you can check out a variety of pre-owned dresses and tuxes at the uniform sale. All resale outfits will have a set cost of $25. Payment may be made in cash or check payable to “LHS Choral Guild”.
Uniform/Spirit Pack Order and Payment Due by Wed. Sept. 1
All fees must be received by Sept 1. This date is especially important for uniform orders and payments to ensure that uniforms are delivered in time to have any alterations made prior to the Fall Concert on October 14.
Please refer to your green “2021-2 Required Choir Fees & Uniform Information” sheet in your Back-to-School packet.
Click here to access the online Langley Choir Uniform Order form.
Chamber/Madrigals Meeting
Friday, September 10, 6:15 pm, Choir Room
Mandatory meeting for those in Chamber and Madrigals (and at least one parent) with Dr. Lambert to discuss events and expectations for the school year.
Ice Cream Social
Friday, September 10, 7 pm, Auditorium
Everyone please join us for an evening of singing, information about choir events, and ice cream!
Future Guild Meeting Dates (all at 7:00 pm):
Wed, Oct 13
Wed, Nov 10
No December Meeting
Wed, Jan 12
Wed, Feb 9
Wed, March 9
Wed, April 13
Wed, May 11
Adding to the TWIC email distribution list
If you'd like to add another email address to receive these newsletters, please visit, and click on the green TWIC-signup button in the top right-hand corner.
Upcoming Events
Chamber/Madrigals Meeting – Friday, Sept. 10, 6:15 pm
Choir Room
Ice Cream Social – Friday, Sept. 10, 7 pm
Car Wash - Saturday, Sept. 21, 9 am - 3 pm
Sunoco (at Spring Hill/Old Dominion)