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TAD Talks
TX Gains TWO New Congressional Seats
Senator Paul Bettencourt Friday!
Important news last week as US Census data led to the state of Texas gaining TWO new congressional seats (click here for more!). Unsurprisingly many blue states lost seats while red states saw the most gains. Texas was the ONLY state that gained more than one seat. Our population growth is a true testament to Texas' economy and quality of life, due in large part to our conservative, Republican governance these last two decades.

On this Friday's Election Integrity call we are joined by Senator Paul Bettencourt. Senator Bettencourt is a senior member of the Senate Republican Caucus. This will be a very informative call discussing the remaining 27 days of the regular legislative session (the sprint to the finish!) and the prospects of a special session on redistricting.

We'll be paying particular attention to SB 1111 and SB 1589, Sen. Bettencourt's efforts to protect election integrity! These bills pertain to to a registered voters residency and would create special Election Marshals to further ensure free and fair elections, respectively.
Did you miss last week's call?
Last week we heard from Josh Findlay. He has been a RNC State Director, helped organize our national convention and is now the RNC's Election Integrity Director. If you missed our conversation you can view the recording here on my website!
ICYMI: Americans Biden Left Out in His Address to Congress
In his first 100 days, Joe Biden’s policies have directly hurt millions of Americans, and last Wednesday, Biden proved he has forgotten about them.
These are some of their stories:
Border patrol agents, who are trying their best to cope as Biden’s border crisis continues to boom: “I’m a father, I don’t want to see that. As a border patrol agent, I didn’t sign up for this.” “Based upon what we’ve already apprehended, and looking at what’s remaining in the fiscal year, that we will have approximately about a million apprehensions or encounters this year.”
Neal Crabtree, a worker who lost his livelihood when Biden cancelled Keystone: To have a project of this magnitude cancelled, it’s going to hurt a lot of people, a lot of families, a lot of communities.”
Jessica, a parent speaking for members of her community who are concerned their children are falling behind because the schools won’t reopen full-time: “They are concerned that their child is going to fall even further behind, considering that other kids in the city are in school. To be clear, it is just public schools that are not back. Private and Parochial schools are back and nationally kids are back.”
Tudy Rodney of Rodney’s Jamaican Soul Food, whose business was hit by Biden’s lies that resulted in a baseless Georgia boycott: “We’re trying to build back from a pandemic that happened last year, and something like this is not good for business. Rodney’s will suffer.”
Sheriffs from around America, who are seeing an exploding fentanyl crisis because of Biden’s open borders policies: “In the year 2020, New Mexico seized about 18,000 fentanyl pills...This year we've seized over 90,000 pills.” “We have experienced an all-time high of overdoses.”
Tyler Noel, LiUNA Local 620, who feels abandoned by Democrats after Biden forced him out of a job: “It's not just a job, it's like a lifestyle…Anything that was coming in the next few months was supposed to be Keystone…If you do a task, do a job, for thirteen years, you'd like to think in thirteen years you'd be somewhat comfortable and then not have to worry about a job. What was the last thirteen years for? The last thirteen years of being out on the road, being away from family and for what? For me to be sitting here right now talking to you about this”
Democrats hoping to flip Texas House seat fall short amid low turnout:
'Pretty Bad'
In case you missed it, the RNC and NRCC successfully partnered to ensure a Republican-held seat in the swing district TX-06 stayed Red, delivering Democrats another blow in Texas.
As a result of joint RNC-NRCC GOTV efforts, Republican candidates Susan Wright and Jake Ellzey will advance to the special election runoff.

RNC Data provided targeting for GOTV efforts by building custom phone universes that were updated in real-time to help drive Republican turnout. The specific targets included: five rounds of text messages to voters, nearly two million ads on Facebook and Google Advertising, and five robo-dials to voters pushing them to the polls.  
In addition, RNC Digital drove nearly 4,000 voters in TX-06 to find their polling place, request an absentee ballot, and register to vote using Vote.GOP.
The DCCC heavily targeted the competitive district, but finalized election results showed Democrats only received 36% of the vote and the second-place Republican edged out the third place Democrat by less than 400 votes.
The GOP victory in TX-06 shows voters continuing to choose common-sense conservative policies over the Democrats’ socialist agenda to open our borders, destroy energy jobs, and raise taxes by trillions of dollars.
Thanks to the generous continued support of our members and donors, we look forward to delivering more victories like this one as we work to retake the House and Senate in 2022.
Biden Is Failing Our Schools
  • After promising to open our nation’s schools and put children first, Joe Biden has spent his first 100 days in office putting special interests first.
  • The science on reopening our schools is abundantly clear.
  1. The CDC has concluded that community spread of COVID-19 in schools is low, and that children only need to be  three feet apart to remain safe.
  • But the Biden Administration is putting special interests first.
  1. A new bombshell report shows emails between Biden’s CDC and the powerful American Federation of Teachers (AFT) directly influencing CDC guidance on reopening schools.
  2. The special interest group even made language suggestions for the CDC’s school reopening guidelines – language which the CDC “adopted nearly verbatim” into their final document.
  3. It’s disturbing the AFT, under the leadership of Randi Weingarten, is leading the unscientific push to keep millions of students from attending in person classes.
  4. One doctor called these interactions “very, very troubling,” adding, “this is not how science-based guidelines should work or be put together.”
  5. Why is a special interest group influencing the Biden Administration’s public health policy?
  • In the 2020 campaign cycle, the AFT spent $20 million to elect Democrats across the country – including Joe Biden. It appears AFT’s partnership with Biden during his campaign is finally paying off for them.
  • Before he took office, Biden vowed to reopen America’s schools in his first 100 days.
  1. 100 days has passed and tens of thousands of kids still aren’t back in school – another broken promise for Biden.
  2. Now, Biden isn’t even committing to fully reopening schools this fall.
  • The Biden Administration has mixed messaging on reopening schools. Just over the past few days:
  1. White House Adviser Anita Dunn refused to back reopening schools by FALL and dodged when asked if Biden would stand up to Democrat special interest groups making unscientific demands.
  2. Jill Biden refused to call on teachers to allow schools to reopen, claiming that “it depends.” An educator should know better.
*The full RNC Pundit Prep will be posted on my website. For more information, please click here.
Joe Biden’s First 100 Days of Failure

President Biden promised to promote unity – but in his first 100 days, he has governed as a radical partisan. Biden’s administration is defined by broken promises, disastrous policies, and dangerous proposals. Here’s just a short list of Biden’s failures: 
  • Biden created a crisis on the border.
  • The Biden Administration is refusing to admit there is a serious crisis on our border – probably because their policies are to blame.
  • Illegal immigrants are surging to the border in record numbers because of Biden’s policies.
  • In March, over 172,000 illegal immigrants were taken into custody for crossing the border – five times as many as last March
  • An estimated 1,000 immigrants a day are illegally crossing the border without being pursued.
  • There is a serious humanitarian crisis and border facilities are critically crowded.
  • Biden and his border manager, Kamala Harris, refuse to visit the border.

  • Biden is falsely taking credit for COVID vaccinations. 
  • On the campaign trail, Biden and Harris irresponsibly spread doubt about COVID vaccines for political reasons.
  • Meanwhile, President Trump and Republicans led Operation Warp Speed, which delivered multiple vaccines to the American People – and to the world - in record time.
  • The Trump Administration put a robust vaccination plan in place before Biden was even sworn in. 
  • By January 20th, the Trump Administration’s vaccination program had already delivered shots in arms for 16 million Americans
  • Biden inherited Trump’s successful vaccination program – now he’s trying to rewrite history to take credit for it.  

  • Biden’s COVID recovery plan? A $1.9 trillion progressive wish list that does little to fight COVID.
  • Biden’s COVID bill has little to do with COVID relief. Only 9% goes to directly fighting the coronavirus.
  • Only 1% of his COVID relief bill is for vaccines.
  • Hundreds of billions of dollars of the Democrats’ bill will not be spent for up to a decade from now – this was not emergency spending like Joe Biden claimed. 
  • Biden slow walked opening our schools and putting students first. He has refused to call out AFT boss Randi Weingarten, who is leading the charge to keep our schools closed while she flies around in a private plane
  • The Democrats’ $1.9 trillion wish list only spends $6 billion, 0.3% of the bill, on emergency relief for K-12 schools this fiscal year with NO REQUIREMENT that they reopen.
  • Every American parent deserves the option to send their kids back to in-person schooling.  

  • Biden started a war on American energy. 
  • Joe Biden is turning his back on American energy workers.
  • On Day One, Biden crushed thousands of jobs by canceling the Keystone Pipeline, killing 11,000 jobs including 8,000 union jobs.
  • Biden halted new oil and gas leasing on federal land, the first step in implementing his proposed ban.
  • Biden rejoined the disastrous Paris Climate Agreement. Economists estimate this move would kill hundreds of thousands of American jobs.
  • Democrats’ “Green New Deal” would eliminate fossil fuels, cost taxpayers up to $93 trillion over ten years, destroy our energy sector, and crush 10 million jobs.

  • Biden is dropping the ball on infrastructure. 
  • Only 7% of his $2.25 trillion so-called “infrastructure” plan is for roads, bridges, waterways, ports, and airports.
  • He killed actual infrastructure projects like the Keystone Pipeline and the border wall. 
  • His proposal will hit Americans with $2 trillion in tax hikes that would lower wages and shrink America’s economy. 

  • Joe Biden has repeatedly bowed to the far-left wing of the Democrat Party.
  • The Biden Administration is doing more outreach to China and Iran than to Republicans in Congress.
  • Biden has embraced the radical left and signaled his willingness to end the filibuster.
  • He is now open to court-packing, which he once called a “bonehead idea.”
  • He has refused to call out radical rhetoric from Maxine Waters who said, “we’ve got to get more confrontational.” 
  • Biden repeatedly lied about Georgia's voting bill.
  • His rhetoric robbed hard-working Georgians of $100 million in revenue from the All-Star Game. 

The bottom line:
Joe Biden’s address to Congress exposed his radicalism for all to see – try as he might, he can’t distract from the monumental harm his policies would cause to the American people. In stark contrast, Tim Scott’s response offered a hopeful, optimistic, and unifying vision for all Americans. 
What we are reading:

Register for Election Integrity Meeting!
Meeting Details
When: Every Friday beginning January 22nd, 2021, through May 28th, 2021
Time: 7:00 a.m. CST

To access the meetings, use the Zoom link or meeting details below!
Meeting ID: 897 9361 5836
Passcode: 237762
You do not have to use zoom to participate. You are welcome to call in and listen. To join us in these important conversations, please see the dial in information included below. 
Dial In Number: +1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 897 9361 5836
Passcode: 237762
For your convenience you may download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you as your Texas Representative to the RNC! As always, feel free to reach out to me
with any questions you might have at [email protected],
or follow me on Facebook or Twitter at the links below. Thank you
for being a strong Texas Republican, and together, let us work to
Keep Texas RED!
Paid for by Toni Anne Dashiell RNC National Committeewoman for Texas