The Youth Connection is proud to announce our 2020 graduates!
Although the pandemic halted traditional graduations and other festivities, we wanted to take this time to acknowledge our youth and their hard work. We are happy to report that 100% of our youth are either going on to higher education or graduating from college. As we continue to connect youth to a brighter future, we are also cultivating the leaders of tomorrow.
SALUTE TO OUR GRADUATES, we can't wait to see how you will change the world!!
David McDuffie
Graduated from Oak Park High School and will be attending Oakland University in the fall.
David Waller II
Graduated from Communication Media & Arts High School and will be attending Wayne State University in the fall.
DeAndra Gardner
Graduated from Cass Technical High School and will be attending Wayne State University in the fall.
Jayla Williams
Graduated from Detroit School of Arts High School and will be attending Jackson College
in the fall.
Denzell Hairston
Graduated from Cass Technical High School and will be attending Henry Ford College in the fall.
Malajah Henderson
Graduating from Wayne State University in the 2020 Winter Semester with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration.
Chykarrion Maddox
Graduated from University Prep High School and will be attending Bowling Green College
with a full scholarship!
Nautaysha Tarver
Graduated from Ace Academy Woodward High School and will be attending Wayne County Community College.
Cheyanne Sadler
Graduated from Clintondale High School and will be attending Wayne County Community College.
Ahtiya Williams-Phillips
Graduating from Wayne State University in the 2020 Winter Semester with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration
These last few days have been filled with tremendous anger, sadness, reflection and a laser focus on what we must do. I know many of our youth are going through the same range of emotions that I was experiencing. I did no t have to ponder for a long time about the legacy Mr. Floyd would leave behind. We are living his legacy at this very moment.

For each of us who are outraged and feeling the pain over the senseless deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and countless other Black Men and Women we are reminded of the reasons and causes for which we must rally. People of all races are marching all over the world insisting that Black Lives Matter demanding equality, justice and respect. On the streets of Detroit, in the midst of this pandemic we peacefully march. We march for equal opportunity, quality health care, better schools and quality affordable housing.

What we cannot do is leave the march and allow our voices of outrage to go silent. As a call to action we encourage everyone to let our actions remain nonviolent. Michelle Obama said, "When they go low, we go high." We insist that you and every eligible person you know is registered to vote. We implore you to vote in every election, local, county, state, federal, block clubs, student councils to assure your voices are heard at every ballot box! Make sure you complete the census that dictate the resources that come to your communities.

Remember it was Darnella Frazier, a 16 year old, who stood her ground and made the recording for the world to see. She motivated action. We are providing opportunities for our young people to speak out and share not only the emotions they are experiencing but to tell us what actions they wish to take and let us know how we can support and help them during these unprecedented times. We want to HEAR THEIR VOICE!