Our mission is to know, show, and share Jesus!
Holy Week at Tabernacle
We just observed the first of three worship services, Palm Sunday, to help mark Holy Week as a special season of celebration. Each is important as we observe the full story of Christ’s Passion. Join us for the second worship service, Maundy Thursday, on April 18 at 6:30 PM, as the Tabernacle Choir & Orchestra will lead in a service specifically focused on the cross and taking The Lord’s Supper in a special way. On Easter Sunday, April 21, we will celebrate the most exciting Sunday of the year in our normal 11 AM worship service, as we proclaim that Jesus is ALIVE! Invite someone to join us! Childcare will be provided for both services through 1st grade.
Easter Lily Sale
Help decorate our church on Easter Sunday by purchasing an Easter Lily in honor or in memory of a loved one. Each plant is $15, and order forms may be found in the church office or at the Welcome Center. The deadline is Wednesday, April 17.
Stations of The Cross
During Holy Week we will show a series of images depicting Jesus Christ on the day of his crucifixion, along with selected prayers and reflections. The stations will be set up in the Chapel and a written guide is provided. Members are invited to make a spiritual pilgrimage through contemplation of the Passion of Christ. 
Carrollton Ministerial Alliance Holy Week Services
Carrollton churches will come together for a light lunch and devotional each day during Holy Week, April 15 - 19. This year, First Baptist Church of Carrollton on Old Bremen Road, will host the event. Lunch is at 11:45 followed by the meditation.
Donuts With Pastor Stephen
Are you new to Tabernacle? Are you a guest? This is the time to learn more about Tabernacle. Please join us on Sunday, April 28, 9:45 AM in the Fellowship Hall for donuts and coffee. Meet our church staff, ask questions, and make new friends. We invite you to discover how to become a part of Tabernacle.
Widows and Widowers Spring Luncheon
The Student Ministry will host a spring luncheon for widows and widowers. The lunch will be held Sunday, April 28, in the Fellowship Hall, immediately after worship service. Barbeque will be served. Please contact the church office to sign up or email crystal.gilley@tabernacle.org. Deadline is April 19.
Generations Sunday, May 5
Join us for a high attendance Sunday on May 5. You will not want to miss all ages leading in worship together that morning and a special message from Pastor Stephen as he shares vision for the next season of our church. After the service, a church-wide lunch will be provided for everyone as we kick-off the summer. Our hope is that you will be here and also invite a friend for this special day!
High School Senior Recognition
Graduating high school seniors will be recognized during morning worship service on Sunday, May 12. Please turn in photographs by April 18. Please contact Crystal Gilley in the church office with a head count for the senior/parent breakfast by Friday, May 3.
Retirement Reception for Emma Dumas
After thirty-one years of faithful service to Tabernacle, Emma Dumas has announced her retirement. Come celebrate with Emma on Friday, May 3, from 4 -6 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
Custodial Staff Job Opening
Tabernacle is now seeking a candidate to fill a full-time position on the Custodial staff.
The candidate should possess housekeeping skills. For a detailed job description and application, please stop by the church office.
In The Wild Vacation Bible School Leaders Needed
Do you have a heart for helping kids know Jesus? We need leaders for this summer's Vacation Bible School June 3-7! There is a place for everyone to serve, no matter if you have been a VBS worker before. If you are interested in serving, contact Rob.sauls@tabernacle.org.
Tabernacle to Start Cancer Support Group Ministry
Has your life been impacted by cancer, whether your own or someone else's? We are a faith-based, cancer support group. Our goal is to provide spiritual and emotional support to those diagnosed, currently undergoing treatment, caregivers, and those in remission. Join us on Wednesday, April 17, at 6 PM, in room 256. Christ, not cancer, is your life!
College and Graduate School Graduates
If you graduated from the ranks of higher education since June 2018, or know of a Tabernacle member who is, please inform Crystal Gilley in the church office. Those graduating with degrees from colleges, universities, and graduate schools will be recognized the week of May 12. Please supply his or her name, institution, and degree by Friday, April 26.
The Annie Armstrong Offering
The Annie Armstrong Offering is used to support more than 5000 missionaries and more than 3800 chaplains, who serve in difficult places where the gospel if often not welcome. 100% of the offering goes directly to the missionaries. We will be collecting this offering through Easter Sunday, April 21. Our church goal is $20,000. To date, $16,470 has been collected.
Camp Hawkins Mission Opportunities
Camp Hawkins Cleanup prior to summer camp will be May 27 - 29. This includes landscaping, cleaning cabins, stocking storage bays, and pool maintenance. Please contact Linda Bohannon in the church office to sign up by May 20.

Camp Hawkins Summer Camp will be June 18 - 23. This special needs camp near Cornelia, Georgia is sponsored by the Georgia Baptist Children's Home. Volunteers are needed to assist in arts & crafts, bible study, sports & recreation, cooking, and laundry. Contact Linda Bohannon in the church office to sign up by April 22.
Cumberland Mission Opportunities
The Cumberland Construction Trip will be May 2-7.

The general Cumberland Mission Trip will be July 7-12. Final sign up date will be Sunday, May 5.
Community Needs
Open Hands, our community food and assistance center, needs canned fruit and toothpaste. Alice's House, a local children's home, needs paper cups (cold), canvas art for decorating, and soft soap liquid soap. Items can be dropped off in the hallway by the Fellowship Hall.
Sunday's Report - April 14, 2019
Worship Service Attendance  
Worship Center - 345
Extended Teaching Care - 43
Total - 388

Sunday School Attendance
On Campus - 269
External Bible Study - 38
Total - 307
Wednesday Night Supper
April 24, 2019, 5:00 - 6:00 PM.
The menu is as follows:
hamburgers, crinkle fries, baked beans, salad, and cookies.
The cost is $6.00 per adult and
$3.00 per child.
This Week's Gifts
Unrestricted Gifts - $15,963.17
2020 Now - $0.00
Budgeted Missions - $54.00

YTD Giving Report: Oct '18-Sep '19
Revenue Needs - $802,221.56
Unrestricted Gifts - $773,033.78
2020 Now Gifts - $18,675.00
Budgeted Missions - $73,289.00
Designated Transfers - $9,528.27
Total Expenditures - $913,925.62
Financial Plan Deficit - $39,399.57
Memorials and Honorariums:

Unrestricted Gifts in Memory of:
Mr. Buren Brock

Annie Armstrong Offering in
Honor of:
Mrs. Barbara Phillips

Lottie Moon Offering in Honor of:
Mrs. Tena Poteat's Birthday

Tabernacle Baptist Church
150 Tabernacle Drive, Carrollton, Georgia 30117
Church Office: 770-832-7063 Fax: 770-834-2777
Sunday Broadcast: WBTR-FM 92.1 at 11:00 AM

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