February 16 2018
א׳ אדר תשע׳׳ח
Candle lighting for Hollywood 5:57pm
Rosh Chodesh Adar Senior Style!!

The seniors really understand a good yolk! Between the bubble wrap, the balloons and the streamers the school was transformed into a real barnyard of farm animals milling about. The students searched high and low for the key to the front door, navigating the cleverly devised clues this twelfth grade hid around the campus.  The girls got a good laugh at of this experience and learned that there are times one has to expend energy to open the doors to  higher education.

In This Issue
Greetings From The Head Of School

Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B'simcha - When the month of Adar comes we increase our simcha.  At Sha'arei Bina this Rosh Chodesh proved to be a challenge.  On one hand we wanted to celebrate the upcoming month and on the other hand we were terrible distraught over the Parkland tragedy.  Perhaps that is why our chachamim have said " Mitzvah Gedola L'hiyot b'simcha tamid" - It is a Mitzvah to be happy always - if it were so easy to be happy it wouldn't be a mitzvah. Nevertheless we have to work on ourselves to maintain a positive outlook.   

Our response to the tragedy was the addition of extra tehillim for those hospitalized as a result of the violence. I particularly chose Psalm 104 - Barchi Nafshi - both because it was Rosh Chodesh but also the Perek speaks to the order of the universe, the seas rushing to the shores and no further, the birds finding their nests in the right branches of the trees, the lions roaring and life going on.  This is the Perek that is recited at a funeral or at a yahrzeit to remind us that despite our sense of loss, Hakadosh Baruch Hu is ultimately in control.   

We are also dedicating the next 17 days (through shushan purim) to increasing our acts of chesed.  We have asked the students to post notes on a dedicated board relating the small, simple but meaningful acts of chesed that they have done to make this world a better place. Students also had the opportunity to express their feelings through art.

We have also told the girls that if anyone feels despair, unusual sadness or just needs someone to talk with, our faculty and professional staff are here on a daily basis to help them.

We pray that our children flourish in a secure and peaceful atmosphere.  May we be able to celebrate the simcha of Adar with full joy.

Shabbat Shalom
Dr. Rochelle Brand
Head of School

Calendar News

Please click here to view the complete calendar and latest news on our website

Save The Dates:

February 28 - Ta'anis Esther- noon dismissal
March 1 - Purim - No sessions
March 2 - Shushan Purim- regular sessions/ special event

D'var Torah Parshat Terumah
Rabbi Sheinkopf

There is a very well known Midrash Tanchuma in Parshas B'ha'aloscha regarding the Menora. We are told that Moshe Rabbainu had difficulty in understanding the exact structure of the Menorah and Hashem showed him what it should look like with white, red, black and green fire. Moshe still had difficulty, so Hashem engraved it into his hand. Moshe Rabbainu still had trouble and he said to Hashem "מִקְשָׁה"  - meaning according to this Midrash "It is too difficult". Whereupon Hashem responded  "תֵּיעָשֶה הַמִנוֹרָה"  - just throw it into the fire and "it will be made by itself".

The Sfas Emes asks, if Hashem was going to make it for Moshe anyway, why did Moshe have to work so hard to know beforehand how it needed to come out? Why did Hashem bother to show him, if it was going to be made miraculously anyway?

He answers that when a person has true desire to do a Mitzvah with his heart and soul, he only needs to do his part, and Hashem will finish it for him. Nonetheless, this Divine assistance in finishing the Mitzvah only comes with the full desire to complete the Mitzvah as well. Therefore, Moshe had to really desire and try his best to be able to make the Menorah, Hashem had to instruct him carefully as to the finalized structure so that Moshe knew what to desire to build, and then, since Moshe was not able to do it, Hashem finished it for him.

The Sfas Emes continues to explain that this is true for all people with all Mitzvos, and he brings a proof from the Talmud in Megilla 6B. The Gemorah is telling us that anyone who  puts effort into his learning will have success, but without effort he will not. The language, however is interesting:  "יָגַעְתִּי וּמָצָאתִי -  תַּאֲמִן" - "'I put in effort and I found (success)', believe it". Things that are "found" come without effort. Should the language not be "יָגַעְתִּי וְהִצְלַחְתִי -  תַּאֲמִן" - "'I put in effort and I was successful', believe it"?  The answer is as we already said. Once a person has truly desired and exerted effort, the rest of his accomplishment comes as a gift from Hashem.

Often, people wonder - "What does Hashem want from me?!" Some people become discouraged or angry at Hashem because they feel incompetent and useless. But when it comes to serving Hashem, one should never feel that way. All that Hashem wants from you, is for you to truly "want".

Brunch And Learn with Our Principal Mrs. Tobi wolf

As part of our study of Parshat Terumah, we focused on the mitzvah of building the ארון, the Tabernacle (Shemot, Perek 25).  The Aron was constructed of three cubic layers, acacia wood in the center surrounded on both sides by solid gold. Moshe placed the Luchot bearing the Ten  Commandments inside the Aron. A gold cover, the כפרת, was placed over the opening of the Aron. On it were mounted two cherubs with youthful faces, looking each other. Their wings spread upward  and shielded the cover and the faces were turned downward towards the cover.  

The women in our class expressed wonder that Hashem had chosen to incorporate the cherubs into a system of worship that is so adamantly opposed to idol worship. The Rambam addresses this very point in the Guide to the Perplexed. He explains that the cherubim were incorporated to teach בני ישראל the fundamental principle of the existence of מלאכים, angels. (In fact, the Seforno says that when a prophet saw an angel in a vision, it was represented by the image of a cherub). The Rambam says that, had there been only one cherub, people may have made a mistake and assumed that this was a representation of a god. However, since there were two, and the Torah openly proclaims the monotheistic philosophy of,   שמע ישראל ה' אלקינו ה' אחד, no one would make the mistake of associating the cherubim with false gods.   

Interestingly, the Medrash on Megilat Eicha (9) recounts that when the first Beit Hamikdash was destroyed, Amonites and Moavites entered the קדש הקדשים, Holy of Holies and found the two cherubim. They put them in a cage and paraded them through the streets of Jerusalem, saying, " Didn't you say that this nation doesn't worship idols. Look what we found and what they were worshipping. They are no different than the rest of us!"

We noted that the significance of the Aron is revealed through the passuk (Shemot; 25, 22),
וְנוֹעַדְתִּ֣י לְךָ֮ שָׁם֒ וְדִבַּרְתִּ֨י אִתְּךָ֜ מֵעַ֣ל הַכַּפֹּ֗רֶת מִבֵּין֙ שְׁנֵ֣י הַכְּרֻבִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֖ר עַל־אֲרֹ֣ן הָעֵדֻ֑ת אֵ֣ת כָּל־אֲשֶׁ֧ר אֲצַוֶּ֛ה אוֹתְךָ֖ אֶל־בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
There I will meet with you, and I will speak with you from above the cover, from between the two cherubim that are on the Ark of the Testimony, all that I will command you concerning B'nei Yisroel.

The Aron demonstrates how, after the public revelation at Har Sinai, Hashem established a more private channel of revelation and communication with the people. Hashem's "voice" descended from Heaven, and then between the cherubim. The angels, who are non-physical messengers of Hashem, had their wings spread toward heaven but their faces looking toward the Ark.  They are the means through which Hashem bridges the gap with human beings, by making His knowledge known and implementing His will. The Luchot represent the system of mitzvot; they teach the people how to  translate that knowledge of Hashem into appropriate action.  

When the Amonim and Moavim paraded the cherubim in the streets of Jerusalem, they removed the angels from their proper context. By presenting them as essential entities, they  perverted the entire concept of Hashem's relationship with B'nei Yisroel and tried to equate it with other forms of idol worship. In education, we must always be aware that context is critical. Miscommunications arise when words or actions are taken out of context. Sometimes this results in a distortion of abstract ideas; other times it creates rifts in relationships between people. At SBTAG we strive to achieve harmony by paying close attention to both the individual and the context in which individuals relate to each other. We emulate the concept of ה' אחד, by striving for a unified understanding of our world within a unified environment. This is a lesson that serves us well as we enter the month of Adar and contemplate the age old story of Jewish survival, as well as the struggle for survival that we witness every day in the world around us.

Focus On The Classrooms

7th Grade Computers
Mrs. Englard

During the month of February, Shaarei Bina 7th grade students joined the ranks of some of the most creative and innovative people in the world by embarking on self-directed learning. Students were given a choice of three sites -,, and -  and were instructed to learn something new and share their learning with classmates. Their passion, drive, and curiosity are truly inspirational! Among the topics currently under study are neurodevelopmental disorders, computer animation, HTML and web page creation, how computers work, events and conditionals in computer code, algebra, the history of civilizations, animal behavior, volcanoes, and the connection of art and dance. Since many of the jobs of the future have not yet even been conceived, the best skill we can help students develop is the ability to be lifelong self-learners. Our 7th grade students are enthusiastic autodidacts!

6th Grade Chumash

The 6th graders are so excited to be learning about Matan Torah, we feel as if we ourselves will be receiving the Torah on Har Sinai. We learned a beautiful Rashi this week that explains the miracles that took place during Matan Torah. One experience that was unique was the fact that the Shofar was blown! When people blow the shofar, they start out strong and then the longer they blow, the sound of the Shofar gets weaker and softer. However, when Hashem blew the Shofar, it got stronger and stronger. But then Rashi asks another question. Hashem who is capable of anything can start out strong and stay strong, so why did Hashem start soft and then get louder and louder? The answer is that He didn't want to startle Bnei Yisroel so He started blowing the Shofar with a soft sound and then gave us a chance to get used to the noise before it went continuously louder. We learn from here that Hashem is always sensitive to our needs and takes care of us!

Kosher Food Bank

The high school students will be having a mini chesed mission to learn  and experience hands on how the Greater Miami federation assists the Jewish community. In preparation for the day the girls are collecting food products for the Kosher Food Bank.  Please send in any non-perishable items, can goods, paper towels, napkins, etc. There is a big box at the entry to the school just waiting for your donation. Certainly pre- purim and  pre-pesach we want to be involved in the mitzvot of matanot l'evyonim and maot chitim.  

Escape Room Fosters Unity

The 9th grade girls went on a well-deserved " escape" to an escape room! It was so much fun! We had one hour to figure out how to crack the codes in order to escape the riddle filled room. There was so much achdus, team work, collaboration and excitement! Using each one of our unique skills, talents and areas of knowledge, we were able to crack the code and escape!!! Awesome teamwork for an awesome group of girls!!!!

Who Let The Dogs Out?

Spearheaded by seventh graders, Chana Goldenberg, Debbie Iojes and Dalia Rotenberg. The school demonstrated their affection for their furry friends.  Animal related merchandise was sold and the proceeds were donated to The Humane Society of Broward. The surprise visit of  Mrs. Goldenbergs beloved pet Sweetie put a smile on everyone's face.

College Guidance
Noa Bejar

Any student that has registered for the school day SAT exam on Wednesday March 7 must bring in payment prior to testing. SAT with essay (first time testers) is $60. SAT without essay is $46.

Better Together Program
Mrs Rivka Bodkins and  Mrs Naomi Sprung

Color my world: SBTAG girls and Peninsula residents loved showing their true colors this week. The partners discussed how each person adds their own unique color to the world, and how  we are all able to add definition and happiness to those around us. We prepared colouring pages of the residents and partners and everyone had a wonderful time watching their colors bring the pages to life. The residents loved seeing their faces depicted in the coloring sheets. As well, each resident was given a mini chalkboard and a piece of colored chalk. Every day they will write the word that defines how they want to be perceived by others. The residents wrote: caring, kind, friendly and artist. It was a pleasant and engaging way to capture their own persona on paper and with words.

Parent Council Sponsors Ladies Night Out With Esther Adler Wolbe 

On Wednesday evening, close to 40 women gathered in the Rosenbaum's home in Miami Beach for an evening of good homemade cooking. Esther Adler Wolbe is famous for her chat group of over 37,000 participants from all over the world who log in to "I don't cook but I give out Recipes"  and "Cooking with Tantrums". She demonstrated how to make a shalom bayit salmon, seared tuna and a scrumptious avocado salad. Esther was full of " chayn" and the evening was a relaxing night out for the ladies.  

Mazel Tov!

Mazal Tov to Rabbi Moshe Boruch  and  Mrs. Naama Parnes on the engagement of their son Yitzchok to Elka Feder of Queens, New York.


11th Grade SALAD BAR
              $5 per plate (includes 3 toppings)*additional toppings 50 cents
8th Grade PIZZA
$2.50 per slice        ________ -amount of slices
$2.50 per sandwich
$2 per cup of iced coffee - DECAF option for middle schoolers
50 cents for whip cream or caramel creamer

NAME____________________________  GRADE_________