Welcome to DairyTrace TagTips - quick tips, helpful hints and FAQs to help you understand the most efficient ways to use your traceability tools.
Have questions? Please contact customer services at 1-866-558-7223 or email us at info@dairytrace.ca.
Accessing and adding to your tag list in the DairyTrace portal
From your account home page, select the Tag Inventory tab.
2. You can then select Unused tags, Tag order history, or Add tag.
Unused tags includes all white dairy tags that are automatically issued to your account, and have not yet been linked to an event report. This list will include yellow beef tags only if you have added them to your account.
Tag order history shows a list of all tags registered to your account, the status (State) and Type of Tag (Dairy or Beef). For information on how to sort and filter this list, see the January 10 edition of TagTips.
Add tags: Select “Add yellow-button tags” if you’re still using up your current yellow button tag inventory. Contact customer services for assistance.