If you need to clean up your herd inventory, there are three ways to ensure it is up to date:
1. Through Customer Services: If your animal inventory in DairyTrace is outdated, you can provide our Customer Services team with a list of the animals you would like to remove. Customer Services can complete an inventory removal for you, or help you complete move-out events for those animals. In addition to animal ID, the premises ID and licence plate number are good pieces of information to have for completing the reporting, but Customer Services can help you if you do not have this information.
2. Report Move-out Events: Reporting move-out events is a recommended good practice and will keep your herd inventory list up to date. Reporting move-outs helps ensure full traceability of the animal throughout the dairy system. Move-in events are required under proAction, which directly affects dairy producers. This means that if the premises your animals are going to is not a dairy farm, such as an auction mart, feedlot, show, etc., they may not be voluntarily reporting move-in events. This makes reporting your move-out events even more crucial for accurate traceability. Note: Slaughterhouses and end of life facilities are required to report tag retirement.
3. Report tag retirement: Double check your herd inventory list and ensure you have completed tag retirements for any animals disposed of on site.