Welcome to DairyTrace TagTips - quick tips, helpful hints and FAQs to help you understand the most efficient ways to use your traceability tools.

Meet the DairyTrace

Customer Services Team!

Our national bilingual DairyTrace Customer Services team helps producers and stakeholders learn about traceability, set up their accounts, report events, order tags, and access their proAction® Validation reports. Meet the team below!

Janice Kyle

DairyTrace Customer Services Team Lead

Do you have a dairy farm background?

Yes, I grew up on a dairy/poultry farm and knew that I wanted to live on a farm for the rest of my life. My husband and I own a beef, sheep and cash crop operation and my husband grew up on Ashlawn Farms, a Jersey farm, where he does some share cropping with his brother’s family.

How has this job helped you see the importance of traceability?

By personally living through the BSE crisis as a beef farmer, I completely understand the importance of traceability. The dairy industry needs to be commended for being so proactive and implementing the DairyTrace program which gives clear traceability of animals born on dairy farms and follows them to retirement. Traceability prepares for possible disease outbreaks in the future. It also is very beneficial in the case of any emergency, fire, flood, hurricane as it provides valuable information where the animals are located.

Victoria Wilhelm

Customer Services Representative

Do you have a dairy farm background?

I became involved in the dairy industry as a

4-H Member and from working on dairy farms since I was in high school. That led me to earning a diploma in Agriculture from University of Guelph. I was working on a dairy farm prior to joining the Customer Services team and currently I milk on weekends.

How has this job helped you see the importance of traceability?

This job has helped me understand how much traceability is linked between the different types of animal events and how important having those records can be. The whole animal’s life can be traced from birth to death, and all the places it may have gone to in between.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

You can find me at the barn! I like to compete in eventing with my horse.

Pauline Martel

Customer Services Representative

What do you like best about your job?

I enjoy speaking with farmers whether it’s concerning reporting movement events, sending proAction reports, taking tag orders or just discussing weather or everyday chitchat. I find them to be very friendly and very appreciative when we help them out with whatever issue they are having.

How has this job helped you see the importance of traceability?

When I first started, BSE, or mad cow disease was present on some farms and I’m sure very scary and heartbreaking for those farmers. I’m glad to be part of a program where we can work together and to hopefully never experience this again. Reporting any movements from tag activation to tag retirement for all tags is key to ensuring this program runs smoothly.

Christopher Grice

Customer Services Representative

What do you like best about your job?

Working with an amazing group of colleagues supporting an important pillar of our dairy industry.

What is the top question you get asked by farmers?

Can I still use a yellow beef tag on my animals slotted for processing other than dairy? and Why do I have to purchase these new white tags?

How has this job helped you see the importance of traceability?

Through interactions with dairy producers and other supporting groups (fair organizers, abattoirs, livestock brokers, etc.) I understand how traceability impacts all facets of the dairy industry.

Carol Paquette

Customer Services Representative

What do you like best about your job?

I love the working environment. The customers and my co-workers are great to work with.

How has this job helped you see the importance of traceability?

I am still learning about traceability. I must admit that I have much more respect for the agricultural industry.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I enjoy arts and crafts. I am currently working on a cross-stitch project and "Fluid Art" (acrylic painting).

Have questions or need help on the above topics? Please contact Customer Services

at 1-866-558-7223 or email us at info@dairytrace.ca.

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