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Sort and filter your animals in the DairyTrace Portal 

Helpful hint: When a movement, birth or death event is reported, the animal(s) are either added or removed from your herd inventory list. By viewing your current herd inventory, you can easily verify if you have missed reporting any events. 

To see the current herd inventory linked to your farm premises, go to the Animals tab at the top of the page, then select Animals On-Farm. You can also choose to see a list of Animals Moved Off Farm or On-farm Disposal/Tag Retirement. 

To sort the list, choose any of the columns in the blue header. After selecting a column, a black arrow will appear, which you can then click multiple times and the numbers will sort in ascending or descending order. 

Looking for a specific animal? 

You can also filter your list. Click Show Search Filters at the top left of the menu to set your filters and then click Search.

I.e. Enter the herd management number for a specific animal in the field Management #.

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