Welcome to DairyTrace TagTips - quick tips, helpful hints and FAQs to help you understand the most efficient ways to use your traceability tools.


Your One-Stop-Shop

DairyTrace is your one-stop-shop for event reporting and now also for tag ordering! 

DairyTrace users can now conveniently order tags through the portal. If you’re already using the DairyTrace portal to report events, this makes ordering tags even easier. Once you’re set up, you’ll be able to conveniently report events and order tags in one place. 

Note: This feature is not currently available through the DairyTrace mobile app.

To ensure the appropriate authorization for tag ordering, you will first need to contact DairyTrace Customer Services to get set up! 1-866-55-TRACE OR 1-866-558-7223.

Here’s how easy it is once you’re set up: 

1. Once you’re logged into the portal, click the Order Dairy Tags button or use the dropdown menu in the Tag Inventory tab. 

2. Then, click Create New Order

3. You can then select to view All products, Dual Tag Sets, Accessories, Single Button Tags, or Tag Re-Issues.

4. Select the items you want to purchase by clicking Add To Cart. You can then select Quantity and whether you want to add your Herd Management Number to the tags. 

5. If you have ordered any tags that are reissued, you’ll need to complete the information below. For reissued tags, enter the 8 digits following the 1240000 of the Official Identification number and the herd management number. Please select whether you require the primary RFID button tag or the secondary panel tag that needs to be replaced, along with the reason for replacement.

6. You can view the items in your cart at any time. Click Return to catalog to order additional items or click the red trash can to clear items from your cart. If your order is complete, click Check Out.

7. You will then need to click Submit to finalize your order. 

Note that because Holstein Canada is contracted by Lactanet for tag orders and customer service, invoices for tag orders will continue to be from Holstein Canada. 

Remember, to ensure the appropriate authorization for tag ordering, you will first need to contact DairyTrace Customer Services to get set up! 

DairyTrace Customer Services

Have questions or need help on the above topics? Please contact Customer Services at 1-866-558-7223 or by email at info@dairytrace.ca. For tag orders email tags@dairytrace.ca.

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