Welcome to DairyTrace TagTips - quick tips, helpful hints and FAQs to help you understand the most efficient ways to use your traceability tools.


proAction® LT2

Tagging Requirement

Effective September 1, 2023 

As of September 1, 2023, calves born on a dairy farm destined for beef or veal production must be identified with approved dairy tags (i.e. a white single button tag or dual tagging).

The exception allowing for these animals to have a yellow button tag applied at birth will be fully phased out, and tag activation events should all be with white dairy tags.

As a result, calves born after this date on a dairy farm, even if destined for purposes other than dairy production, must have a white button RFID tag applied at birth.

This will include use of the white single button or dual tag sets instead of a yellow button tag for cull cows when a tag is lost.

There is no change for the province of Quebec, as dual tagging all dairy animals remains a provincial requirement. Note that dual tagging is always encouraged as best practice for all calves across Canada.

If you have any questions, contact DairyTrace customer services or your proAction Provincial Coordinator. 

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Tip of the week

Portal Tip

Why are sold animals still in my DairyTrace account? 

To ensure sold animals are no longer part of your herd inventory, they should be reported as a move-out. This will guarantee that your herd inventory in DairyTrace is up to date and reflects the animals that are on your farm.

For more information, please see the May edition of TagTips: 

TagTips May 2, 2023

Have questions or need help on the above topics? Please contact customer services

at 1-866-558-7223 or email us at [email protected].

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