In this Issue:
- TCPUD Investing in Water and Sewer Infrastructure
- Legislative Affairs
- TCPUD Secures Placer County TOT Grant Funds
- Celebrating Our TCPUD Water Professionals
- Are You Ready for Winter? Be Water Wise & Winterize
- TCPUD Parks & Recreation
- Seasonal Job Opportunities
- Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship Plan
- TCPUD Board of Directors Budget Workshop and Meetings
TCPUD Investing in Water and Sewer Infrastructure
It is the District’s mission to provide our customers with reliable and safe drinking water and sewer services that protect the health of the environment and the public. This is accomplished by prioritizing investments in water and sewer infrastructure. Active Capital Improvement Projects underway by TCPUD include:
Emergency Bypass Ports and Sewer Pumps Station Storage Improvement Project
TCPUD will complete Phase 1 of the Emergency Bypass Ports and Sewer Pumps Station Storage Improvement Project in the Rubicon Bay neighborhood this month. Phase 1 of this Project includes the installation of four bypass ports along a 1-mile section of sewer force main and construction of storage vaults at two sewer pump stations. Phase 1 improvements will allow TCPUD to take shorter sections of the sewer force main offline in the event of a break or damage. The total cost for the Project is approximately $4.6 million and the next phase of the Project is currently in permitting and design.
Smart Meter Replacement Program Project
This month, TCPUD will complete Phase 1 of the Smart Meter Replacement Program Project, which includes replacing nearly 800 water meters in the Dollar Point and Upper and Lower Highlands neighborhoods, and on Meadow Brook Drive and Panorama Drive.
This three-phase Project will gradually upgrade approximately 3,500 water meters nearing the end of their useful life with “smart” meters in TCPUD’s service area by 2024. The new “smart” meter technology monitors water usage in real-time and communicates this information to TCPUD four times per day. This technology helps minimize delay in fixing leaks, which saves money and precious drinking water. The total investment for this three-year Capital Infrastructure Project is $1.6 million.
TCPUD water customers who received a new smart meter as part of this Project have the option to set up email and text alerts with the EyeOnWater app. For more information about the Project and EyeOnWater, visit
Dardanelles Avenue Water Line Replacement Project
On the horizon for 2023 is the Dardanelles Avenue Water Line Replacement Project in the Dollar Point neighborhood. The Project, currently in the design and permitting phase, will replace existing aged and undersized water infrastructure installed in the early 1960s. This includes replacing two dead-end water mains with a continuous 8-inch water line to complete the street’s water line loop and installing two new fire hydrants. Once complete the Project will improve water delivery and supply as well as support fire flows and firefighting capabilities within the water distribution system.
The Project will cost approximately $1.1 million. TCPUD has secured grant funding for this Project through the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act (LTRA), a bill that recently authorized funding for eligible water infrastructure for fire suppression projects in the Lake Tahoe Basin.
Visit to learn more about current and future TCPUD Capital Improvement Projects.
TCPUD is committed to proactive legislative action on important issues including water infrastructure, fire suppression, water use, and outdoor recreation. Guided by the TCPUD 2021-22 Advocacy Priorities adopted by the Board of Directors in June 2021, the TCPUD actively monitors and engages in state and federal legislation. The Priorities were identified to advance the TCPUD Mission to serve the people in our community, as well as the environment.
Locally, TCPUD participates in partnerships that work collaboratively to pursue legislative action and funding mechanisms that promote mutual goals with the Tahoe Basin. The goals include initiatives that address water infrastructure, recreation, transportation, housing, and restoration.
Legislative initiatives monitored by TCPUD include:
- SB 222 (Dodd) Water Rate Assistance Program
- SB 1157 (Hertzberg Urban Water Use Objectives, Indoor Residential Water Use
- Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation
2022 Legislative Events and Tours include:
- Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) Tour
- Caldor Fire Recovery Area Tour
- Lake Tahoe Summit
- California Special Districts Association (CSDA) Gold County Chapter Legislative Tour
TCPUD is also one of 24 water and fire protection district leaders from nine states that participated in National Special Districts Coalition (NSDC) efforts to examine barriers local agencies face to ensure adequate water infrastructure for fire suppression exists within communities. Find the report and learn more about this effort by visiting
TCPUD Secures Placer County TOT Grant Funds
This year, TCPUD has secured over $70,000 in Placer County Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) grant funds for three projects that improve the quality of recreational experiences in North Lake Tahoe. The TOT, paid by lodging visitors, helps fund projects that address the impacts of tourism on our community, the environment, and Placer County. Visit to learn more about TOT.
Solar Powered Waste Compactors
This Project will install four 35-gallon solar trash compactors at high-volume trash collection areas within TCPUD's service area, including Skylandia Park, Commons Beach, Lake Forest Boat Ramp, and Kilner Park.
Each unit holds up to five times more waste compared to non-compacting bins of similar size, reducing TPCUD's trash collection frequency by up to 80%. This technology helps to minimize vehicle trips by optimizing trash collection schedules. Additionally, the project helps protect the lake and wildlife by minimizing trash overflows.
Sequoia Trail Crossing Safety Upgrades
The Sequoia Trail Crossing is located along the TCPUD Multi-Use Trail System on the west shore near Sequoia Avenue and Highway 89. Pedestrian safety improvements were identified as a priority in the West Shore Highway Crossing Improvement Project Report (Placer County 2019).
This Project includes upgrades to the advance warning lights at four locations and the installation of two solar-powered Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons. These improvements will help increase pedestrian visibility and improve the safety of alternative travel options for commuting or touring along the west shore.
Portable Changeable Message Sign
The TCPUD purchased a portable changeable message sign (PCMS) to improve community communications by alerting the public of traffic congestion, parking impacts, and heavy pedestrian crossings related to popular recreation areas and community events. The PCMS is also available as a shared resource for agency and community partners.
Celebrating Our TCPUD Water Professionals
In September 2017, the California Legislature established California Water Professionals Appreciation Week, which begins the first Saturday in October of each year and is a designated week to highlight the important role of local public water agencies and water industry professionals. During this week, the public is also encouraged to learn about water and wastewater industries and consider careers in the field.
Thank you to our dedicated team of TCPUD water professionals who extend a passion for service to our entire community and keep drinking water flowing safely and reliably to customers!
Our Parks and Recreation team invites you to check out the latest edition of the Fall-Winter Parks and Recreation Activity Guide to learn more about how you can stay active this Fall and Winter! Read the Activity Guide online at
Mark Your Calendars!
The last day of operations for the Tahoe City Golf Course is Sunday, October 30
Online Registration for Fall-Winter programs and Winter Sports Park reservations opens on Wednesday, November 9 at 10 A.M.
The Tahoe City Winter Sports Park opens for the 2022-23 season on Friday, November 25
Stay in the know with events and activities offered by TCPUD Parks & Recreation! Sign up for the monthly Parks & Recreation E-News.
Are You Ready for Winter?
Working with us is more than applying for a job, it's about becoming a valuable part of TCPUD's Mission and Vision.
TCPUD's workplace culture is rooted in our Core Values of Service, Professionalism, Teamwork, Initiative, and Communication. We are always on the lookout for individuals who share our vision and want to be a part of our culture.
Visit to learn about current job opportunities and be sure to check back periodically.
Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship Plan
Residents, community members, and stakeholders interested in sustainable management of outdoor recreation and tourism are invited to take part in an online survey and public workshops to add input that will help shape the Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship Plan. Join a public workshop tonight at the North Tahoe Event Center in Kings Beach at 5:30 P.M., or tomorrow, October 26 at Lake Tahoe Community College in South Lake Tahoe at 11:30 A.M. and 5:30 P.M.
Regional land managers, local governments, visitor authorities, the Washoe Tribe, and non-profits are working together to create the plan, which aims to identify opportunities to increase the benefits of tourism while also addressing the pressures and challenges of tourism and recreation in the greater Tahoe region. The public’s input is important to the process to ensure the plan supports a shared vision around future recreation and tourism. Find more information online at
TCPUD Board of Directors Budget Workshop & Meetings
Join us for a TCPUD Board Meeting!
TCPUD Board meetings are held monthly, and the public is encouraged to participate. All meetings can be viewed online via live web streaming. Recorded meetings are available anytime.
Upcoming Budget Workshop
The Board will be considering the 2023 Budget at a Budget Workshop on November 2, 2022 at 4 p.m. The public is welcome to attend.
To view a schedule of upcoming Board and Committee meetings, recorded meetings, and agendas, and to learn how you can attend the upcoming Budget Workshop, visit
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