May 3, 2019
In this issue:

Technology takes spotlight at Engage Tahoma
Staff member saves student from choking
We the People wins ninth in nation
Metals class sparks interest in welding art
Talk with Tony
District kudos
Spotlight on art
Don't PASS up tonight's food, fun, basketball
"Les Misérables" opens tonight
News briefs
Coming up in Bear Country
What's for lunch?

Technology takes spotlight at Engage Tahoma
Dawn Wakeley, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, talks about the district's current reality related to technology. More than 30 parents, community members and staff attended the first of two meetings about Classroom Technology. The second session is at 6 p.m. on May 20 at the Central Services Center.
Technology can be used to help students achieve essential outcomes – and some staff members are already using technology to help inspire students. However, those methods are not used consistently throughout the district, due to the failure of the technology levy and the need for a new tech plan. Washington state provides very little money for technology in its basic education funding, leaving it up to individual school districts to fund raise through local levies.

Parents, community members and staff who attended the first of two Engage Tahoma sessions about classroom technology this week heard an update about how the district currently uses technology and got a glimpse of what is envisioned for the future. Until a technology levy is approved by voters, there are no funds available for additional student computers, refreshing existing devices or to maintain the technology staffing levels that existed before the levy failure last February. 

The School Board decided after the failed levy to step back and conduct a Technology Model Review. During the model review, the group of 43 staff, parents, community members and students talked a lot about the kinds of supports that students need, said Kimberly Allison, coordinator for Instructional Technology and Future Ready Skills.

“We are not (using) technology for technology’s sake,” Allison said, emphasizing that sometimes the best tool for a certain exercise might be something simple such as Post-it Notes. Rather, technology is one of many supports that Tahoma invests in – and staff members look for authentic ways to use technology to empower deep learning.

The Technology Model work will be brought to the School Board for review and approval soon. It has three core values that will be kept at the center of all discussions and decisions about technology: 
  • Access: Students and staff have the tools, skills, and opportunities to leverage technology to improve learning and productivity. Example: While we know what type of access students have at school, they don’t always have the same access at home.
  • Equity: The diverse and particular needs of different students, staff members, classrooms, and buildings are supported in an equitable way.
  • Sustainability: Technology decisions are made considering identified aspects of sustainability and align to district goals and priorities. Example: We use a sophisticated system of cameras and monitors paid for by 2013 bond dollars to help keep students and staff safe. That system will need to be refreshed on a regular cycle, and would be paid for out of technology levy dollars.

When the technology levy failed, district administrators reduced the number of staff in technology positions and cut spending.

“We have not refreshed anything,” said Dawn Wakeley, Executive Director of Teaching and Learning for the district. Looking at the current age of computers across the district, 43 percent are five years old, 11 percent are four years old, 19 percent are three years old and 27 percent are two years old, Wakeley said. In many cases, this results in slow devices that cut into the day for students and teachers.

“As we think about those precious instructional minutes ... we really worry about the loss of learning time,” she said. 

At the end of Tuesday’s session, a Maple View Middle School student, who attended with his mother, said he wanted to share that students have certainly noticed the computers not working well and that students vie for the computers that work better. 

The district has 13.3 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions in operational technology positions to support 8,843 computers, 555 iPads, 500 instructional stations at 11 sites. The 8,843 computers include 7,860 student computers and 983 staff computers. The computers were purchased in 2014 through 2017.

Tahoma also employs 1.5 FTE instructional technology support staff, to support 532 certificated staff, 204 paraeducators, and 61 secretaries/administrative assistants. “I would say we are grossly understaffed connected to that, and we’ve never been richly staffed,” Wakeley said.

Allison also highlighted a few of the ways that teachers and staff members use technology to enhance education across the district, via video interviews. Those examples included:
  • Rock Creek teacher Brandon Betlach talked about how having one Chromebook or Netbook per student to use Google Classroom and Google docs has enhanced his students’ collaboration and peer feedback specific to exact sections of student work. “It’s really meaningful; adds a different set of eyes,” Betlach said. “They love doing that – they love becoming the teacher.” He described other benefits of technology, such as the “Plickers” program, and using iPads for coding. In the future, Betlach said he would like to increase the use of multimedia tools in the classroom. “Students are visual learners. How can we get away from just me talking and (reading) text?”

  • Four students from Megan Krise and Haley Moser’s health and fitness class at Tahoma Elementary talked about a pilot program that they used earlier this year, using heart rate monitors to project each class member’s heart rate on the board (listed by number, not by name). The students said the monitors and display were both interesting and inspiring.

  • Tahoma High School Future Ready Specialist Lara Lindersmith spoke about how students create and maintain one or more four-year (high school) plans online, with the capability of dragging and dropping different courses, as well as comparing estimated homework load, graduation requirements, pathways and so on. Additionally, students use an online career planner to research potential careers, identify fields they are interested in and what schools offer programs for those careers.

Wakeley also spoke to where the district is headed now related to technology: The 26-member Technology Advisory Committee is working to create the 2025 Tech Plan based on the model work. The plan will outline expectations such as what technologies will be used by which teachers (until now much of the work has been invitational, not expected). It will address curriculum and instruction, methods for measurement, accountability and access.

“We’re really trying to be mindful about what will it take for us to achieve the goals that we want to achieve,” she said.

The second session of the two-part Engage Tahoma segment on Classroom Technology will be at 6 p.m. on May 20 at the Central Services Center.

STMS staff member saves student from choking
When a Summit Trail Middle School student began choking during lunch last week, quick action by Kitchen Manager Theresa Bergum averted disaster. The student was eating when a piece of food got stuck in his airway, so he left the table and headed toward the drinking fountain in hopes that water would help clear the blockage. 

Subbing at the cashier station, Bergum saw the student place his hands at his throat, signaling that he was choking and hurried over to help. She asked the student whether he could breathe, and he shook his head to answer “No.” Bergum said she went into crisis mode and everything else faded away.

“I turned him around and did the Heimlich (Maneuver), then said, ‘Cough!’” Bergum said. As quickly as the incident had started, it was over and he was able to breathe again. Principal Sean Cassidy had been across the room and came over to help, then escorted the student to the nurse’s office.

“I’m feeling very happy that things went right,” Bergum said. “It wasn’t until later that I was like, ‘I saved somebody’s life.’ – That’s a good feeling!”

The student’s mom, Shannon Houston, said she is thankful for Bergum’s speedy response.

“Watching the video of the event brought tears to my eyes. I’m so impressed with how seamlessly Theresa responded to my son’s needs. The combination of him knowing how to convey his situation through the international choking sign and her knowing exactly what to do is a testament to how important first aid training is in everyday life,” Houston said. “I’m so grateful to her for what seemed like a moment in time on the playback, but could have meant the difference between life and death in my little world. She’s definitely a hero in my eyes!” 

Cassidy echoed those sentiments and said that school staff members are greatly appreciative of Bergum’s actions, and underscored the fact that an emergency can happen at any time, anywhere, and to anyone. 

“Each day, we are provided the responsibility to ensure the safety of more than 1,000 children, who are individually the most important aspects of any given family’s life. We all hope that if needed, we would all jump into action and do what is needed without hesitation. That is much easier said than done,” Cassidy said. “Theresa was a hero in that situation and has since humbly deflected praise for just doing the right thing.” 

We the People team wins ninth in nation
Courtesy photo
Members of the Tahoma High School 2018-19 We the People team gather for a photo in front of the White House.
Tahoma High School’s storied We the People program this week added another top 10 finish to their belt, bringing home ninth place in the nation from the capitol.

“Tahoma’s We the People Constitutional Warriors did a fantastic job of representing Washington state at We the People Nationals in Washington, D.C. Their performance was absolutely outstanding, as they connected the founding principles of our democracy to current events,” adviser Gretchen Wulfing said. “These students articulated their answers to very aggressive, challenging questions with brilliance and heart. Their passion for our founding documents is inspiring. Under intense pressure, these students modeled civic discourse at a time when civility is lacking in political dialogue.”  

The team traveled to D.C. last week and had time to do a bit of sight-seeing before competing against students from across the nation.

“Being in Washington, D.C. was really eye opening, it made me really want to get involved in the political arena. This is because I feel inspired to make changes like our current representatives are doing,” said Laura Pierson, Unit 4.

The competition is organized into units that study topics such as “What rights does the Bill of Rights protect,” and “How did the framers create the Constitution?” 

Other schools in the top 10 included: Denver East High School (Colo.), first; Amador Valley High School (Calif.), second; Grant High School (Ore.), third; Lincoln High School (Ore.), fourth; Maggie L. Walker (Va.), fifth; Douglas S. Freeman High School (Va.), sixth; Hamilton Southeastern High School (Ind.), seventh; Fishers High School (Ind.), eighth; and Black River Public School (Mich.), 10th.

“Hearing that we made top 10 was a moment I will never forget. Chills ran down my spine, and I was just in awe. All this hard work had paid off, all the late nights, the memorizing, and everything in between, it was so worth it,” said senior Josh Hren, who was on Unit 3.

To read more about the national We the People program, click here: 
“We are so thankful to the Tahoma School District and especially the entire Tahoma community for embracing all of us and your incredible support of this life-changing program,” Wulfing said. “I am also very grateful to fellow coach Mike Seger, who is a critical part of this team’s success.”   
Metals class sparks interest in welding art
Above: Tahoma High School freshman Kiera Ross completes a practice weld in a booth during Power Hour. Below: Ross' favorite animal that she created by bending and welding secondhand silverware: an octopus.

Editor’s note: Each month of the school year, Tahoma asks its teachers and students to place special emphasis on one of the nine Future Ready Skills. Tahoma Matters features examples of those skills. This month, we’re highlighting the Self-Directed Learner skill .

As Tahoma High School student Kiera Ross registered for classes last year, ceramics was one of her top elective choices. Instead, she was placed in Metals 1 – one of her alternate options – and she wasn’t sure she would like it. But then, teacher Scott Newton began instructing the class in basic fabrication skills such as safety, measuring, cutting, drilling and wire feed welding, and something clicked for Ross.

“It almost seems like arts and crafts, with fire,” the freshman said. Perhaps because she was enjoying herself, Ross learned the required material quickly, and Newton asked her whether she would like to work on some additional projects. 

“It is rare for students to move through the curriculum not only as quickly, but as proficiently as Kiera did,” Newton said. “Kiera is a self-starter because she had these ideas after finishing required projects, asked permission, and got going with little help from me.”

Soon, this Self-Directed Learner was visiting the classroom during Power Hour (lunch) most days, because she found a type of art that sparked her interest. Inspired by some pieces she found online, Kiera began creating animals out of old silverware that she and her dad found secondhand. She made piece after piece – from her favorite, an octopus, to a crab, moose, turtle and more. In all, she welded 18 pieces as Christmas presents for family members. One recent morning, Kiera tackled her newest creature, a narwhal.

The biggest challenge is always bringing her vision to fruition, she said. “I’ll have an idea in my head and then I try to figure out how I’m going to put it together.” The process involves taking silverware apart with a hacksaw first, then using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) equipment to fuse them back together in different configurations. She also bends some of the pieces while they’re warm, using a vice and welding gloves. “It’s a whole lot of trial and error, but it’s always cool when you finish one,” she said.

Although she took art in middle school, Ross isn’t in any art classes at THS this year. However, remember that ceramics class? It’s back on her requested class list for next year, along with Metals 2. 

Other materials covered in the Metals 1 class include an introduction to careers that involve welding, design work using AutoDesk Inventor, and a final project to design a sign, cut it with the plasma cutter and paint it using the powder coat booth. In Metals 2, the curriculum focuses on teaching students the GTAW and Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) processes by giving them plenty of seat time in the weld booths, Newton said.They also work on more advanced fabrication techniques including some machining. Advanced Metals is a year-long class where students focus on applying their skills to a community project; expand their knowledge in CNC (Computerized Numerical Control) machining; and finally, work towards leaving the program with a welding certification. We’ll share more about projects that THS welding students have created in an upcoming issue of Tahoma Matters.

Newton says he has had a handful of students combine metal and art through the years, and noted that welding at the highest levels is an art form in itself.
“Kiera is a very hard worker, and one of the best self-starters I have had in 13 years of teaching shop classes. Not only does she come in to do artwork, she also comes in just to practice welding,” Newton said. “I think Kiera is capable of anything she puts her mind to, and she definitely has a talent in welding to go along with her fantastic work ethic. I can’t wait to see what she does in the future!”
Glacier Park hosts first "Talk with Tony"
Superintendent Tony Giurado met with parents and community members at Glacier Park Elementary this week. Giurado will be scheduling regular meetings of "Talk with Tony" at other buildings in the district.
Finding time to attend meetings is difficult, especially for busy parents. That’s why Superintendent Tony Giurado is reaching out to parents in a series of informal meetings at Tahoma schools during school hours, in addition to evening events such as Engage Tahoma.

“Talk with Tony” is the name given to these get-togethers, the first of which was held at Glacier Park Elementary School on the morning of April 30. The meeting began in the school library at 8:30 a.m., when school starts, and is designed to be convenient for parents who have a few minutes available after their children have gone to school. Meetings will be held at other Tahoma schools, including at least two more this school year.

Five parents attended the inaugural meeting at Glacier Park, where they heard a brief presentation from Giurado about the school district’s mission and vision, and then spent the rest of the time asking questions and discussing education topics with Giurado, Assistant Superintendent Lori Cloud, and Principal Shelly Gaston.

As the meeting was ending, parent Heather Armstrong encouraged Giurado to hold further meetings, even if the turnout is low. “Thank you for doing this,” she said. “Just keep giving us the opportunity when you can.”

Among the topics discussed were:
  • Opportunities for high-achieving students beyond the Discovery Program.
  • Impact of technology changes to mental and emotional health considerations and accommodations for students.
  • Are changes being made to math curriculum to improve student achievement?
  • Why does the district require 29 credits for graduation and could it be adjusted to accommodate students who attend other classes, such as religious instruction, off campus for part of the day?

Questions that could not be answered on the spot will be researched and answers communicated to the people who inquired.

Dates and locations for the next “Talk with Tony” session will be announced soon.
Bear Metal tests mettle on championship field at world contest
Courtesy photo
Bear Metal Robotics advanced to the highest level of competition at the FIRST Robotics Championship in Houston by winning their subdivision and earning the opportunity to compete in a round robin tournament that determined the world championship.

“The competition was fierce, but we did end up winning one match out of our five against the Roebling field,” team member Murou Wang said. “We are extremely proud of the team for making it not only to the round robin, but for winning one match against another world-class alliance.” 

Adviser Darren Collins said he was pleased with his team’s performance.

“We did have some challenging elimination matches, but made it through the quarters, semis and finals to win the division,” Collins said. “After that, we played in the round robin tournament and were eliminated. Some of the matches were very close, but we went 1 and 4 in the round robin. Partly due to some technical challenges by one of our alliance partners. The only other time we have won our division was in 2017, so this is quite exciting for us.”
For results for the season, click here:

"In addition to the two district wins, the PNW Championship win and the Hopper Division Championship win, we won several judged awards. These include the Chairman’s award at West Valley and the GM Industrial Design award in Auburn, Auburn Mountainview and the PNW Championship," Collins said. "We had a wonderful time and already have some great plans for next year,” Collins said.

Bear Metal is hosting its 8th annual robotics camps, with two options this year.
  • Camp 1 is for students entering grades 3 - 5. It will be held from July 8-12. The cost for this camp will be $220. Here is the link for Camp 1.
  • Camp 2 is for students entering grades 6 - 8. It will be held from July 15-19. The cost for this camp will be $250. Here is the link for Camp 2.

For an article in the Maple Valley Reporter about the team, click here.
Soprano rivals-turned-friends place first in state
Seniors Sophia Heinz, left, and Allie Orozco each won first place in the state solo contest.
Sophia Heinz and Allie Orozco spent years as rivals as they pursued vocal excellence. As their respect for each other grew and turned to friendship, the two sopranos pushed each other to become even better. Last Saturday, the Tahoma High School seniors won first place in the state soprano solo competition at Central Washington University.

Unlike most other state music competitions, the solo soprano category has so many competitors that it allows for two singers to win in the first, second, and third-place categories. Though records only go back to 2000 on the Washington Music Educators website, Heinz and Orozco are the only sopranos from the same school to place first in the solo competition in at least the past 19 years.

Heinz and Orozco give each other credit for their achievement, pointing to a competitive friendship that took some time to develop.

 “We’ve been competing against each other since seventh grade,” Heinz said. “We weren’t always friends. It started out as this kind of unhealthy, heated competition.”

That began to change in eighth grade, when their music teacher paired them as a duet. They soon began to appreciate the other’s musical abilities and, by the time they reached high school, became close friends. “We were just constantly pushing each other,” Heinz said. “I know if she wasn’t in the program, I wouldn’t be nearly as good as I am now.”

“I’m just really glad that soprano is a double category,” Orozco said. Heinz agreed. “We are so close now; we were able to get the win together.”

As juniors, Heinz and Orozco placed second at state competition. That experience, along with numerous college singing tryouts and hours of practice, helped build their confidence. “Getting over the nerves and being confident,” Orozco said.

After winning this year’s district singing competition, the vocalists had a good feeling about going back to state and placing first. “I think we both thought it was possible,” Heinz said. “But we had to work for it, for sure.”

Both singers will continue to pursue music in college. Heinz will attend Vanderbilt University, where she plans to major in Vocal Performance with an emphasis in law history and society. Orozco will attend Western Washington University and major in Vocal Performance with a minor in Environmental Science.

For the state competition, Heinz sang “O del Mio Dolce Ardor” and “Ouvre Ton Coeur.” Orozco sang “Piangero La Sorte Mia” and “Er’its.”
Wizards: Don't PASS up tonight's food, fun, basketball
Click above to check out the hijinks and trick hoops of the Harlem Wizards. The Wizards will travel to Maple Valley to take on a team of Tahoma teachers and staff members at 7 p.m. today at Tahoma High School!

Playing for the Tahoma Teaching Jedi will be Shadow Lake Elementary teacher Cailan McCutchan,SLES teacher Clark Kostohris, SLES Dean of Students Scott Mitchell, SLES teacher Matt Rene, Maple View Middle School teacher Adam Galgano, MVMS teacher Dan Kelley, Tahoma Elementary School teacher Keri Heggenes, TES teacher Doug Lapp, Glacier Park Elementary custodian Robert Bernard, Cedar River Elementary teacher Julie Rodriquez, Tahoma High School teacher Ben Simmons, and THS teacher Mitch Boyer.

Tickets are on sale online until 4 p.m. at and proceeds benefit the Tahoma Schools Foundation. There will also be tickets available at the door.

The foundation this year granted $20,000 to purchase a rear projection system for the Tahoma Drama Program; and another $20,000 to replace aging percussion instruments for the Tahoma High School band program. Other programs the foundation has supported include Kindergarten Camp, We the People and Bear Metal Robotics. For more information about the foundation, click over to their Facebook page or visit their website at

Before the big game, this year's event will also include a Fan Fest from 5-7 p.m., with carnival-style games from PTA and PTO groups throughout the district, concessions and three food trucks.
"Les Miserables" opens tonight at Tahoma High School
Maddie Fickel, left, as Fantine; Will Chadek, center, as Jean Valjean; and Lexie Love, right, as Eponine.
When the curtains open for Tahoma High School’s production of “Les Misérables” this weekend, audience members can expect vivid scenes set by a new projection system, artistic portrayals of the classic characters and rich musical numbers. 

“It’s a beautiful story about compassion and redemption,” director Melissa Bean said. “There are many themes throughout the show that are so applicable today – standing up for what you believe in, social and political unrest, justice, the importance of love and compassion, the list goes on – I think that’s why ‘Les Mis’ continues to still be one of the most popular musicals of all time.”

The THS Drama program last performed the musical about six years ago. Bean and music director Ken Riggs are- thrilled about the chance to tell the tale on the new stage. “When we performed it previously at TES (formerly Tahoma Middle), we had no fly system, no orchestra pit, very limited stage space,” Bean said. “The prospect of reimagining the story in our new PAC with a particular talented group of actors and musicians was really exciting.”

Junior Lexie Love, who plays Eponine, said she was most excited because she thinks this role will help her grow as an actor.

“Eponine is really complex,” Love said, noting that most of her character’s choices center around her unrequited love for Marius. “She’s also very strong and street smart and witty.”

The fact that Director Melissa Bean has the cast work through character analysis, Love said, was crucial to understanding how best to portray the characters in this production since the play cuts out much of what is in the original novel. “I think that has helped us really significantly.”

Senior Caroline Lathrop is the stage manager for the show, a stressful position that helps pull everything together.

“No one sees what you’re doing, but it’s a lot of picking up all the things at the last minute and making things happen at the right time,” said Lathrop, who spends the show in the booth calling cues on a mike. She is excited about this production, and its drive and connection to human nature.

“Every time, there are scenes that still give me chills. Our actors portray it so well that you feel it in your heart,” Lathrop added.

Bean said she is excited to use the new rear projection system that the Tahoma Schools Foundation purchased for the drama program to portray about 20 different locales during the musical.

Musical Director Ken Riggs said this production is a wonderful chance to show off the talents of the cast.

“I love that this show is entirely sung,” Riggs said. “We have a very talented cast across the board. Our pit orchestra is made up almost entirely of THS students, the exception being a long-retired THS teacher and her husband.” Liz Mathewson, who taught English teacher at THS for many years, and her husband are playing French Horn in the pit.  

Bean and the students said they can’t wait for the community to see the production of the student version of "Les Misérables." The show is recommended for ages 8 and older due to mature themes, some mild language, and violence. It runs about 2 hours and 30 minutes, with intermission.

“It’s a beautiful show and the kids have been working so hard,” she said. “Those who saw it six years ago will enjoy our reimagining of it, and we hope that those who have never seen the show will fall in love with it as we have.”

Student voices
Here’s what a few of the other actors had to say:

  • In the role of Fantine, junior Maddie Fickel said, “I was really excited to dig deep in this character and show those true emotions on stage. This character is challenging.”
  • In the role of Jean Valjean – or “Prisoner No. 24601,” – senior Will Chadek portrays a man who has spent many years in jail before being released and turning his life around. Chadek said he first saw the musical when he was in sixth grade and attended the THS production at that time. “It was awe-inspiring, because it showed me what musical theater could be.”
  • Young Cosette is portrayed by Tahoma Elementary student Ella Karwoski, 9, and by Rock Creek Elementary student Masyn King, 8. Participating in a play that isn’t written for younger children is an interesting and different experience, Ella said, noting that she auditioned because she has always loved singing and was excited to try something new. “It’s a really cool show,” Masyn added.

The show also features Ethan Buck as Javert; Sophia Heinz as Madame Thenardier; Jonathan Zosel as Thenardier; Jake Bennett as Enjolras; Zachary Wood as Marius; Esther Oosterhout as Cosette; Rylan Ellis as Male Swing; Amy Grinzel as Female Swing; Katrina Paige as Dance Captain; Avery Clark as Young Eponine; Joshua Baker as Gavroche. 

The ensemble includes Aidan Sweet, Alyssa Burkhead, Amy Grinzel, Bailey Rupert, Colin Laskarzewski, Cooper Perez, Devan Toomey, Elizabeth Adams, Elsa Miller, Eric Loveless, Erin Stewart, Hadley Plett, Hannah Unruh, Ian Duarte, Kate Walker, Katrina Paige, Michaela Jones, Mina Klein, Morgan Bailey, Nichole Peters, Rylan Ellis, Sam Miller, Sarah Roberts, Stryder Deyerin, Teagan Dawson, Teran Hembry, Tessa Dawson, Thomas French, Victoria Evans. The children’s ensemble includes Tayte Erickson, Bode Mays, Emery Barkdull and Meredith Baker.
Jonathan Zosel, left, as Thenardier, and Sophia Heinz, right, as Madame Thenardier.

THS cancels college preparatory event 

A presentation to parents and college-bound students, called "What Every Parent and Student Should Know Before the College Chapter in Life Begins," is canceled. 

Tahoma High School principals decided to cancel the evening event, which was scheduled for May 16 in the THS Performing Arts Center, when featured speaker Andy Levander informed the school that he cannot attend, due to personal reasons. The high school will try to host the event next school year.

Help the food bank by stuffing the bus on Saturday!

Tahoma staff are volunteering their time on Saturday to fill up a school bus with items that will be donated to the Maple Valley Food Bank.

“Stuff the Bus” will be held in the parking lot at the Maple Valley QFC supermarket in Wilderness Village, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Canned and packaged food, school supplies, children’s books and personal hygiene and household cleaning items may be donated.

The annual event is organized by the Tahoma Public School Employees union as a way to give back to the community.
Spotlight on art: All-district Invitational
Tahoma High School last weekend hosted the first all-district art invitational, with pieces from each school in the district (except Summit Trail, which already had its own event planned). The evening included live music by THS graduate Trevor Lind and snacks. Parents, students, relatives and community members enjoyed the exhibits.
An elementary student pauses for a photo with her artwork.
Two pieces from fashion design students were on display.
A piece from Tahoma Elementary mixed sharpie and liquid watercolors.
Three pieces of artwork that were part of the event.


"Stuff the Bus" food drive organized by classified staff members, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., QFC

Thursday, May 9
Tahoma School Board "SPACE" training in work study session, 6 p.m., Central Services Center

Tuesday, May 14
Tahoma School Board meeting, 6:30 p.m., Central Services Center

MONDAY, May 20
Engage Tahoma Classroom Technology, 6 p.m., Central Services Center

Friday, May 24
Snow make-up day. Grades 6-12 half-day early release for Green Day. Grades K-5 release at usual M-F times.

What's for lunch?
The Tahoma School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Title IX Officer
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ADA Coordinator
Director of Human Resources
25720 Maple Valley Highway
Maple Valley, WA 98038
Section 504 Coordinator
Director of Special Services
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Maple Valley, WA 98038
Tahoma Matters staff Wendy Castleman:
Tahoma School District | 425-413-3400 | Visit our website
25720 Maple Valley-Black Diamond Rd. S.E., Maple Valley, WA 98038