Aug. 22,

No. 139

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
This week we focus on Taiwan's New Southbound Policy, or 新南向政策. We have a lecture event on Thursday evening at CSIS on this topic, and provide some background materials as this week's reading.   
Weekly Readings

Tomorrow evening, August 23, we will be hosting an event, in Chinese, at CSIS on Taiwan's New Southbound Policy (details below). As background, here are some related readings. The first is an older one from BBC Chinese, which looks a the policy from the perspective of Vietnam. The second is Taiwan's official policy website, the best place to go for official content. Finally, a link to a comprehensive English-language report from CSIS.
俗语 in Xi Jinping's Speeches

yǒu zhāng kě xún

Meaning: there are rules and regulations to follow

July 31, on the eve of PLA Day, Xi Jinping led a Politburo study session focused on ending the PLA's non-military businesses. These include real estate, kindergartens, publishing services, karaoke bars, and the like. In Chinese these are called 有偿服务. These are the areas most rife with corruption, so this can be seen as part of Xi's effort to clean up and reform the military.

Original: 要配套完善政策规定,强化法治思维, 用好法律手段,确保有章可循, 维护好部队正当权益和人民群众合法利益。

Has your Chinese gotten rusty over the summer? Of course it has! Get back up to speed by joining us tomorrow, August 23, from 5:30-6:30pm, at CSIS (room 114) for a talk  entitled "The New Southbound Policy and U.S.-Taiwan Relations: S ignaling Foreign Policy S elf-Restraint  in the Taiwan Strait." The talk and subsequent discussion will be entirely in Chinese, as usual. Our speaker is Dr. Ping-Kuei Chen, assistant professor in the Department of Diplomacy at National Chengchi University. The Tsai administration has made the Southbound Policy a core pillar of their foreign policy, aiming to strengthen ties with countries in Southeast, South, and Austral-Asia. This will be a very helpful lecture for anyone wanting to better understand Cross-Straight relations, the "Free and Open Indo-Pacific," and the future of Asia-Pacific security.   

About Dr. Chen

Dr. Ping-Kuei Chen is an assistant professor in the Department of Diplomacy, National Chengchi University, Taiwan. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Government and Politics, University of Maryland, College Park. His research interests include security institutions, alliance cohesion, mass mobilization, East Asia affairs, and Cross-Strait relations. He is currently undertaking a fellowship at the Stimson Center.

Part-Time Research Positions with the Crumpton Group
The Crumpton Group, a strategic advisory firm in Arlington, VA, is looking for 2-3 more part-time researchers. Work guaranteed to be interesting! Details here.
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