We've got some BIG news.
USY is incredibly proud to be one of just a few organizations to receive a limited number of $3,000 subsidy vouchers through RootOne to help fund teen travel to Israel in Summer 2021!
This is an incredible opportunity for teens to travel to Israel on a number of once-in-a-lifetime USY trips, but with a MAJOR discount applied.

These vouchers are provided through the RootOne initiative, and are available on a first-come-first-served basis.

In order to secure your RootOne Voucher for a trip to Israel next summer, you have to act fast!

If you agree to the following RootOne Voucher requirements, you can pay your $100 deposit today (refundable until December 31) to secure your spot and claim your $3,000 voucher!

  • You/your family must be in good standing with USY and cannot owe any funds to USY. 

  • Trip participants will take part in pre- and post-trip engagement programming- (approx. 4 hours). All participants will be asked to complete surveys regarding their experience, their attitudes and interests, prior, during and after the trip. All surveys will be confidential, and all reports will be anonymous.

  • Participants will be asked to share their contact information (name, e-mail, and/or cell #) with The Jewish Education Project for the sole purpose of sharing it with like-minded Jewish organizations that can provide meaningful Jewish opportunities for them post-high school. Contact information will not be shared with other organizations until the last semester of the participants’ senior year, and will be stored on a secure server until then.

  • If a participant is sent home for breaking USY’s Code of Conduct, or due to injury or illness caused by reckless behavior, the participant (or family) will be responsible for repaying USY $3,000 for the voucher and any other scholarship or discount you receive.
RootOne is seeded through the generosity of The Marcus Foundation, and is powered by The Jewish Education Project. Please visit RootOne.org for more information.
These trips are going to be EPIC.
Experience with Purpose, Intention, and Community
EPIC Israel
Spend three weeks building a community unlike any other as you experience the Jewish homeland. While in Israel, you will get to take part in all the country has to offer - gorgeous hikes in the desert, meaningful Jewish learning, eating delicious food. You’ll learn about a path to coexistence in Jerusalem, dance the night away in Tiberias, learn about innovation in Tel Aviv, and more.
EPIC Israel +
Take part in all that EPIC Israel has to offer… plus more! For four days you will have the ability to experience a track that you choose based on your personal interests. Whether you’re more artistic, athletic, or intellectual - you will get to experience Israel your way.
EPIC Israel Changemakers
Are you a budding activist? Then spend your summer becoming an EPIC Israel Changemaker. Spend four weeks in Israel volunteering and learning about various social justice efforts taking place all across the country. Not only will you get to make a difference in the communities you visit - you will also get to learn about Israel and different issues taking place within Israel from different perspectives.
EPIC Israel Innovators
Israel is not only the holy land - it is the Start-Up Nation, a home that breeds ingenuity, innovation, and advancement. Spend three weeks exploring Israel while also taking part in a start-up bootcamp and hackathon, learning out-of-the-box thinking from top Israeli entrepreneurs, and participating in career workshops.
Poland/ Israel Pilgrimage
In a world in which antisemitism seems to be ever-increasing and survivors of the Holocaust are becoming smaller in number, it is more important than ever to learn about our history firsthand so that we can truly say - never again. On Poland/Israel Pilgrimage, we will spend one week in a Poland Seminar - bearing witness to the atrocities that took place, and carrying on the memory of those we lost. We follow this incredibly meaningful experience with four weeks in Israel.
Italy/ Israel Pilgrimage
Italy has a rich history all its own, and a fascinating relationship with the Jewish people. Spend one week traversing Italia - observing the world’s most beautiful art in Florence, learning the history of the Roman Empire, and experiencing the City of Water - Venice. All week long you’ll learn of the Jewish history of Italy, while eating the greatest food in the world! Followed by our Italian exploration, we will travel to Israel for four weeks.
Eastern Europe/ Israel Pilgrimage
Experiential travel helps our teens understand the Jewish and secular culture, sights, sounds, foods and so much more of the incredibly unique places we are able to visit. On EEIP, we spend the first week and a half of this journey criss-crossing Eastern Europe to both bear witness to the atrocities of the Holocaust, and experience the lasting impact of Jewish culture on large cities like Warsaw, Prague, and Berlin, and small villages in between. Through this experience, we carry on the memory of those we lost, while actively renewing and returning Jewish voices to the communities we visit. Of course, like all of our Pilgrimage experiences, this is capped with four weeks in Israel as we go “home” and continue telling our thriving Jewish story.
USY | (212) 533-7800 ext 114 | usy.org