August 3, 2017
A five-minute summary of AAI, regulation, and industry activities for members of the largest state agribusiness association in the nation.
In This Issue
Congrats to Our Tournament Champions in Polk City 

August 3: Tournament Club of Iowa, Polk City
Ryan Hala, Patrick McBride, Aaron Wych, Chris Coleman

Be A Part of our Final Outing!
One event remains - September 7. Golfers are only $95 per person. All golfers are eligible for fantastic door prizes including Yeti coolers, golf bags and swag,  and much more!  

Info on each golf course here:  

Golfers are $95 per golfer per event! 

AAI Supports Three Cover Crop Events
August 14 and August 21

The Iowa Seed Corn Cover Crops Initiative will be hosting a meeting in the following locations:

311 6th Ave North, Humboldt, IA 50548
9 AM - 1 PM

St. Mary's Parish Hall | AUG 21
209 Mulberry St, Tipton, IA 52772

9 AM - 1 PM

 Briggs Civic Center | AUG 21
317 N Water St, Wapello, IA 52653
5 - 8 PM

"Setting up for Success with Cover Crops" will be an informative, peer-sharing event, with time set aside for an open discussion revolving around cover crops, soil health, & conservation. This event is free and includes a complimentary lunch/meal.  

The Iowa Seed Corn Cover Crops Initiative - developed by the Iowa Seed Association and Agribusiness Association of Iowa- is funded by a 3-year Water Quality Initiative (WQI) grant through the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS). This project offers cost-share to seed corn growers and educational efforts specifically to increase the adoption of cover crops on seed corn production acres in Iowa. In the first year (2016), 175 seed corn growers in 24 counties participated, covering about 32,000 acres.  

Related Articles: 
AAI Members Awarded for Emergency Planning Efforts

Two AAI member companies were honored at the Region 7 LEPC/TERC meeting in July.

Pictured Above (left to right) Tracy Gathman, Two Rivers Coop; Adam Broughton, IDNR; and Nick Steinbach, Two Rivers Coop

Two Rivers Coop in Pella received the Small Industry Award for their efforts with the Marion County Local Emergency Planning Commission (LEPC). Two Rivers Coop donated grain rescue tubes that were used to rescue a man partially buried in soybeans. Personnel from Two Rivers also provided support for the rescue crews.

Pictured Above (left to right) Koch representatives Mike Tempel and Shawn Kerrick Receiving Award from Adam Broughton, IDNR

Koch Fertilizer Fort Dodge (KFFD) received the Small Industry award for involvement in their regional LEPC. Contributions from KFFD have helped purchase self-contained breathing apparatuses and upgrades to the 911 system. They also hosted a full-scale drill at their Duncombe site which simulated a multiple vehicle accident involving a tanker of anhydrous ammonia during the summer of 2016. The drill provided an opportunity for emergency responders to practice the many different aspects of an actual emergency situation including hazardous materials cleanup, treatment of affected individuals, and emergency communications.

Summer Education

Grain Grading Workshop 
Tuesday, August 15 or Wednesday, August 16
The one-day hands-on workshops will feature the latest information on grain quality. Workshops will be under the direction of the Federal Grain Inspection Service inspectors from the National Grain Center. More Information 

Nurse Tank Testing Workshop 
Tuesday, August 29
The association is working with USDOT and IDALS to provide you with accurate information on becoming qualified to test your own tanks at your own facilities. 
1. Contact your insurance agent with regard to your company liability if you choose to certify your own staff. 
2. For a complete list of all certification and record keeping requirements please go to and click on the nurse tank inspector information. 
Classes taught by the US DOT. More Information 

Farmers Want Clean Water and Profitable Operations
by: The Gazette - Mueller, guest columnist

Kamyar Enshayan raises questions in his editorial on Iowa's land and water quality ("Urgency is matter of perception," July 16). Speaking as a farmer using no-till practices and growing cover crops, I believe some of his points are valid but he misrepresents many others. I grew up on a farm that raised four crops as well as livestock. Enshayan would like us to return to that era but, unfortunately, he ignores the very reasons farmers left it in the first place.

One hundred years ago the land around my house raised sugar beets. Russian immigrant workers picked those beets which were hauled to the Waverly Sugar Company. Seventy-five years ago that same land produced sweet corn that my father handpicked and hauled to the Marshall Canning Company, also in Waverly. Fifty years ago oats and alfalfa grew in the same field, both of which were fed to our cattle and hogs. Today, I produce corn and soybeans on that ground. Read More 

EPA Erred on RFS Volumes
by: DTN

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency erred in how it interpreted an "inadequate domestic supply" waiver provision in the Renewable Fuel Standard in 2016 volumes and must review the final volumes for 2014 to 2016, a federal court said on Friday. An ethanol group immediately hailed the ruling as a major victory for the industry.

In making its ruling, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in Washington sided with Americans for Clean Energy, a group representing a number of biofuels interests, who filed a lawsuit against the EPA last year over the use of the domestic supply waiver in the RFS. In particular, the EPA issued RFS volumes in 2016 that included reductions in a variety of biofuels for the years in question. Read More

Bayer Offers Concessions to EU Commission for Monsanto Deal

by: Reuters
The European Commission said Germany's Bayer ( BAYGn.DE) had submitted commitments aimed at easing competition concerns over its $66 billion takeover of U.S. agrochemicals group Monsanto ( MON.N), suggesting the company aims to avoid a lengthy review.  The Commission said it had extended a deadline by two weeks, aiming to complete its initial review of the deal by Aug. 22. Read More

The Midwest Construction Expo Wowed With a Mock Pipeline Strike
by: KCCI

The main purpose of the filed day demonstrations on July 31 in Melborne was to show how permanent conservation and the project is usually finished in a three day period. LICA associate members provided some machinery and materials, while contractor members operate the dozer, scrapers, tiling machines and other equipment necessary to complete the work. A mock drill showed spectators firsthand what can happen when an underground pipeline is hit and ruptured. Watch Video Here>>

Office Summer Hours

Monday- Thursdays
8 AM - 4:30 PM

8 AM - 12:00 PM

Click on the title below to view our info page with sign up and/ or payment options.
Upcoming Events
& Meeting
August 4
Ames, IA
August 8
Field Extension
Education Laboratory
Boone, IA

August 15 & 16
Ziegler CAT Facility
Altoona, IA

The Preserve at
Rathbun Lake
September 7

Thank you for making AAI great!
2017 Golf Sponsors

Agribusiness Association of Iowa 
515-262-8323 |
900 Des Moines Street |  Des Moines, IA 50309