
Today my heart is sad, and at the same time, joyful. My beloved teacher Thich Nhat Hanh left this earth after giving so much to this precious planet and to all of us.

I had the great good fortune to be with Thay that's what he invited us to call him at the first retreat he gave in the United States in 1988, the summer after a bike accident almost ended my life.

Thay's presence and his simple wisdom changed my life. When I promised to carry his teachings forward as best I could, he gave me the name Listening of the Heart. From the seeds planted there, my Oasis in the Overwhelm grew and that is maybe how I met you!

This past weekend the nation celebrated Martin Luther King. Not everyone knows that Thay and Reverend King met each other as non-violent peace activists in 1966. It was Thay who encouraged King to see the connection between racism, poverty and war. Dr. King nominated Thay for the Nobel Peace Prize, saying “I do not personally know of anyone more worthy than this gentle monk from Vietnam.”

"Peace has to begin with oneself but not many people know how to do it."
In these days of extreme stress and confusion, these words of Thich Nhat Hanh hit home keenly.
There is no doubt that ever-growing stress fills our lives these days and peace is elusive.
In a spirit of humility (I, too, get caught up in the fearful hurry-scurry), I invite you to look at my recently-finished video course Stressed? 60-second Strategies: Journey to a Happier / Healthier You.

I poured my heart and soul into creating something that would reach people across the world wherever they are in their kitchen or living room or office or in a shelter. In thirty short videos, I ask you to walk with me for a few minutes each day to bring more awareness, more peace into your life. It is fitting that in the very last video I guide you in doing Thay's 1 Stone.
Thich Nhat Hanh had a way of helping us appreciate the ordinary like washing the dishes, or talking with a friend, or taking a walk. With thanks for my life and for all who open me to the beauty in these moment-to-moment "ordinary" things, I send you warm wishes,
Oasis Sanity Tip

Take 60 seconds today to do the 1 Stone Meditation:

  1. Place a stone, or any object of comfort, in the palm of your hand.
  2. With relaxed attention, look at the stone. Notice the variations in its color, its texture, its grain.
  3. Feel the stone in your hand. How heavy does it feel? Is it cool or warm?
  4. With your eyes open, breathe in and out very slowly as you look at the stone.
  5. Take nine more in-and-out breaths as you continue looking at the stone. If your mind wanders somewhere else, that's okay. That's what minds do. Just bring it back gently to the stone and your breath.

When you finish the ten breaths, stay with your stone a bit longer.
What do you notice now about your body? Your breathing? Your heartbeat? Your thoughts?

Gradually let your eyes move from the stone to your surroundings.
Keep on breathing as you let the larger picture come into your consciousness.

Take this easy awareness with you as you make the transition into the next moment of your day.

I thank Thich Nhat Hanh for teaching me this 1 Stone practice many years ago.
Millie Grenough discovered her own Oasis after a near-death accident shook her out of her fast and furious lifestyle. During her months of recuperation Millie developed the 60-second Oasis Strategies that have helped thousands of people around the world. Millie's Oasis Training Program has graduates throughout the USA and in the Netherlands, Panama, Puerto Rico and New Zealand.. Her books, trainings, international presentations, and coaching have helped people ranging from Casino VPs, US Army Officers and University Deans, to overworked health personnel, prison inmates, and harried parents. 

In a strong desire to bring deeper peace and clarity to the whole world, Millie collaborated with a team to create an online video "course": Stressed? 60-second Strategies: Journey to a Happier / Healthier You.. She warmly invites you to go on the Journey with her.and to let friends and colleagues know about the Journey.

Millie is an International Coach Federation Professional Coach, a Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and is certified in EMDR-Level II with a specialty in Performance Enhancement. Her trainings are authorized for CCEs by the National Association of Social Workers and the International Coach Federation.
These occasional Oasis e-notes are for you: to offer little sanity tips, stories from life, and simple invitations to make your life healthier and happier. Please let us know if there is a special topic you would like addressed.
©2022 Millie Grenough. All Rights Reserved. Oasis in the Overwhelm™ is a registered trademark.
Written and produced by Millie Grenough.
I invite you to forward this e-note to others. Reprintable when full credit is given.
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