No Mandates. Not Now. Not Ever.

We Call The Shots.

Take A Stand For Freedom!

August 25, 2023

Fellow Freedom Flyers:

USFF urges all airline employees and passengers to take a stand for FREEDOM!

Major media outlets are once again ramping up a new fear campaign surrounding another virus variant called Eris, the nickname given to EG.5.1, a subvariant of Omicron. 

The government is also distributing free test kits. It must be emphasized that testing for the presence of genetic material on mucus membranes does not mean a person is infected with the virus. Mandatory testing proved that fact during the initial covid panic two years ago. Millions of people tested positive for the presence of virus genetic material and never got sick. You may have been one of them!

The government claims (at times) that masking in an attempt to prevent transmission of viruses, just like the shots, is allowed to be used under the Emergency Authorization Act of the FDA, which of course, is based on an emergency which no longer exists. This EUA makes both interventions experimental (as is the PCR test). Because they are experimental, they cannot be forced

Yes, we know this part of the law has been completely disregarded by corporations since 2020 – they broke the law and continue to break laws that were designed to protect the public. You have the right to accept or refuse under the law. If coerced with the loss of work, you do have legal recourse.


We know the pressure is intense to obtain 100% compliance with rules that harm people – but it makes no sense from a scientific standpoint. 

We are certain you understand the implications – and know that every time we "consent" under pressure, there will be another, and yet another mandate until we are living under complete totalitarian control. 

We must continue to stand strong as a unified force! It is the only way to defeat this tyranny.

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It is settled science that viruses are transmitted between people all the time. Whether a person gets sick or not depends on the health of their immune system, not the presence of the virus alone. The government will try to convince you that wearing a facemask will somehow stop the transmission of virus particles. This is impossible. The masks are loose fitting and easily allow bacteria, viruses, spores, fungi, pollen, dust, etc. to get through the gaps and spaces. Sure, the mask will trap larger droplets that have been coughed, sneezed, breathed, or talked into the mask, and that’s the problem.

Trapping of potential pathogens in the mask will continuously expose the person wearing the mask to them, increasing the chances of developing an upper respiratory infection. Additionally, touching the contaminated mask can aerosolize the virus particles, making them more transmissible. There are 170+ scientific articles showing that mask wearing is harmful and does not stop viral transmission. Here is a link:

Pilots, consider the dispatch release you must sign prior to every flight affirming that you are fit for duty. If wearing a face mask interferes with your fitness for duty for any reason including alertness, you have the legal obligation to NOT wear it.

The very real potential exists for another mask mandate to be forced on you soon. A Federal whistleblower has already exposed the next planned mandate, rumored to begin on or before September 1st.  It’s time for us to stand together! If we all Just Say No, we can halt this march toward tyranny! You can not be legally forced wear a mask, despite any federal mandate. We all experience unique protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act – more to come on that topic. 

If you think another mask mandate can’t happen to you, pay attention! It already happened at Atlanta’s Morris Brown College:

House Bill HR3935 will prohibit the FAA from requiring mask wearing or COVID-19 vaccines for passengers, air carrier employees, or FAA employees. 

Call to Action – PLEASE Contact your representatives and ask them to support HR3935:

Volunteers for USFF are working hard to protect your freedom. Please make a tax-deductible donation now:

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Please share this message with at least ten people and ask them to do the same. Unity is Power!

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon

USFF Medical Advisory Board

This email correspondence does not provide medical, legal, or other professional advice. The contents are for informational and educational purposes only. Anyone seeking medical or legal advice must consult a professional and must not rely on the contents of this email.

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