Sunset on Hughes Rd by Teri Pitts

Two Issues at the Council Need Your Voice This Week

Take Action: Rustic Roads Update Needs Support

The Rustic Roads master plan is having its first update since its inception in 1996. We are asking all fans of Rustic Roads to write in to the Council with your appreciation of the roads and support the recommended updates from Planning.

The Rustic Roads program has many benefits. These roads are historic and unique, as are the bridges, structures and landscapes along them. They are narrow, slow, and safe, leading to places of wonder--to views of Sugarloaf Mountain, to historic communities, both Black and White, past a one-room schoolhouse, a favorite barn or a row of 100-year old cedar trees. Two minute of your time before 4/25 to personalize a letter to the Council will help make the case for these arteries of the Reserve.

PS - This growing season (and every season) let's be respectful of farmers moving equipment around. Thank You!

Take Action

Take Action: Office of People's Counsel Faces Permanent End

Land Use is complicated - while the county and developers have a bevy of land use attorneys, the average resident may not even know what their zoning is. This imbalance becomes stark when residents have questions about planned developments or zoning changes in their neighborhood. Until it was quietly defunded in 2010, re-balancing this equation was the job of the Office of the People's Counsel (OPC)- an agency that is authorized by the County Code to represent the public interest in the County’s land use regulatory process.

Councilmember Friedson has introduced bill 18-23 that will permanently weaken the OPC - setting up a similar "community" office but removing the role of the OPC to identify master plan conflicts or even participate in public meetings. The public hearing about this bill this week was full of thoughtful testimony against this bill and for a return of the OPC - a move also urged by a new Office of Leg. Oversight report citing the equity impacts of not having this public advocate for residents.

Reestablishing the OPC in Montgomery County as envisioned and properly communicating its availability to all residents will help to restore a balance of trust and integrity to the planning and public engagement process. Take two minutes to write the Council before April 25.

Take Action

More Spring News

The Good Fences Grant seeks to provide cost share for local farm fencing projects in order to increase the amount of crops grown for local food banks.

We thank all our applicants and will share the honorees over the next few weeks. First up - the Takoma Park Community Food Forest Project growing for Tommy's Pantry.

We are so grateful to the County Department of Health and Human Services for seeding this program -there is still time to donate to this win-win-win project.

Save the Date to Ride the Rustic Roads with us!

Touring Harriet Tubman Statue Starts Residency at Button Farm

A breathtaking 9ft tall statue of Maryland native Harriet Tubman continues its national tour with a stop at Button Farm Living History Center. Guided tours and scheduled viewings of the statue will take place as part of the farm's "Journey to Freedom" programing through May 30. Register

MCA and the County’s Office of Agriculture (OAG) have partnered to produce an online guide for new and established Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) farmers.

It's Time for a Local Farm Incubator in MoCo

Local food is a homegrown solution to a host of issues and the time is right to reinvigorate a pathway for more folks to get growing.

We are part of the effort to gather a dream team to make this happen - are you in?

Spring Brings PLENTY

Out now in a number of brick and mortar outlets and soon to be online - the Spring issue of PLENTY magazine - including an article about the push for a farm incubator, "Leave No Farmer Behind" and a dive into local CSAs.

CSA Sign Up Time - Is a CSA For You?

A CSA (Community Supported Ag) is a direct way to support a local farmer and connect most deeply with where your food is grown. There are many farms offering CSAs in MoCo. Is this the year you try it? We walk you through it with our "Is a CSA for Me?" quiz.

Check it out! We are once again "One of the Best" small nonprofits in the DC region!
Every Minute, 3 acres of farmland is lost in the US, in Montgomery County we have the chance to protect 100,000 acres of farms and open space on Metro's edge- thanks for doing your part!
Montgomery Countryside Alliance | 301-461-9831 | [email protected] MoCoAlliance.Org
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