FX Thunder H.O.G. E-Newsletter | June 2021
Your monthly news & updates
The following is what we talked about at our June Get Together.
The next Get Together will be on
Saturday, August 7th, 10am
at FX Caprara Harley-DavidsonÂŽ.
Since the 4th of July weekend falls on the first weekend in July (when we'd normally have our Get Together), we'll skip having a Get Together next month. See you on August 7th.
Reminder: If you're up for a ride, you can send out a text to our HOG Group on WhatsApp (see below)!! See who's riding where, meet up & go fourth and ride 🏍 Any day that ends in "Y" is a good day to go ride!!
Going to see the Moose!
Our Next 2nd Saturday Picnic Ride: Saturday, June 12th

Meet at the dealership at 9:30 to register. You are welcome to bring a guest!! All bikes welcome!! Non-Chapter-Members will need to sign an event release form.

KSU at 10:30, heading over to the Moose River. Clint Loren will be leading the ride 😁
2021 Overnight Ride is coming up!
And that means NOW is the perfect time to start thinking about next year's overnight trip!

Where is a fun place for our HOG Chapter to ride to in 2022? What do you want to do once we're there?

Bring your answers to our August Get Together and we'll start putting together a list!
The Lighthouse Ride Chapter Challenge
New “Ride Along” Challenges: Ride with a group or go on your own, check the destinations off your list, submit your photos and the member(s) with the most points wins!!
Lighthouse List –
  • Starting May 1 through September 19. Deadline to submit photos is September 30, 2021. The Lighthouse List is here and also on our website on the ”Lighthouse Challenge” page.
  • Ride to as many Lighthouses on the list as you wish, and take a picture of your bike with the lighthouse in the background using your smart phone or digital camera.
  • When you get home, email those pictures to Dawn at Dawn@FXHarley.com
  • The member(s) who rode to the most lighthouses will win a prize at the end of the year.
FX Thunder HOG Officer Elections
Want to unleash freedom, work with team members & brainstorm new activities, and help promote the H.O.G. Chapter?? Become an FX Thunder H.O.G. Chapter Officer!

Four primary officer positions open:
  • Director: conduct chapter meetings and coordinate chapter officer responsibilities.
  • Assistant Director: responsible for promoting membership, membership orientation, membership retention, and keeping the chapter members informed of H.O.G.ÂŽ programs.
  • Treasurer: responsible for collecting and disbursing chapter funds, reporting financial transactions to sponsoring Dealer/H.O.G.ÂŽ Manager on a monthly basis, compliance with all revenue recording and reporting requirements.
  • Secretary: responsible for administering and maintaining meeting minutes, annual reports, membership reports on hog.com, insurance and legal documentation, event releases, and enrollment releases.

Nominate yourself or someone within the chapter.

Beginning in September will put the ballot together, and voting will be in October. The Officers will hold their office from January 2022 until December 2023 (2 years).
Save the Date for our Christmas Party!!
Saturday, December 11th
•more details will follow•
All Bikes Welcome for FX Thunder HOG
Mileage Tracking!
Register your Non-Harley Motorcycle to Enter
This year FX Thunder HOGÂŽ wants to get everyone in on the mileage competition! Of course it will only be for our chapter (National H.O.G. is for H-DÂŽ Motorcycles only). And now is the time to do it!!

So, no matter if you're a Full or Associate member of HOG, and even if you ride a Honda, Spyder, Suzuki, Triumph, etc., you can still sign up. How?? Contact our Director Darryl Sapoff by text, email or message through WhatsApp a picture your bike's odometer along with your name, make, model & VIN and he'll get you started.

Then, go ride!! At the end of the year, we'll ask you to snap a picture of your bike's odometer once again.

Darryl's contact info:
  • Email: dsapoff@twcny.rr.com
  • Text: 315-854-1811
News from Harley & National H.O.G.ÂŽ
  • Harley-Davidson’s Livewire becomes its own brand. However it still falls within HDMC as a division. That’s so the EV division could focus solely on Electric Vehicles while the rest of the MoCo will continue to focus on cruiser and touring motorcycles. Visit livewire.com for more information.

  • It’s award season at the Harley Owners Group and we’re pleased to announce the winners of the 2020 RIDE 365 Chapter Challenge for Total Mileage and Average Mileage per Member. Congratulations to the overall national winners, Fort Lauderdale Chapter for highest total mileage with 1,617,872 miles, and Boneyard Chapter for highest average miles with 9,507 miles ridden per member. In addition to the overall winners, the top chapters in each of the six markets will also receive a personal visit from their H.O.G. Regional Manager along with other prizes.

FX Thunder Chapter came in 7th place for our region
ďťżwith a total of 227,362 miles! Great job everybody!!
FX Thunder H.O.G. on WhatsApp
Interact with other Chapter Members easily and instantly!
If you’d like to join the group, all you need to do is:
  • Go to your smart phone’s app store and search “Whats App Messaging” (look for their green phone logo) and install.
  • Once installed, open and start a chat with Dawn/Irish FXCHD (315-405-7939) -you might have to add her as a contact in your phone.
  • In the chat, let her know your name and that you’d like to join the FX Thunder H.O.G. Group.
  • You’ll see it once she’s added you, and then you’ll be able to reach everybody in just one text, pic, link or whatever else you’d like to share