A senior administrative secretary from Christina School District's Jennie E. Smith Elementary School is the state's first Delaware Educational Support Professional of the Year.
Secretary of Education Susan Bunting surprised Alice Williams by presenting her with the award at her school Friday morning. Williams, who has 24 years of experience including eight with the state, originally planned to become a teacher. Instead, life eventually brought her into a position working as a secretary in a high poverty school in Wilmington.
"It was here that I learned to look past the first impressions of each family and to attempt to remove the obstacles that prevent student success," Williams said.
"I have witnessed hidden and overt criticism of parents when students are unprepared for school or when the adults appear unsupportive. I quickly learned that hygiene issues can be the result of transient living situations, unavailable washers or dryers or non-working utilities. Parents or guardians may not be able to produce the necessary documents to register their child for school because they're behind in paying the utility bills that are required to verify the address or have utilities in the name of another person due to past balance. A parent who uses public transportation will take hours to come pick up a sick child or may have to walk if they don't have bus fare," Williams said. "My experience has helped me recognize the balancing act that parents have between their job and family responsibilities. Sending a parent away and asking them to come back to school with the required documents can force a choice between keeping their job or not registering their child for school."