October 2018              
#1 - Background Checks
Did you know that keeping children safe while they are in your care is your most important responsibility? One way to protect children is to conduct a background check on anyone who will have contact with children in your child care program. A comprehensive background check should be completed for all child care employees prior to working. They are required to submit a Statewide Central Register clearance form, Justice Center for the Protection of Persons with Special Needs form, criminal history review information, staff resumes, medical statement, and 3 acceptable references along with any other information that can be required. In addition, staff may not be unsupervised with child care children until their background checks are completed and they have been cleared and approved by the Office of Children and Family Services. 

#2 - American Heart Association Changes

The American Heart Association will only issue electronic CPR cards; printed cards will no longer be issued.  So effective January 1st, 2019, we will only issue electronic cards. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Juanita Pope at (914)761-3456 x106.

#3 - Your Vote Counts!
You can make your voice heard and register your opinion on how you think our government should operate. Your vote effects every aspect of our lives from roads to health care to homeland security and CHILD CARE.   

October 12th is the deadline in New York to register for the General National Election on November 6th.  Don't miss it!  For more info, click here:  Voter Registration in New York

Funding for Child Care 
and Child Care Programs

Last year, we visited over 20 child care and after school programs to encourage more parents to speak to their County officials about the importance of child care funding - and they did! The Board of Legislators added $1.6 million to the child care budget, enabling DSS to increase subsidy reimbursement rates for contracted programs for the first time in a very long time.

The 2019 County budget will be very tight, but Council staff and board members will be doing "Calls for Kids" once again.
Get in on the action this year and schedule a visit to your program.  We'll come at your convenience - pick-up time, during a parent or family event, whatever works best for you and your parents.

Email Kathy Halas, Executive Director, at kathyh@cccwny.org, to set up your date during the month of November.  

Advocacy does work, especially by parents!  
 Professional Development Opportunities 
Don't miss our great fall  trainings.  To see what we have in store,  click 2018 Fall Training Calendar
 Share Your Experience 
Henry Wilson, Executive Director
Henry Wilson, Executive Director
Y-Cop, Mount Vernon, New York

If you are interested in recording a video to share your child care experience, please email Juanita Pope at  juanitap@cccwny.org. We would love to hear from you too!

Camera shy? No worries, just complete and submit the below form.

Share Your Experience
Health Tip 
Food Allergies
This four-year-old died at school due to his peanut allergy despite it's 'nut-free policy':his teacher stabbed the EpiPen into her own hand instead of the child. 

You never know when it can happen to you... Be prepared and save a child's life!

Did you know:
  • Children in child care and preschool programs who have food allergies are at the highest risk of an allergic reaction
  • More than 60% of allergic reactions at school happen in child care and preschool settings
  • The number of people who have food allergies is growing, with an increase of 50% among children
  • Food allergies now affect 1 in 13 children
Questions to think about:
  • Would you know what to do if a child had a severe allergic reaction?
  • Would you or your staff be able to comfortably and accurately administer an epinephrine auto-injector?
  • Is your program approved to administer medications or do only you only administer emergency medications?
If your programs only administer emergency medications, these medications only include epinephrine auto-injector devices, diphenhydramine (Benadryl) when prescribed for use in combination with the epinephrine auto-injector, asthma inhalers, or nebulizers. 

To learn more about administration of emergency medications,  click here
Register Now!
Fall Infant Toddler Conference

When: Friday, November 16, 2018 
Where: Peas & Karrots Child Care Center, Ossining

Join us for a half-day of training focused on nurturing, guiding, & teaching infants and toddlers in classrooms & family programs!

Keynote address
5 break out sessions from which to choose
3.5 hours of training
Resources & materials
Continental breakfast

To learn more, click here
To register, click here and fill out form
Regulatory Reminder: 418-1.15(c)(11) or 414.15(c)(11) Staff Records
Personnel information including a list of all staff with job assignments and schedules; Statewide Central Register clearance results; Justice Center for the Protection of Persons with Special Needs background check forms; criminal history review information; staff resumes; medical statement, acceptable references and other information required by section 418-1.13 of this Subpart.
Our 50th Anniversary Celebration is Almost Here!

Have you registered yet? Don't miss a night to remember, as we celebrate 50 years of advocating for quality early child care in the Westchester community! We are so excited for this event, and can't wait to honor Dr. Marsha Gordon of the Business Council of Westchester, Clarfeld Financial Advisors, and Peter Edelman & Marian Wright Edelman! 

Join us on October 18th, 2018 at Captain Lawrence Brewery.  Click here  to register.

A special thank you to our Sponsors:
Clarfeld Financial Advisors; PwC; M&T; RXR Realty; Alliant Insurance Services, LSW Chauffered Transportation; Clayman and Rosenberg; Greater Hudson Bank; Inspiria Outdoor; Sharc Creative, Jan Fisher, LLC and White Plains City Center.

Interested in becoming a Sponsor? Contact Dana Lawless, Director of Development, at  danal@cccwny.org
 Kathy Halas Named One of Westchester's Power 50!

Is it a coincidence that it's our 50th Anniversary, and City and State NY has named our Executive Director Kathy Halas as one of the Westchester Power 50? Probably, but no matter... we couldn't agree more with their assessment!

"Kathy Halas is on the front lines in the fight for affordable child care. Since 2003, Halas has been the executive director of the Child Care Council of Westchester, a resource and referral agency helping parents find safe and suitable child care. That extends to after-school care, with the organization supporting 750 providers and programs for kids up to age 12. When county programs are threatened, Halas heads straight for the county board, appealing to legislators and getting results for Westchester families."
 We Love Our Office!
We had SO much fun at our "I Love My Office Party"! What a great way to celebrate our staff and the relationships we have made with each other! Not only does the Council team work hard during the day to ensure the accessibility of quality child care, we also work hard to maintain an office that is fun and supportive. As so many employees have said before, it's not just working with your peers when you work at the Council, it's supporting the Council's mission with your work family. 

Thanks again to Sharc Creative, Sundance Kitchen, Oasis Day Spa, Joseph Richard Florals, Chocolations, The Capitol Theatre, Nancy Carr Stylist/J. Hilburn, MSM Designz, PM Amusements and Edible of Eastchester for sponsoring this event. 
 Welcome New & Renewed 
Child Care Programs!

Family Day Care Programs
New Castle Day Care, Inc.

Family Day Care Programs
Beatriz Amuso
Little Caterpillars Family Daycare

SACC Programs
Kids S.P.A.C.E of Rye, Inc.

 Welcome New CACFP Participants
Veniece Hudson
Temia Jones
Luis Livicara
Milagro Morales Jicardo
Sylvia Oliver Henriques
Rose Ortiz
Diana Saint Hilaire
Temetra Todd
Congratulations to Our Latest 
CDA Course Students 

These early childhood professionals completed one of our CDA courses and then went on to earn the Child Development Associate credential from the Council for Professional Recognition in Washington, DC. They have worked hard to improve their skills and knowledge of working with young children. The children in their care, their parents, and their programs are very fortunate to have such dedicated professionals working with them.

Congratulations to these students in the Council's In-Person Infant Toddler Class:
    • Andrea Paredeas
    • Kayla Esterine-Reid
    • Soranyely Morade Melendez
To find out more about the CDA credential or for information about the Council's CDA classes, please contact Idie Benjamin, Director of Professional Development at  idieb@cccwny.org
It's Fall!

Group of kids with leaves

Our world is changing. Fall is brilliant colors, crisp air, and many opportunities for children to explore their world and nature. Remember - there is not bad weather, just bad clothes. Here are some fun activities to do this fall:

  • Go Outside! Fall is not paper leaf shapes hanging on a bulletin board. It is exciting and beautiful and to be experienced. Fall is bright colors, cool air, and changes. Go for walks and play in the leaves.
  • Bring Fall Inside! Let the children collect leaves, acorns, and drying flowers. Put them in the water table or large bin. The children will continue to explore what makes these things different.
  • Leaf Scramble! This activity will have your little ones moving so fast in order to win that they won't even notice how much work they actually did!
    • What you'll need: a tarp/garbage can/basket, leaves
    • What to do: place a basket, garbage can, or tarp somewhere in your yard full of leaves. How many scoops of leaves can the children get into it only using their hands and arms? Have them try to fill up the basket or garbage can or see if they can get enough on the tarp to cover the whole thing. WARNING: this activity may elicit spontaneous jumping into the pile of leaves. 
To read more,  click here
Is Dressing Up for Halloween Different than Pretend Play?

What does dressing up mean for young children?
When children dress up as part of their pretend play, they represent themselves as someone else - a mother, a monster, a dinosaur. It's an important part of their development of "transforming" themselves from one thing into another. 

A toddler starts pretending the first time she picks up a set of keys and pretends to drive. Her "costume" is the set of keys, which serves as a prop for her play. The preschooler doesn't need a set of keys to pretend to be a driver. He could pick up a round plate and make it into a steering wheel. The kindergartner doesn't need any props at all; 5 and 6 year olds can mime the actions involved in driving a car without any props.

So to connect that to dressing up, the costume is the prop that helps young children communicate the role they are enacting both to themselves and to others.

Is there a difference between dressing up as part of play (I'm a firefighter and I need a firefighter's hat) and dressing up for an event like Halloween?

To learn more,  click here
Mother Goose Mondays
  When : Monday Oct. 15th, 10:00am-10:20am & 10:45am-11:05am
 Monday Oct. 22nd, 10:00am-10:20am & 10:45am-11:05am
 Monday Oct. 29th, 10:00am-10:20am & 10:45am-11:05am

Where: Rye Free Reading Room
Cost: Free
For more information, click here
Trick or Treat at Stew Leonard's

When : Wednesday, October 24, 4-6pm
Where: Yonkers Stew Leonard's
Cost: Free
For more information, click here

  • Upcoming Events
  • Fall Infant Toddler Conference - Register! 
  • Health Tip: Food Allergies
  • Welcome our Interns
  • 2018 Mid-Year Membership 
  • Council Fights for Child Care 
  • Share Your Experience
  • Children's Corner
  • Family Fun and more 
50th Anniversary Celebration
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Captain Lawrence Brewery
Elmsford, New York
For more information  click here

Fall Infant Toddler Conference
Friday, November 16, 2018
Peas & Karrots Child Care Center Ossining, NY
For more information click here

Council Office Closings 
All Day
Monday, October 8, 2018
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Thursday, November 22, 2018

Early Closing
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Welcome, Interns!

Kacheena Osbourne-Moore has joined the Council as our Administrative Intern. She will be assisting our Professional Development Team with many projects. 

Welcome Sean Johnson, our new Social Media Intern. Sean is full on board and ready to assist with increasing Council visibility through various marketing techniques. 

Evelyne Velez,
has joined the Council team as our new Adminstrative/ Special Events Intern.  What a perfect time as we are preparing for our 50th Anniversary Celebration. Evelyne brings great experience and we are happy she chose the Council for her internship.  

Learning doesn't just take place in the classroom, participating in internships provide students with hands on exposure in a professional environment.  The Council offers a variety of internships to fulfill high school and college students needs.  

Contact Juanita Pope at (914)761-3456 x106 for more information. 
Staff Testimonies
"The Council staff is always helpful and knowledge-able. They are warm, welcoming, and go above and beyond." - Michele Sardullo, Registrar

"My favorite part about working at the Council is the opportunity to help and support applicants to accomplish their goal of obtaining a registration and then working with them further to make their program a quality program." - Elsa Sanchez, Bi-Lingual Registrar.

We're Looking for a Few Good Women & Men 

Come to work at the Child Care Council and make a difference in the life of a child.  We currently have the following openings:  

For more information contact Juanita Pope at 914-761-3456 ext. 106  or  juanitap@cccwny.org  
Become a Council Member Today!

Benefits Include:
  • Valuable discounts on workshops, on-site training and conferences
  • Listing on our website, including a link to your website
  • Free postings on the Council's job bank
  • Membership certificate for your site
  • Printed Council Training Calendar
  • Early announcements of special programs and opportunities
  • Free Notary Public Services
  • Free member only networking meetings
  • 7.5% off Lakeshore Orders
  • Complimentary Council 2018 Calendar
  • Participation in our membership referral program
  • Exclusive member only annual events 

Share your membership experience with us by completing the below survey.

Call (914) 761-3456 or visit
to become a member today
Vision 0-3 Conference

This conference will be a day of learning, innovation and action.  It will provide an opportunity to initiate impactful changes to the lives of babies, toddlers and families in Westchester. 

  Click here for more information. 

Free Children of 
Harmful Chemicals

This statewide organization works to get toxic chemicals out of daily life by changing laws, shifting the market-place, and helping people make change in their homes, businesses and child care settings. They also see child care and after school programs as key partners in their mission to free children of harmful chemicals.

Are You Hiring?

The Council encourages members to post job openings on our website. 

Click here  to post a job
Click here to view candidate profiles 

Breast Cancer
 Awareness Month

Join the worldwide campaign, and raise the awareness about the importance of detecting breast cancer early.  

Help the fight to end breast cancer by raising funds for walking with the American Cancer Society Making Strides of Westchester. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Click here  for more information and to register. 
Earn a Free Council Training!

In appreciation for all the early care and education professionals that attend our trainings, we are now offering the "Council Loyalty Punch Card"!

Click here to learn more.
Opportunities to Connect With Colleagues!

Regular meetings at the Council for family providers, early childhood directors, and school age directors provide opportunities for you to learn, share resources and support one another.  These  meetings are also an avenue to increase your knowledge. Each one includes a training that provides a certificate accepted by OCFS.

Providers Network
This group for registered family and licensed group family providers meets 4 times a year.  Elizabeth Knowles of Little House Day Care is the coordinator and can be contacted at 914-967-2707 or Elizabeth@littlehousedc.com

Westchester Early Childhood Directors Association
The Association meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 1:00- 3:00pm. Contact Howard Milbert at Ossining Children's Center at (914) 941-0230 or Dawn Meyerski at Mt. Kisco Child Care Center at (914) 241-2135 or dmeyerski@mkccc.org for details.

School Age Directors Network
The Network meets the 3rd  Tuesday of the month from 10:00am-12:00pm. Contact Joanne Saporta at Chappaqua Childrens Workshop at general@ccwkids.org or Lynn Lutomski at Irvington Children's Center at iccchildcare@aol.com for more details.
Join the network today!

Please note the networking groups do not meet in July and August. 

The Council is pleased to host these groups. We encourage you to attend their meetings.
Promote Your Business Here

Many child care providers run alternate businesses.  Do you provide another service or sell a product?  We would love to hear about it and share with others in the child care community.  Let's help build successful businesses together.  To share, email Juanita Pope at juanitap@cccwny.org
October 22nd is 
Clean the Earth

To celebrate this important day, the children in your program can go to a local park and assist in cleanup to learn more about respecting and keeping the Earth clean. 

Reach out to your local parks department, or non-profit organizations to see how you can become involved.

What's Cooking?

Veggie Quesadillas

  • 8 (34g packet) multigrain tortillas
  • 1/3 cup tomato salsa
  • 1 1/3 cups grated reduced fat cheese
  • 1 cup grated carrot
  • 1 cup (30g) baby spinach leaves
  • Olive Oil cooking spray
  • 1 avocado, peeled and chopped
  • 1 tbs lemon juice
  • 400g can no-added-salt red kidney beans, drained.

1. Lay 4 tortillas on a clean surface. Spread with tomato salsa and sprinkle with half the grated cheese.
2. Top each one evenly with kidney beans, grated carrot, and  spinach leaves. Sprinkle with remaining grated cheese. Cover with the remaining 4 tortillas.
3. Heat a large non-stick frying pan and grease with cooking spray. Add one filled tortilla, cook over a medium heat for about 3 minutes or until golden underneath. Using an egg slide, carefully turn and cook other side until golden. Remove from pan.
4. Repeat step 3 with remaining filled tortillas to make 4 quesadillas. Cool then cut each into 6 wedges.
5. Mash avocado with lemon juice in a small bowl. Serve with quesadillas if desired. Recipe can be cooked a day ahead. Keep cooked quesadillas refrigerated in a container until required. 


For more information on receiving reimbursements for meals and snacks contact Lindsay Tiernan at (914)-761-3456 x115 or email Lindsay at lindsayt@cccwny.org
Community Resource


United Way's 2-1-1 is a free, confidential, multilingual information and referral helpline open 365 days a year, 9am-7pm.

United Way's 2-1-1 call specialists can give you information about things such as:
  • Food Assistance
  • Housing assistance and shelters
  • Abuse prevention
  • Elder care
  • Mental health services
  • Recycling regulations
  • Services for people with disabilities
  • How to become a foster parent
  • Where to get medical help and more
Learn more: www.uwwp.org
Support the Council

Many easy ways to help!

Did you know TD Bank has an Affinity Program? 

TD will make an annual contribution to the Council based on the activity of all participating members' TD accounts. If you are already a customer, or wish to open an account, visit any of their locations and ask to be included in the Affinity Program to benefit the Council.
Support the Council while you shop!