Upcoming Events
In this Issue: CAZCA All-Partners Meeting, Speaker Series, Desert Defenders

Join us February 20 for our annual All-Partners Meeting. Come strategize, give feedback, and update the community about your current work as we form the next steps toward the shared vision of the ROSS.

The meeting is a great time to network. Is there work you'd like the conservation community to know about? Or a project you want support and feedback on? Submit a Lighting Round proposal!

If you are willing to present a 5 minute update during the lighting round, please fill out the form in the link below. We will do our best to accommodate all.

Desert Defenders is a joint effort to map invasive plant species at county and municipal parks using a GIS-based smartphone app.

We're recruiting volunteers to collect data and help create real impact in our parks by charting the presence of invasives in the region's open spaces.

We share the desert and our cities with a host of amazing wildlife, but where do these creatures go? How have they adapted to our growing urban cities?

Come to Desert Botanical Garden to learn how ASU professor Jesse Lewis used data from 50 wildlife cams around the Valley to answer this question.
Partner Event Spotlight

Listed in Planetizen’s Top 100 Most Influential Urbanists and the first Ambassador for World Urban Parks, come see Gil Penalosa deliver his innovative vision to create vibrant cities and healthy communities. Join us to explore themes of sustainable mobility, urban parks, accessible public spaces, and thriving bike-ways.
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