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Hard to believe that June is half-way through already. It will be summer before we know it, and at Buddings we just can't wait. Our connection with the community is getting stronger, the centre is blossoming, and we're starting to have so much news, we need to start sending our letter out bi-weekly. 

Summer is the time for vacations and family trips, music and festivals, and this newsletter covers all the bases. Our awesome Buy 3 Months, Get 1 Free special returns, our holidays are posted, and you're invited to visit us at Main Street Car Free Day.

And it's hard to believe but we promise, the sun will be shining down on all of it!
In this newsletter...

Buy 3, get one FREE returns!
Summer Holidays - mark your calendars
Music with Carlos, coming soon!
NEW! Hours will roll-over!
Come see us at CarFree day!
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Summer's coming! Take a month off with Buy 3, Get 1 FREE!
All the kids get time off in the summer, take a month for yourself with the return of our spectacular seasonal special. When you buy hours for any 3 months before June 30, you receive another month (your choice) for free. 
We know summer schedules are hectic, with family in town, sightseeing trips, and all the planning that goes into making the most of the season. Relax, and take a 25% bite out of your childcare costs. There are no restrictions or complications. Choose any number of hours, for any 3 months, and we'll give you the same amount for one more month. 
You can save even more when your friends sign up! Your 10% referral discount combines with all of our promotions and your friends still get their first 3 hours free. 
Summer Holiday Dates - Mark your calendars!
Buddings is closed on stat holidays, and with the BBQ season upon us, the weekends start flying past. Take a moment and mark your calendars with the days Buddings will be closed this summer:
  • July 2 - Canada Day
  • Aug. 6 - BC Day
  • Aug. 13 - 17 - Buddings Summer Holidays
  • Sept. 3 - Labour Day
And then it's the 6-week wait until Thanksgiving in mid-October... sigh. 
Music with Carlos, coming soon to Buddings
If your child has been at Buddings in the evenings recently, you might have already met our friend Carlos - educator extraordinaire from Mount Pleasant Daycare. Not only is he a licensed ECE with tonnes of experience, especially with infants and toddlers, he's also a talented musician with a recently released album. 
We're excited to be working with him as he combines his two passions, creating a special program for us, called Music with Carlos. He'll be coming into Buddings once or twice a month on Music & Movement Thursdays, from 5pm to 7pm. We'll be confirming the schedule in the next week and posting it on our Events Calendar, which you can access from the Events button on our Home Page. 
NEW! Roll-over your leftover hours - $2/hour
When we started the flexible daycare model, we worked very carefully to understand and abide by Vancouver Coastal Health's licensing rules for occasional care, which is why the 40 hour max is in place, and why hours only last for one calendar month. 
But hours that expire, to be lost forever, are not as flexible as we would like, and we're hearing you when you wonder why they can move to the next month. 
So, starting in July, we're pleased to announce that you can have your leftover time rolled to the next month for a $2/hour fee, as long as we have hours available. As we fill up, and people start buying packages further in advance, it may come to a point where we have already sold the next month's hours, but that is a quite distant point, and in the meantime, we don't see any reason not to give you the hours you've purchased. 
In order to have hours rolled over, you will need to contact Talia in the last week of the month, and we will send a reminder in our end-of-month newsletter. Please contact us if you have any questions about this. 

Visit Buddings at Main St. Car-Free day! - June 17

We're thrilled to be participating with the 2012 Main Street Car-Free Day on June 17! Come find our station between 16th and 17th avenues, right next to the Granville Island Toy Company. 
We'll be running a fun take-home colouring contest that kids can enter through Facebook, talking about flexible daycare, and blowing bubbles! Stop by and say hello! 
Spot Light


The World in a Garden is a cool non-profit all about urban agriculture, and teaching Vancouverites how to make the most of our connection with nature. This summer they are running summer camps for kids, offering tonnes of activities and fun experiences. Check them out!

Thanks for Biking to Work! 
Thank you so much to all the friends and families who joined our Bike to Work Week team last month! The weather didn't cooperate, of course, but even still, we did awesome! 33rd out of 250 businesses with less than 11 employees, and the trips you guys added helped us do it.
Our prize package of 10 free hours of care goes to Yuya Kato, who biked from his home on Cambie Street all the way to his office in Burnaby! Wow! Great work, Yuya!
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Budding Children's Garden & Daycare / 203 - 950 West Broadway / Vancouver, BC /