News From the Library
January 24, 2025
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Free Tax Assistance
Free, in-person tax assistance through AARP Tax Aide will again be offered at the New Rochelle Public Library this tax season beginning Tuesday, February 4, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Assistance will be provided on a first come, first served basis; no appointments will be available. Assistance will be provided on Tuesdays and Thursdays, through Tuesday, April 15, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm at the Main Library
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Senator Mayer Visits New Rochelle Public Library
Library Director Schatoff was delighted to meet with Senator Shelley Mayer last week to discuss the Children's Garden Project as well as other capital projects at the Library. The Garden project is being made possible through funding from an ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) grant awarded to the City of New Rochelle. In partnership with the City and with the generous support of the New Rochelle Public Library Foundation, we will create an engaging outdoor space where children can explore, learn about nature, and connect with each other.
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Interested in Becoming a U.S. Citizen?
NRPL's Civics Class for Citizenship returns on Saturday, January 25, 2:00 pm. This class will help to prepare students for the U.S. citizenship or naturalization exam and interview. Instruction is provided in the areas of government, current events, test-taking strategies, and interview skills that build confidence and familiarity of the interview process.
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Use Our State of the Art Sewing Machines
Join us for our next Open Sewing session on Wednesday, January 29, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm.
Whether you're an experienced seamstress, budding fashion designer, home decor enthusiast, or you just need to hem pants, this program offers the perfect opportunity to work on your sewing projects in a relaxed environment with fellow sewists, using our state-of-the-art Necchi sewing machines. We have experienced sewists on hand to help with any questions you may have.
This is not a beginner sewing class. It's intended for patrons who know how to operate a sewing machine. Patrons are responsible for bringing their own supplies, including fabrics, threads, patterns, and any other materials necessary for their projects.
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English Learner Conversation Circle
Join us on Wednesday, January 29, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm for this volunteer-led, drop-in weekly program offers English language learners the opportunity to practice their conversational English in a relaxed, fun way. ESL learners of all skill levels are encouraged to attend! Drop in. Questions? Call Denise Link at (914) 813-3733; or email
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Gentle Yoga
Join us on Saturday, February 1, 10:30 - 11:45 am for a gentle mat yoga class with breathing (pranayama) and movement (asana) led by Tere Yogi. Please bring your own mat. Ages 16 and up.
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Get Revved Up for Our Next Film!
Our NRPL "VROOM" Film Series continues on Saturday, February 1, 12:00 pm, with a screening of GREASED LIGHTNING (1977).
In this high-speed film series, New Rochelle librarian and film historian Chris Poggiali will introduce and discuss movies centered around auto racing, car culture, and the open road.
GREASED LIGHTNING is the true story of Wendell Scott, a World War II veteran and moonshine runner who became the first African-American driver to compete in NASCAR and win the Grand National Series.
Sunday Afternoon Concert Series: Celebrating Black History Month with Tenor Brandon Hornsby-Selvin
Tenor Brandon Hornsby-Selvin celebrates Black History Month at NRPL on Sunday, February 2, 3:00 pm, with a recital of songs including classical, spirituals, and Broadway favorites. Join us for this uplifting program by a gifted young artist, presented in collaboration with Young Musicians of Westchester.
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NEW! Multilevel Yoga
Join us on Monday, February 3, 6:15 - 7:45 pm for a multilevel yoga class with breathing (pranayamas) and relaxations (yoga nidra) led by Tere Yogi. Please bring your own mat.
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Jump Start Your Job Search Workshop: A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and Job Search 2025
AI is everywhere and keeps changing. Join us on Monday, February 3, 6:30 pm when Job Readiness Coach Rebecca Mazin discusses how it fits with your job search.
- What has changed?
- Using AI to update your resume
- Using AI to edit cover letters
- AI and preparing for job interviews
Norman Rockwell's America: The Westchester Years
Join us on Thursday, February 6, 6:30 pm in the Ossie Davis Theater in celebration of Norman Rockwell's birthday. Westchester County Historical Society Executive Director and New Rochelle’s City Historian, Barbara Davis, will present an illustrated digital slideshow and discuss the great illustrator’s early years in Mamaroneck, and the two and half decades he spent in New Rochelle.
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Hip Hip Hooray!! Children's Programs Resume Next Week
We are excited to kick off our winter/spring children's programs at the Main and Huguenot Children's Library on Monday, January 27. All your favorite programs are back, and a few new ones have been added too. Plan your week of engaging and educational programs for your children by visiting our online calendar. Or click here for a printable flyer of Children's Programs at Main and here for Children's Programs at HCL.
Black History Month Biographies
Celebrate Black History month by discovering the fascinating and courageous stories of some famous (and some not-so-famous) African American heroes and trailblazers. These gorgeous picture book biographies are sure to entertain, inform, and inspire during the month of February and beyond!
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More Wonderbooks to Build Your Child's Reading Skills!
We've added more wonderful Read-Alongs from Wonderbooks & Vox , thanks to a generous donation from the New Rochelle Public Library Foundation! Many of these new Read-Alongs are Decodables, phonics-based and designed to help the earliest of readers sound out letters and words.
Read-Alongs are print books with a ready-to-play audiobook inside. Kids will press play to read along with their favorite books and strengthen reading skills! Take a look at the complete collection HERE!
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NEW! Tween Gaming
Tweens ages 9 - 12 are invited to come chill out with old friends and new to play video or board games on Wednesday, January 29, 4:30 - 5:30 pm.
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Full STEAM Ahead Headed Your Way!
Our popular Full STEAM Ahead program returns on Thursday, January 30, 4:30 - 5:30 pm. This first session is Math in Action!, which includes games and challenges that are so fun the kids won't realize they are learning math concepts in the process!
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Gnomes and Ungnomes: Poems of Hidden Creatures
@Huguenot Children's Library
Join us on Saturday, February 1, 10:30 am at Huguenot Children's Library to celebrate mythical, magical creatures like gnomes, mermaids, centaurs, and dragons with poet Karen Gardner. We’ll explore these special creatures through words and art. Drop in.
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Homework Help is Back!
Our Monroe University student tutors are ready to help elementary students with school assignments and reading practice. Free. Drop in. First come, first served. Click here for the Winter 2025 schedule.
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Computer Classes
Intro to Library Apps
Join us on Saturday, January 25, 10:00 -11:30 am to learn about some of the most popular apps that allow you to download books and stream movies for FREE. All you need is your New Rochelle Public Library card.
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Introducción to Microsoft Word and Google Docs
Join us on Monday, January 27, 5:00 pm to learn how to create a simple document, edit and format text, correct spelling, adjust margins, save, print open files in Microsoft & Google Docs.
Introduction to Email
Join us on Saturday, February 1, 10:00 am to learn how to manage emails: search, label, delete and other helpful tools.
Computer Class: Introducción al Uso de Microsoft Word & Google Docs
Aprenda a crear un documento simple, editar y darformato al texto, corregir la ortografía, ajustar losmárgenes, guardar, imprimir y abrir archivos enMicrosoft y Google Docs. Gratis.
Se requiere registro. Regístrese en línea o llame al 914-813-3737, o pase por el mostradoe de referencia en el segundo piso.
| Click here to see all upcoming computer classes. Register in advance to secure a spot. (Note: If class is full, you may still come to the library to see if any spots are open the day of the program due to last minute cancellations. ) | |
FREE Tech Help
Having trouble using your smartphone or other device? Free tech help is available at New Rochelle Public Library. Our Digital Navigators are trained guides that can assist you with a variety of tech needs. Make an appointment with a Digital Navigator at NRPL by clicking below.
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Friday, February 7, 7:00 pm
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Delayed Opening on February 5
The Main Library and the Huguenot Children's Library will open at 12:00 pm on Wednesday, February 5 to accommodated staff training.
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Calling All Art Teachers, Collage Artists and Vision Board Enthusiasts
We have a supply of old magazines available behind the second floor reference desk, just ask. Available while supplies last.
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The Year of The Snake
The Year of the Snake starts on Wednesday, January 29. Why not celebrate by reading one of these novels set in China?
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Brown Bag Book Club: The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store
Join us on Tuesday, February 11, 12:00 pm for a librarian-led discussion about The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride. A supply of the book is now available to borrow from the first floor hold shelf. Drop in. All welcome.
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Please note: In consideration of other students in our classes, PLEASE
- Refrain from wearing perfumes, or other strong scents to class.
- Arrive on time. Late arrivals are disruptive to a class in session.
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Job Search Coach
Monday, January 27, 5:00 - 7:30 pm
On the first Monday of each month, our Job Search Coach will lead a workshop on a specific job search- related topic. The next workshop is Monday, February 3. Learn more about and register for workshops here.
Chair Yoga:
Monday, January 27, 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Wednesday, January 29, 1:00 - 2:00 pm
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Qi Gong - Gentle Movements for Healing
Tuesday, January 28, 10:00 am
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Open Sewing for Experienced Sewists
Wednesday, January 29, 10:30 - 12:30 pm
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What's Happening in the Teen Room? | |
Celebrate the Lunar New Year
Come make a Lunar New Year's Lotus Lantern on Wednesday, January 29, 3:00 pm in the Teen Room
Monthly Mindfulness Mondays
Join us on the first Monday of the month for an exercise in visualization, a calm activity, and a short meditation session. Snacks and drinks available for attendees. Our next session is Monday, February 3, 4:00 - 5:00 pm
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Was it Love at First Chapter?
Get Ready for Library Lover's Month: Go On A Blind Date with a Book! Looking for a good book to read? Not sure which one to choose? Take a chance and let us fix you up! Let us know if it was a good match and you are in love, you just want to be friends, or there was zero chemistry.
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Math Tutoring
For teens in grades 6 - 12. Drop by and receive one-on-one assistance in math from a fellow teen.
Tutoring available through Saturday, March 29, 2025. Click here for details.
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Check out our Teen calendar for a full listing of all Teen events that take place daily in the Teen Room. | |
Celebrating Local Artists
The Celebrating Local Artists exhibit is now on display in the Lumen Winter Gallery through January 31. Stop by during regular library hours to explore this beautiful collaborative exhibit featuring the unique works of 12 talented local artists from Westchester. Many of these artists are also educators, and their close bonds make this showcase feel like a family gathering of creativity and inspiration.
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Sharing Shelf Teen Boutique
The Sharing Shelf will be hosting a Teen Boutique at New Rochelle HS. Teen Boutique's are free shopping boutiques held in partnership with area schools, nonprofits and community organizations for teens living in poverty or low-income homes. The goal of Teen Boutique is two-fold: to provide a unique, empowering experience to build confidence and self-esteem while providing teens with needed clothing, shoes, accessories, and basic material necessities in a respectful, accessible manner.
Please consider donating NEW hoodies, jeans, joggers, sweatpants, leggings, graphic tees, underwear, or full sized toiletries for the Teen Boutique that will serve New Rochelle teens. There is a collection box in the lobby of the Main Library. Drop off through January 27. For more information, contact Niki Grados, Teen Boutique Program Director.
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NRPL Calendar
For a full listing of all NRPL events, visit our online calendar.
Let's Get Social
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to be among the first to know about upcoming programs, events, library services and more. And be sure to take photos at library events and tag us @nrpubliclibrary
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1 Library Plaza
New Rochelle, NY 10801
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