It is tough to look forward and dream of new possibilities for 2022 while the latest Covid variant swirls around us shutting things down. Though the possibilities for the immediate future may seem limited, the simple hacks below will help to free up your thinking and move forward with optimism.

1/ Think Decade, Not Year
Start by considering the Long View. 
Think back to any period of your life – I use the arbitrary period of a decade – and recall all of the changes, growth, activities, successes, and ups and downs of that period. Wow, lots there eh?

So, if we take the Long View right now – and creatively imagine what might be possible for this decade of our lives… the pressure is instantly taken off 2022 as having to be our great “turnaround” year, or the great “everything”. Instead, 2022 simply becomes a steppingstone and important part of the decade we are currently living.

We routinely take the Long View in business - we don’t start each year thinking only of our to do list and short-term dreams. We create a long-range vision – and then our planning for any given year lies within a bigger broader vision giving us perspective. One, or two, tough years becomes part of the journey. Let’s apply that in our personal lives as well.

When we adopt a more creative and expansive mindset in our personal lives, one that takes us out of the reactivity of the “now”, we skyrocket perspective, and open ourselves up to the possibilities.

Think decade, not year.
2/ Think Systems, Not Goals
Most of us fall into the trap of choosing goal setting as the most effective route to achievement. Though goals do provide a useful way to give focus and direction to our planning, they are based on the concept that the end point is the valuable part of any given task. Yet the real value in life is in the living - the journey – not the end point. 

In James Clear’s seminal book, Atomic Habits, he stats that goals are a limiter – and instead, we should adopt a “systems” mentality. Systems are sustainable, open possibilities and ensure consistent growth. A system is the process, is the journey of life - and every day you live in that system you learn, grow, and move forward bit by bit. If something is systemic, it is it holistic and integrated. As each part of our business or life affects other parts, the systems you we set up become more impactful or influential than any one stand alone “goal”. Systems are sustainable, open possibilities, and ensure consistent growth. Clear’s famous quote: “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems”. 

I work with a lot of competitive singing groups. Let’s say a group has a goal to win a Gold Medal at competition. What happens after that goal is achieved? What happens if it isn’t achieved? In the first instance, after the initial high, there is often a drop in motivation, and focus. In the 2nd instance, not achieving a goal can seriously erode confidence and culture. On the other hand, focusing energy and hard work on building a strong system of excellence is sustainable and endure no matter what the “result”.  Focus on the system on a daily basis, and feel the satisfaction and liberation of living the system vs. living for the one-time goal.

Think systems, not goals.
3/ Think Meaning, Not Priority
Here’s a subtle thinking hack that can radically change results. Rather than running your life by a list of prioritized strategies or activities, start first by thinking about the themes that are most meaningful for you to cultivate in your life. Then, connect and prioritize your systems to those meaningful themes.

In essence, we are drawing the lens out and connecting our actions with our “why”. As Simon Sinek said in his viral Ted talk, always “Start with Why”. When thinking about 2022 – my “Why” themes are: fun, abundance, and impact. Those themes can easily inform the systems I will set up.  

Think meaning, not priority.
4/ Think Small Steps, Not Grand Completions
I am stunned by how often we get stuck in an all or nothing mindset. If we think from a systems perspective with an integrated, holistic approach – every small step we take will nourish the system. By itself a step might feel minor, but those small steps added together become exponential.

Don’t get addicted to the “grand completion” or the big “aha” moment – it’s all the small steps along the way that lead to that finish. It’s the power of incremental improvement. Go for “imperfect action”, not “perfect inaction”. Celebrate each and every one of those steps. The gold is in each step of the journey.

Think small steps, not grand completions.
5/ Think Simplicity, Not Complexity
Hold the following power question in mind as you go about your life. “How can I simplify this?”  My coaching mentor laughingly says “Don’t hurt yourself Jan”! as she sees me over-planning yet another workshop. In other words, how could I deliver the messages I want to with less complexity?

Complexity is not better. More is not better. Somehow, we have been sucked into believing that more activity/complexity/busyness connects to more value. Complexity is not success, and busyness is not our purpose. Simplicity is a concept that will help you present in the moment and will give your life more joy, ease, and connection.

Think simplicity, not complexity.
photo credit: Zulmaury Saavedra on Unsplash