Feature Article

Take the Time
By Jim Toes

In 2018, more than 160 firms sponsored at least one (1) STA Affiliate conference. While each firm had their own reason for doing so, all shared the commonality of taking the time to understand the value sponsorship could bring to their firm. As these firms plan their 2019 budgets, we hope they and others will once again take the time to learn about the value of becoming an STA sponsor at the Affiliate and/or national level.

This past year, STA national was privileged to have more than eighty (80) firms view us as a valuable educational resource for understanding the most relevant issues in Washington DC, and as a unique channel to increase their firm's brand awareness. Today, we are pleased to announce STA's 2019 Sponsorship Prospectus and we hope firms will take the time to learn about it and then decide if connecting to the STA in the coming year is a good business decision.

As firms review this year's sponsorship opportunities, please note that many of them, like representation on select STA Advisory Committees, are for the full 2019 calendar year, so early commitment maximizes visibility and benefits.

On behalf of the STA Board of Governors and the 245 individuals serving on STA Affiliate Boards we thank you for your support and look forward to earning it again in 2019.

STA 2019 Sponsorship Prospectus

STA Lighthouse
brought to you by JonesTrading

The Investor: Our Industry's True North

This is a simple story, but it none the less describes a scenario that plays out on Wall Street over and over, again. Wall Street strives when conditions for investors improve however, when we as individuals or firms are unable to see how the benefit to the investor translates to a benefit for ourselves, then our initial reaction is to protect the status quo. Read more here.

Visit Lighthouse
STA Open Call
 brought to you by Virtu

Securities Lending: A $10 Billion Revenue Line

According to a recent Pensions & Investments  article ,
securities lending activity generated $8.3 billion in revenues
for the first three quarters of 2018, on track to be more than
$10 billion for the full calendar year.

Hanweck's Robert Levy will discuss overall regulatory trends impacting the demand for securities lending, and what firms
are discovering as they manage data used for determining
costs and other efficiencies.

Tuesday, December 4
4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET

Register here

STA Women in Finance
brought to you by Thomson Reuters

Sweeter Bonuses for Women This Year as Wall Street Confronts Gap
by Sonali Basak, Bloomberg
Wall Street leaders are facing heavier pressure this year to make their workplaces more attractive to women with better pay and faster promotions. That’s going to be top of mind as managers set bonuses in coming weeks. Read more here

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Upcoming Affiliate Events
 brought to you by Citadel Securities

STAC 93rd Annual Mid-Winter Meeting:
Accelerating Trading Forward

January 16-18, 2019
Chicago Hilton

Featuring Expert Panels

Market Data
Cannabis Market
Electronic Trading
Fixed Income 101: The US Cash Treasury Market
Transformative Technologies
Cryptocurrencies Get Institutionalized

Engaging Speakers

Steve Quirk, EVP of Trading
TD Ameritrade

Dave Revsine, Sportscaster
Big Ten Network

Agenda here 

Register today!
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Media Inquiries
Mark Dowd
Forefront Communications Group