The use of “second-generation” rodenticides in New Hampshire has injured and killed thousands of wild animals, including this rescued snowy owl

Dear friend of wildlife,

The use of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) has injured and killed thousands of wild animals who become sick or die from consuming poisoned mice, rats, and other small rodents.

While recent changes to the law reduce the likelihood that a child or companion animal will ingest rodent poison, nothing protects the important predatory and scavenging birds and mammals from consuming dead or dying poisoned rodents and becoming ill themselves.

The wildlife victims of secondary rodenticide poisoning need your help before 1:30 pm on Tue., January 24 when the House Environment and Agriculture Committee meets in the Legislative Office Building Room 301-303 to hear House Bill 326 - Prohibiting the use of second generation anticoagulant rodenticides.

Do this now! “Sign in” to support House Bill 326

Whether or not you plan to attend the hearing, “sign in” to support this bill. It takes only a minute!

  • Go to the House of Representatives - Online Testimony Submission page.
  • Personal Information — Enter your name, town, and email address.
  • Select Date of Hearing — Choose January 24, 2023
  • Select Bill
  • Committee is House Environment and Agriculture
  • Bill is 1:30 pm - HB 326
  • For “I am,” choose “A Member of the Public”
  • For “I’m Representing,” choose “Myself”
  • Indicate Your Position on the Bill — Choose “I support this Bill.”
  • Type Comments or Upload Remote Testimony (Optional) — You can upload a PDF file with written comments or type your comments in the box.
  • Final Review — Check your work and click Submit.

Important: Does one of your representatives serve on the committee?

If one of your representatives (Who’s My Legislator?) serves on the House Environment and Agriculture Committeereach out personally with a phone call. Let your representative know that you are a constituent, and ask him or her to support HB 326. Representatives expect phone calls — it’s part of the job — so don’t be hesitant to call.

Join us for the hearing if you can!

When citizens turn out for a bill hearing in large numbers, it shows lawmakers that the issue is important to people. If you wish to testify (speak to the committee), you must be there in person. Even if you won't speak, please sign the sheet in SUPPORT, so they have a count of our presence.

Alternatively, you can send email to the committee

When you “sign in” to support the bill, you have the choice to type or upload your comments. As an alternative, you can send comments by email to the House Environment and Agriculture Committee at [email protected]. One or two sentences in your own words is sufficient.

Sample email to committee:

To: [email protected]

Subject: Support for HB 326

Dear Chairman Aron and Members of the Committee,

I am writing to let you know how much I support House Bill 326 to prohibit the use of second generation anticoagulant rodenticides.

I support this bill because...

Thank you for your consideration.

Your Name

Your Town, NH

Background for House Bill 326

New Hampshire wildlife rehabilitators have seen a dramatic increase in sick owls and other predators. Hemorrhaging and seizures are just two of the painful ways they die.

Increased deaths among important and needed predatory and scavenging birds and mammals are due in part to second-generationanticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs).

These poisons were developed in the 1970s when rodents became resistant to the older, first-generationpoisons. Second-generation poisons kill faster and remain in animal tissues longer, posing a greater risk to owls, bald eagles, foxes, and other nontarget species who consume the poisoned rodents.

Bald eagles and other birds of prey who provide “natural pest control” by eating mice and rats are instead becoming sick and dying because their food is being poisoned.

While second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides are no longer sold in consumer-size quantities, these potent poisons can still be purchased and are also used by licensed pest control professionals.

And pest control companies deploy rodent poison everywhere, concealed in nondescript black boxes and fake rocks regularly re-filled to continue poisoning wildlife.

Keep an eye out and you’ll notice these poison bait stations everywhere — outside grocery stores, restaurants, office buildings, and housing complexes

Pest control companies that supply poison bait stations make money by not solving a rodent problem. Attracted by the bait, rodents keep coming, and the pest control company’s customers keep paying.

As a former pest control professional told

“As a commercial salesman, the biggest commission comes from rodenticide subscriptions... [That’s why they] don’t care what their product does to the environment.”

If passed into law, House Bill 326 would prohibit the use of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides, except in certain cases. Their use would still be allowed for certain agriculture activities and to protect public health when no adequate alternative exists.

Mice, rats, and other target rodents also suffer

As friends of all wildlife, we are concerned not only about the owls, foxes, and other animals who are unintentionally harmed by rodenticide, but also about the mice and rats who are intentionally made to suffer.

Poisons are not a “better mouse trap.” Death by anticoagulant rodenticide is a particularly inhumane way for any animal to die. These poisons prevent blood clotting, causing death by blood loss or organ failure due to internal bleeding. Rodenticide is formulated to work slowly, which means that animals can suffer for days before dying.

We and our friends at the NH Animal Rights League advocate for compassionate and responsible approaches for dealing with mice, including exclusion and removing attractants.

Not a perfect solution

While House Bill 326 does not call for banning all anticoagulant rodenticides, it would eliminate the ones causing the most harm to non-target animals.

The bill is also an opportunity to discuss how these poisons work, and in doing so show that death by anticoagulant rodenticide is a particularly inhumane way for any animal to die.

Check out this report which explains in detail the suffering and discusses better methods for dealing with rodents: The Rodent Birth Control Landscape by Holly Elmore of Rethink Priorities.

Thank you for taking action and being a voice for wildlife!

Voices of Wildlife in NH is an all-volunteer, non-profit advocacy organization incorporated under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Contributions or gifts to VOW are not tax deductible. Your donation may be used for lobbying to pass laws to protect animals, as well as for political purposes, such as supporting or opposing candidates.

Make a donation on our web site or mail your donation to:

Voices of Wildlife in NH

P.O Box 5862

Manchester, NH 03102

[email protected]

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