- Start Younger
- Earbud Risks
- 60/60 Rule
- Pediatricians
- High Schools
- Music Stores
Industry leaders provide Real Value by reputably presenting the right educational messages, to the right target audiences, at the right time. With respect to Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL), from a lifespan perspective, what demographic(s) should be targeted? Retirement ages of 60’s to 70’s, or working stages of 40’s to 50’s? Better yet, feel the impetus to start early, with teenagers more focused on parties than prevention. While various types of ear buds and headphones visibly display cool factors, too many wearing them are oblivious of noisy risk factors.
Did You Know?...
- On a global basis, 1.1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss due to their misuse of personal audio devices, such as smart phones. 1
- Earbuds worn directly in ear canals produce 7-9 decibels higher sound and increase the risk of permanent damage in as few as 8 minutes of listening. 2
In your practice and community, should more experience safer hearing and keep the 60/60 Rule top of mind? 3
To minimize hearing loss damage,
it advised that listening to earbuds should be…
for no more than 60 minutes per day,
at no more than 60% of maximum volume.
To promote pertinent information about hearing conservation, this eye-catching design will serve you well:
With larger format canvas artwork getting attention, candid conversations are sparked. At opportune moments, sharing is caring, with matching handouts driving messages home to facilitate retention and advocacy in patients’ circles of influence. Your sound advice should be contagious, on purpose.
1 Etienne Krug, et al: Hearing loss due to recreational exposure to loud sounds, A review. World Health Organization 2005
2 Northwestern University, iPod’s Popular Earbuds: Hip Or Harmful? Science Daily 2005
3 Portnuff, et al: Teenage Use of Portable Listening Devices: A Hazard to Hearing? Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 2011.
What other logical pathways and social currency rank highly in encouraging Safer Soundscapes, Sustainable Hearing™ with teenagers?
Even if your practice does not actively treat children or teenagers, make healthy connections with their primary care doctors. Impressionable kids deserve to benefit from your subject matter expertise and are well positioned to influence their parents and grandparents.
To develop pediatric contact lists, Start with Why and:
- Ask your patients who takes care of their kids or grandkids
- Visit nearby medical buildings to examine reception area signage directories
- Explore online resources such as healthgrades.
High Schools
Just as seniors reside in senior living communities, many teenagers occupying high schools have musical motivations.
“Making the music argument with music education statistics is crucial in music education advocacy. Schools with music programs have an estimated 90.2% graduation rate and 93.9% attendance rate compared to schools without music education, which average 72.9% graduation and 84.9% attendance. Schools that have music programs have an attendance rate of 93.3% compared to 84.9% in schools without music programs.” 4
It is instrumental to note the steady beat of:
- Proud parents and grandparents eager to keenly hear musical performances
- Marching bands or orchestras constantly challenged to raise funds for equipment and trips
- Speech pathologists positioned to drum up interest in your expertise
In harmony with these key stakeholders, be compelled to compose a supportive plan that strikes a chord with their goals. For example, establish a campaign whereby donations are made to musical causes for each associated individual seeing you for a comprehensive hearing evaluation. While initial overtures may be NIHL-focused, the rhythm of your alliance will gain tempo.
4 https://www.childrensmusicworkshop.com/advocacy/factsandstatistics/
Music Stores
Albeit in different ways, these retail outlets are in the “sound business” …
From instruments to lessons and group activities, empowering rising stars to pursue artistic dreams is their passion. With many locally owned stores to select from, identify community-minded decision makers eager to discuss the sensible role they should play in raising awareness about NIHL. Just as it takes a long time to make an old friend, there is great value in plugging into relationships they have orchestrated over many years. Imagine the possibilities of connecting with their network of teachers and students in ways destined to safely bring music to the ears of all involved.
That’s the score, which sounds great.
Bruce Essman
High Definition Impressions (HDI)
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