flying doveUnityCenter for Spiritual Growth

Flossie Wisdom: Florence Scovel Shinn

Sunday, Aug. 24, 2014   


   At Unity Center for Spiritual Growth, we celebrate ~

  One loving, empowering, supportive God ~ 

  Human diversity in all its delightful forms ~ 

  An open atmosphere of positive thinking ~ 

  And the expansion and renewal of our spiritual nature. 

       You are always welcome at Unity Athens.   
 At Unity, 2014 is a year of realizing the higher Self -- that ever-unfolding, spiritually-expanding, connected-to-Source part of you. It's that place of divine intuition, of sacred knowing, of perpetual, streaming God-stuff. We hope you'll feel the call, the nudge, the urge in 2014 to "Come Home" to the realization of your "higher Self," that experience of serenity, confidence, balance, and infinite love. How does one "come home?" By shifting from the busy-ness of the "outer" and relaxing into the heart-enhanced place of "inner."  One of the most frequent comments we hear and that other Unity spiritual centers hear from people is that when they first visit, or continue at Unity, they feel as if they have "come home." We hope you'll join Unity Worldwide and Unity Athens in the powerful inner alignment of Coming Home. 

We'd love to see you at our 11:00 Sunday celebrations and/or at our classes, circles, workshops, and events.  

Our Spiritual Faculty for August is Will: the ability to choose, decide, command, lead, determine.  The disciple is Matthew. He represents the decision-making part of the brain. The corresponding color is silver and the location is the center of the brain. Consider affirming: "I choose my good based on spiritual understanding."  You can read more about Will here.

We will look at ways to expand this faculty, or power, in our lives. And remember, we can tap into, create from, and explore the Field of Infinite Possibilities through creative, imaginative thought, spiritual awareness and consciousness.  We are wishing you summer days filled with bliss, vibrant health, lavish abundance, and peaceful moments to become still and to know beyond all knowing that Mother-Father God is always with you and blessing you beyond your wildest dreams. 

Sun., Aug. 24 ~ New Thought Pioneer, Florence Scovel Shinn
This month we're exploring some of the "Thinkers" of the New Thought movement including Ernest Holmes, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Florence Scovel Shinn, Wallace Wattles, and more, sharing a bit about these thinkers while learning from some of their most powerful teachings.

11:00 Sunday August 24: "New Thought Pioneer Florence Scovel Shinn." 
Who was this author and artist and why have so many New Thought thinkers and teachers been influenced by her work? What can we learn from her classic works including The Game of Life and How to Play It, Your Word is Your Wand, and The Secret Door to Success
   Louise Hay said this about her: "Although Ms. Shinn died in 1940, I have long felt a kinship with her. I first came across her work in 1972 as I was beginning my own exploration of the metaphysical world, and I have been enamored of her ever since. I resonated with her no-nonsense way of writing -- her words spoke to me, and I became a devoted follower. I often quoted her affirmations and shared them with my own students."
   From "Flossie" (Ms. Shinn): "Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement."
     We'd love to have your bright, shining Presence with us this Sunday as we look at this New Thought pioneer, her beliefs, her work, and her affirmations. All attending will get a sheet of some of her powerful affirmations.


9:40 to 10:25 a.m. ~ Our Sunday Morning Quietude ~ we meditate and remember our alignment with Source. Read more details below. Note: Morning Quietude will not meet in August and will resume on September 7.
2:00 - 3:30  "A Course in Miracles" each Sunday. Further info below.
3:30 to 5:00  Deeksha "Oneness" Blessing Circle.  See details below 

And remember, the Unity Athens Talent Show is Saturday, August 23 at 7:00!  Details below.


June, July and August are Very Casual at Unity Athens.  Dress for comfort !  And wherever you are, whatever you are doing this Sunday, we are wishing you a continual stream of meaningful moments, interlaced with Joy, Love, and Well-being.


 "ON-GOINGS" -  Events & classes plus weekly, monthly gatherings & more!

     Sunday Messages and Music  (Messages by Rev. Bronte Colbert unless noted otherwise)

Sun. Aug.  3 ~  "New Thought Thinkers: You ~ Expanding Your Universe" Featuring Ernest Holmes 

Sun. Aug. 10 ~ "New Thought Thinkers: Pioneers" Featuring Emma Curtis Hopkins

Sun. Aug. 17 ~ Special Guest Speaker, Brenda Kemp returns! Music by Brenda & Janice Anderson 

Sun. Aug. 24 ~"New Thought Thinkers: Speaking the Word"  Featuring Florence Scovel Shinn.

Sun. Aug. 31 ~ "New Thought Thinkers: Knowing the Truth" Featuring Wallace Wattles and others; Music by Leanne Allen


"MORNING QUIETUDE"  Sundays, 9:40 to 10:25 AM.  
Morning Quietude meets in the Lobby area (through the double glass doors in the middle of the building). Led by Rev. Bronte, this is a time for quiet contemplation, soft music, and centering. Whether you join us as a pre-service preparation time, a stand-alone "church service," or as a preface to your other Sunday plans, we welcome all.  If you arrive after 9:40, that's fine, just please turn off phone, etc., and quietly take your place within the circle. Donations are appreciated.  Reiki practitioners are available to freely give healing touch on some Sundays.  NOTE: Morning Quietude will not meet during August. It will resume Sept. 7
Saturday Evening, Aug. 23, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. - Talent Show at Unity Athens.
We're excited about this year's Show! Many talented spirits have signed up to present.
Whether you like to share a talent of yours or you are part of the appreciative audience, these are always fun events. This is a Unity Athens "Great Expectations" program. Show participants get in free and the cost for audience members is $8 for adults, $4 for children, with all proceeds going to the Unity Athens Expansion Fund. Talents that have been shared in the past included singing, dancing, poetry reading, instrumental pieces, a photography presentation, art displays, humor, and more. Come on out for a fun and entertaining evening!

 "Come Home to Unity Books in 2014" 
BOOK STUDY GROUP: Radical Forgiveness
Facilitated by Rev. Susan LaRue, this group 
gathers on the first and third Sunday 
of each month.  This inspiring, informative, interactive class will begin in August, meeting on Sept. 7 & 21 from 12:30 to 1:45 in the Lobby area.
 Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping is a deep read into forgiveness, including techniques to forgive "once and for all."

About Rev. Susan LaRue: She has 20+ years background in Unity teachings, is S.E.E. certified, and was the Youth Education Director of Unity Spiritual Life Center in Oklahoma City, where she also taught an adult class. She's been a Board member at the Brownsville, Texas, Unity Church and served as a guest speaker. Books will be available in our Sunday bookstore for a limited time.  Watch for other classes and book study groups in the near future.

EVERY SUNDAY,  2:00 pm - 3:30 pm - Meets in the main room unless otherwise indicated.

 A COURSE IN MIRACLES. Taught by the highly experienced and insightful facilitator, Drew Smith, this popular class dives deeply into A Course, while making the text even more understandable and relevant to daily life. Open to all.  If you don't own the book, there's always someone willing to share. Because of the ongoing nature of this class, feel free to stop in as you can, or to participate every Sunday.  Donations are accepted and appreciated. ACIM will meet in the Lobby area this Sunday at 2:00.


CommUnity Movie usually meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month. We will be taking a bit of a break during summer, with our popular movie & DVD showings resuming monthly, starting Sept 14.  Join us then around the extra-big screen TV for a casual atmosphere of spiritual films and DVDs and interesting discussions for those that chose to stay for a bit after. Feel free to bring your own snacks and beverages. CommUnity Movie Cost is $5.


YES!  Sunday, August 24 at 3:30


Now you can experience the "Oneness Blessing" at Unity Athens! Blessing Givers from Athens & Atlanta invite you to a Oneness Blessing Circle on Sunday, August 24 from 3:30 to about 5:00.  This is given on a "Love offering" basis with donations going toward the Unity Athens Expansion Fund. 

     Also known as Deeksha, the Oneness Blessing is "the transfer of intelligent sacred energy, Divine Grace, which causes the heart to flower, heals relationships, quiets the constant chatter of the mind, opens the door to higher states of awareness, and initiates a process of permanent awakening into Oneness where there is no longer a sense of separation and personal suffering. What remains is causeless love, joy and peace in the present moment." First-time blessing receivers report a powerful sense of being graced with Spirit's presence; those who have received the blessing before often report ever-deepening levels of awareness.

      At a Oneness Blessing Circle, you will be able to learn more about this blessing, which is growing in global awareness, and at the circle this sacred energy is transferred through the Blessing Givers to the recipients. Many find the experience to be meditative, peaceful, and uplifting. The originators of the Deeksha energy, Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma, tell us that awakening and enlightenment are the result of a neurobiological shift in the brain, and Deeksha affects the physical brain, facilitating these neurobiological changes. Each individual's experience is unique, depending on what is most needed at the time. For further details, visit this website for more information.  

          We hope you will consider joining us and share in this gentle, uplifting, wonderful energy.

Attend a "New Member" class to become a member of Unity Athens.

To achieve membership, there are several requirements: attendance at a New Member class, taught by Rev. Bronte, and all new members are asked to view the DVD, "What is New Thought?," which explores the history and philosophy of the New Thought movement, including Unity. We will have showings of this important documentary around the time of New Member classes, or you can purchase it online to watch. If you are transferring an active membership from another Unity church, it may be possible to waive one or both requirements. It is also highly recommended that you attend some of Rev. Susan La Rue's book study groups or Rev. Bronte's book groups to gain a deeper insight into Unity principles and teachings. There is no fee to take the New Member class or to become a member. These classes are open to all and are a good way to lean more about the Unity movement and Unity Athens. Check with Bronte for dates & schedules for classes, the movie showing, and the next opportunity to join Unity Athens. Consider making a deeper connection and becoming a member of our Unity Athens Family.     New Member classes in August

August 31st -- New Member class at 12:45 until about 2:15 in the Lobby Area

Other showings of the film and New Member classes are being scheduled to be held soon.


Wow !  An anonymous donor has offered to match ALL monetary gifts to our Expansion Fund for one year, in an amount up to $5,000.  We "see" us in a perfect full-time home for Unity Athens SOON !   Donations are accepted and appreciated at our donation page.


Stay turned for upcoming classes, music, events, Sunday happenings, and social gatherings.

From Christy Gray:  The Blessing Way Class

Meaningful rituals and ceremonies that celebrate & honor passages of life from birth to grave, season to season, and day to day. A Three Day Weekend Class: Fri. Sept 5, from 7 to 9; Saturday is 9 to 3 and Sun. Sept 7 is 1 to 4

Some of the sacred rituals that will be shared are:

The Calling of Directions, Smudging, Medicine and Bundle Making, Praying, Water and Fire Rituals, Divining, Altar Building, The Blessing Way ceremony, Speaking Stick, Money Pouring, Sacred Give-Away, Singing and Chanting, Temple Walking and Sacred Witnessing. This class is based on All Paths, One Spirit and would be helpful to any spiritual or religious path.The class is open to men and women. Reach Christy at Christy Gray <>;


Saturday, Aug. 23 at 7:00 p.m.,  TALENT SHOW.  See details above!


ONENESS BLESSING !  We will be hosting another Deeksha Blessing at Unity Athens on Sunday, Aug. 24, at 3:30 with Blessing Givers from Atlanta & Athens. Love Offering basis.


Unity World Day of Prayer ~ Thursday, Sept. 11, 2014  more details soon here.

 "An Evening with Wayne Dyer"at Unity North Atlanta (Marietta), Sept. 23 at 8.00.  Details and ticket info here.

Another fabulous KANUGA retreat has been planned by UMMAS at Kanuga Center near Hendersonville, NC, from September 23 to 26. "The Game of Life: How to Connect the Dots" features keynotes by Barry Dennis and Rev. Jim Lee of Unity Renaissance. Enjoy the beautiful mountaintop and lakeside serenity of this gorgeous location and the uplifting Unity-based experience of keynotes, classes, and being around like-minded, positive people. Open to all and registration has begun!  Go to the UMMAS Retreat Event page here for more details and to register. Flyers are also available on Sundays. 

      Your opportunity to give back...
   Unity Athens is so grateful for the loving support and generosity that is extended to us. You bless us with your presence, your prayers, your love, your positive thoughts, and your financial support.  Please remember to support the people, places, and organizations in your life where you are spiritually nourished. 

Click here to CONTRIBUTE to Unity Athens. Thank you!

Other Happenings -- So much good stuff going on !
It's not too late to get in on the 21-Day Meditation Experience with Oprah and Deepak which started August 11 ! It's called "Expanding Your Happiness." Many Unity Athens folks have participated in the other 21-Day meditations with very positive results.  You can register and participate for free !
Signup through email or Facebook at the Chopra meditation center.

Unity Athens Annual Unexpected Income Program will be happening this fall!  Stay tuned for exact dates and sign-up information.
Have you heard what folks are saying about Unity Athens? 
"I could feel the love the minute I walked in the door." ~ S.   First-time guest, May 11, 2014.
"I always get inspiration from the Sunday messages."   -- E.B. 
"Rev. Bronte, the joy and the exuberance that you bring to your congregation is so wonderful and uplifting."   -- Angelina (of Armand and Angelina)
"No matter how good I feel, or what I may be going through in my life, I always feel better when I come here -- always!"  - -  Danny C.
"Last Sunday's message resonated so deeply with me. Plus, I felt I was given specific tools to help me with things I'm experiencing in my life." C.S.
"Unity Athens is all the things I've liked about other churches and spiritual centers, but all in one place!"-- S.F.

"I appreciate that folks here see the good in each other and are so welcoming."

"This church satisfies my soul!  Always uplifting.  Thank you."
"While we were driving in the car, my four-year-old suddenly belted out a chorus of  'You are walking in the Light of God,  you are walking in the Light of God.'  (The song we sing to our Sunday School children each week) Thank you for the wonderfully planted seed, Unity Athens!" -- L.W.
"Today (Mother's Day, 2013) was such an absolutely fabulous celebration. Coming here is not like 'going to church,' but rather, always like going to a celebration." - Barbara B.
 "I love the 'Affirmation for the Month' in our bulletin.  I'm going to get a frame so I can put it on my desk where I can see it every day."  -- E.B.
"Thank you for holding this sacred space here in Athens -- what you are doing here in wonderful."  -- Visitor from Minnesota. 

Other Area Events  & Services

Have you "liked" our new Facebook page yet?  Check it out -- there's so much to see! 

Check it out. Leave a post. Spread the word ! 


 Rev. Karen Dancing-Doe Cosgrove offers Angel Readings, energy work, workshops, ceremonies, and retreats.Contact her at     


Energy worker Laurie Hart ~ offers a variety of classes and workshop. . Contact Laurie for details about this and other classes.


Healing Arts Centre offers yoga, classes, an herb shop, acupuncture, practitioners, and so much more. Healing Arts Centre Link


Oprah & Deepak's 21-Day Meditation Experience™ 

"Are you ready for a big boost of joy? Join Oprah & Deepak to tap into the inner wellspring of happiness that awaits you. In this perfect summertime journey, Oprah & Deepak help you spark the bliss, profound peace, and playful exhilaration that is within you. Join them on August 11, in the all-new Oprah & Deepak 21-Day Meditation Experience, Expanding Your Happiness."  More info here on how to sign up

 SOCIAL EVENTS!  Call a Unity friend and go out for some music, fun, or author events!  


Contact Christy Gray for info on MotherPeace Tarot Readings, spiritually-oriented travel, and a myriad of classes.  You can reach Christy at 


Join the group "THE TRIBE" and /or "Athens Community Spirit" on Facebook to stay in touch with many of the wonderful events and spirit-minded folks around town including healing arts, readings, workshops, metaphysics, artsy things, and more. 

Have you seen this new App from Silent Unity?   It's awesome and available from the iPhones App store and through this link. Be sure you check out the 3-minute, wonderful meditation.

Remember to visit and Silent Unity on Facebook this month !
Links, prayers, and other blessings -- 

See the multitude of links and resources available at our own Facebook Page !  So much to see !

Also at UNITY.ORG    New FREE downloads or printed copies of materials from Unity!   
Order your free, "The Gift of Prayer" booklet at  It's wonderful!  Find it here 
To order on line, follow the link, or request your free copy at 800-669-0282


Read Daily Word

Pray with Silent Unity

Silent Unity will bless you with prayer.

  Listen to the variety at Unity FM Radio

Find Unity Athens on the web... Our website is  at
 Connect with Unity Athens on Facebook!
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You can also easily follow it through the main page of our website -


 Prayer for Protection  by James Dillet Freeman

The light of God surrounds us;
The love of God enfolds us;
The power of God protects us;

The presence of God watches over us; 

Wherever we are, God is!

"Nothing stands between us and our highest ideals and every desire of our hearts, but doubt and fear. When we can 'wish without worrying,' every desire will be instantly fulfilled. Fear must be erased from consciousness. It is our only enemy -- fear of lack, fear of failure, fear of sickness, fear of loss and a fear of insecurity on some plane. Jesus Christ said: 'Why are ye fearful, oh ye of little faith? (Matt. 8:26) So, we can see we must substitute faith for fear, for fear is only inverted faith; it is faith in evil instead of good." ~ Florence Scovel Shinn


"'All things whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.' You must act as if you had already received." ~~ Florence Scovel Shinn 

This eNewsletter is brought to you with Love from --

 Your  Family of Friends

at Unity Center for Spiritual Growth  

Meeting Sundays at The Family Counseling Service Building

1435 Oglethorpe Avenue, Athens 30606  email address --

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