Three Steps to Convince Your Boss
to Send You to PNSQC 2018
You’ve heard the buzz about PNSQC 2018: Top-notch speakers, powerful technical program, and three days in iconic Portland, Oregon. Of course, you want to go! But will your boss give you the green light to attend? More importantly, will the boss let you put the bill on the company tab? We are here to help you get to Yes! Following are tried and true steps for convincing your boss to cover your attendance.

Just do the three-step!
  • First, you want to convince your boss the program is first-rate designed to enhance your professional status.
  • Second, you want to be clear about the cost of attending.
  • And finally, you’ll want to be sure your boss knows that you will provide value to the company and others after the conference is over.
"I made it to PNSQC, Portland, Oregon!"

Register Now!
Super Early Bird and Group Discounts Abound

Secure your spot for PNSQC 2018. We offer our best prices at this time, including Super Early Bird discounts for both individuals and groups. Combine them to save hundreds of dollars and join us on the road to software quality.

Make plans now to further your software journey and join us at the conference this October!