-- Tam Valley News --
About your Parks, Recreation, Refuse & Sanitation Services
February 3, 2023
The Rain is Back!

Looks like we have a cozy, rainy weekend ahead. Good news after having some time for the huge rains we had at the beginning of the year to soak in. Waterfalls are rushing and reservoirs are filling!

The cast of this year's Murder Mystery is hard at work, rehearsing, working on sets and gathering costumes and props! Tickets go on sale soon so keep an eye out here for the link and save the date!

Be safe and enjoy a cozy weekend!
TCSD Board Meeting
February 8, 2023

Among the many items on the agenda, the Board will discuss/consider the following:

a) Mid-year budget report, b) approval to proceed with Proposition 218 process for solid waste service rates over the next five years, c) options for remodeling the Tam Community Center bathrooms, and d) design options for the TCSD fence replacement project.

How to Recycle at TCSD

We are pleased that we can collect things like batteries, unused medication and e-waste at the office. A few reminders so we can all stay safe:

  • Please enter through the new main office door at 305 Bell Lane. We are open from 8am to 4:30pm.
  • If you have e-waste, please make an appointment if you can.
  • You can drop off printer cartridges and CFL bulbs at the office.
  • Batteries can be disposed of in the bucket outside of the office door.
  • Medication - please make sure medication is in a sealed container. The original packaging is fine or place in a zip lock bag or other sealed container.

We had an unpleasant surprise in the mailbox recently. Someone put their unused medication in a paper bag and then shoved it in the mail slot. The bag was damaged in the process and when we opened the mailbox, medication spilled everywhere! This was unsafe in many ways, we had to make sure that no medication was left accessible, as Tam Valley kids walked by as well as stay safe while cleaning it up.
Please Stay Off the Grass

Have you noticed a portion of the grass field in Eastwood Park being fenced off? It’s part of our effort to allow the grass to rest and regrow during the winter.

Thank you for keeping out of the fenced area.
Please follow the new posted rules on the courts.
Now Accepting Applications for the Parks and Recreation Commission

We are pleased to announce that applications are being accepted for the newly formed Parks and Recreation Commission that replaces the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission. Want to help make life in Tam Valley even more fun? Consider joining this Commission.

Murder Mystery
March 3 & 4. 10 & 11
Tam Valley Community Center

Rehearsals are in full swing, props and sets are being made and tickets will go on sale soon. Mark your calendars and join us for this wonderful Tam Valley tradition!
These wonderful community events are made possible because of this community of volunteers!

If you want to sign up to volunteer for any of our events contact our events coordinator, Camille at events@tamcsd.org

Buying or Leasing a Pre-Owned Electric Vehicle? PG&E Electric Customers Can Apply for New Rebate of Up to $4,000 

More Than $78 Million Available Through the Pre-Owned EV Rebate Program to Make EV Ownership More Affordable for All Customers 
Pre-Owned Electric Vehicle (EV) Rebate Program, providing qualified residential customers up to $4,000 when purchasing or leasing a pre-owned EV. The program aims to distribute more than $78 million to promote the adoption of EVs and make EV ownership more affordable for all customers.
Current PG&E electric customers may qualify to receive a $1,000 or $4,000 rebate, based on household income, when purchasing or leasing an eligible pre-owned all-electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid EV. To take advantage of the offer, interested customers must successfully submit a rebate application within 180 days of the date of purchase or lease. 

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future events and happenings in our community!